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The Washington Presidency:

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Presentation on theme: "The Washington Presidency:"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Washington Presidency: 1789-1797
The First President The First Congress Hamilton’s Plan The First Political Parties

2 Washington’s Cabinet: 1789
Background: George Washington Cabinet Departments- Secretary of War: Henry Knox Secretary of Treasury: Alexander Hamilton State of State: Thomas Jefferson Attorney General: Edmund Randolph Postmaster General: Samuel Osgood Vice President: John Adams

3 Vice President John Adams

4 Secretary of War Henry Knox

5 Secretary of Treasury Alexander Hamilton

6 Secretary of State Thomas Jefferson

7 Washington’s Cabinet

8 Mount Vernon

9 First Congress Judiciary Act of 1789: 13 federal Court districts
3 circuit courts, 6 supreme court justices, John Jay James Madison: Speaker of the House Tariff Act of 1789: 5% duty on imports Bill of Rights

10 Hamilton’s Plan Report on Public Credit
Pay face value of all bonds (funding) $54m Pay all state debt (assumption) $20m Report on a National Bank Create the BUS (20% gov. owned) “necessary and proper clause” Report on Manufacturing High tariff: protect manufacturing & bring in revenue for internal improvements

11 Foreign Affairs French Revolution: GW neutral
Jay’s Treaty: Britain will remove forts, new trade treaty, Britain will pay for ships when America pays Tory debt. But they did not stop impressment, nor recognize American neutrality. Republicans mad.

12 The Federalists Hamilton & Adams
Trusted elite: classical republicanism Promote manufacturing & commerce Pro British Strong central government High tariff- internal improvement Bank of the United States (BUS) Army and navy

13 Jeffersonian Republicans
Jefferson & Madison Trusted the common man Agricultural economy: yeoman farmer Pro French: pro French Revolution State’s rights, local rule Low Tariff, low internal improvements Afraid of BUS No standing army

14 Washington’s Farewell
Whiskey Rebellion: Pennsylvania farmers refuses to pay new tax. GW send 15,000 troops to down mob. Farewell Address: Avoid political parties Avoid foreign entanglements


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