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Creating an IoT Partner Practice

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1 Creating an IoT Partner Practice
Partnering for IoT Stephen DiFranco March 10, 2017

2 AGENDA It is really that big – IoT TAM Models
An IoT ecosystem – Nodes to Analytics The IoT Players & Partnerships How to get started IoT Solution Partner Examples – Sight Machine / Kiana Analytics

3 Forecasting the IoT Evolution
The next evolution of compute is IoT M&M estimates the IoT market will grow from $157.0B in 2016 to $ B by A CAGR of 33.3%.  Bain predicts 2020 annual IOT revenues could exceed $470B for hardware, software & solutions. McKinsey estimates the IoT semi market in 2015 was $900M, growing to $3.78B in 2020 a 32.6% CAGR. Gartner estimates that 6.4 billion connected things were in use worldwide in 2016, up 30 % from 2015. Gartner forecasts 20.8 billion connected “things” by 2020. Gartner estimates that 5.5 million “new things” are being connected each day. IDC predicts global IoT revenues will reach $7.065B by 2020 from $2.712B in 2015, a CAGR of 21.11%. IHS forecasts that the IoT market will grow to 30.7B devices in 2020 & 75.4 billion in 2025. General Electric predicts investment in the Industrial Internet of Things is expected to top $560 Trillion (including services) during the next 15 years.

4 IoT Bigger than PCs, Tablets & Smartphones
The next evolution of compute is IoT Personal computer, smartphone and table demand are a function of the number of persons connected to the internet. IoT connectivity will be grow at a significantly faster CAGR (>30%) and continue at that rate through 2020.

5 IoT Hardware, Apps, Analytics & Services
IoT is an ecosystem from node to network 20B connected devices forecasted by 2020 with a CAGR of 33%. IoT services spend by corporations is expected to grow at 16% CAGR to $253B by 2020. Today Consumer IoT dominates commercial IoT in unit volume. Consumer & commercial IoT PaaS models launch Excludes PCs, Tables & Smartphones. Autonomous vehicles begin using a mix of wireless technologies incl p. 2019 The Serviceable (SAM) will grow driven by: IoT devices unit ship volume will equal/exceed Smartphones unit ship volumes by 2020. 2020 Connectivity Platforms Security Analytics Services 20 Billion “Things” are connected to the internet. Industrial and commercial IoT CAGR accelerate. Non Consumer IoT surpasses consumer in total value driven by service revenues. Connectivity platforms of sensing, MCUs, memory & wireless TAM will represent a larger unit, revenue & profit pool than PCs & Tablets by 2020. 2025

6 The Connected Value of Things is…
Will follow IT “laws” Governed by Metcalfe’s Law of Connected Devices Moore’s Law will drive down its cost The IoT market is estimated to grow from US$ B in 2016 to US$ B by A CAGR of 33.3%.  the value of a telecommunications network is proportional to the square of the number of connected users of the system (n2)

7 IoT worldwide Market Spend is expected to be around $3T USD by 2020
20 Billion Units / $3 Trillion by 2020 IoT Total Units forecast, IoT total expected spend with consumer / industrial unit break down IoT worldwide Market units are expected to exceed 20B operational units by 2020 IoT worldwide Market Spend is expected to be around $3T USD by 2020 billions trillions Gartner Unit Forecast 2015 Consumer IoT market will dominate unit volumes. Commercial will dominate service revenues.

8 IoT services spend by industry
IoT Services will be as large as IoT Hardware Significantly more profitable IoT services spend by industry Source: Zinnov Research & analytics IoT Services include: System design Integration Data collection Cloud Platforms Data analytics

9 Consumer IoT Grows First
Energy, Entertainment, Security & Automation will crow in parallel because of common control and the value off systems working together. 234m HH by 2017 25m HH by 2017 $330 in 2017

10 Commercial IoT will be the Larger Market
ABI Research & BI Intelligence Longer Growth The B2B market will expand as companies & cities adopt cost savings through smart lighting, traffic monitoring and industrial control systems. Device Deployment Smart Gateways, Mesh Networks, deployable beacons, on premise IOT security, facility operations will dramatically accelerate B2B device deployment. Focus Industries Manufacturing monitoring, Retail on-site promotions, Smarter Healthcare devices are the richest IoT vertical markets. Facility Operations Manufacturing Retail Healthcare Public Centers Government Commercial

11 Commercial IoT Heat Map by Industry & App
No single industry will dominate IoT Forrester shows no “breakout” IoT applications but rather specific area of focus including industrial asset management and production sensing. Transportation & logistics have hot spots in inventory and feet management . This will be combined with adoptions of autonomous assisted driving and mapping. Healthcare, manufacturing, retail & wholesale will be early adopters of IoT solutions. Longer team city and federal governments will hire service companies to deploy IoT based lighting, metering, security and sensing solutions. Source: Forrester’s Global Business Technographics® Networks And Telecommunications Survey, 2015

12 Retail & PoS IoT

13 AGENDA It is really that big – IoT TAM Models
An IoT ecosystem – Nodes to Analytics The IoT Players & Partnerships How to get started IoT Solution Partner Examples – Sight Machine / Kiana Analytics

14 Nodes to Networks

15 IoT functions like a 4 Layer Network

16 IoT Sensors

17 IoT Gateways

18 IoT Clouds Control over Nodes Management of Gateway
Provisioning of Updates Compute / Storage

19 AGENDA It is really that big – IoT TAM Models
An IoT ecosystem – Nodes to Analytics The IoT Players & Partnerships How to get started IoT Solution Partner Examples – Sight Machine / Kiana Analytics

20 An IoT Ecosystem IoT Edge IoT Data Center IoT Nodes IoT Platforms IoT
Services IoT Gateways Compute & Storage Integrated Services Compute to the Edge Mesh & Star Network OTA Updates to Nodes Expertise in Sensor to Cloud Security & Mgt. Services Node Control & Deployment IoT Modules IoT Sensors Simplifying Connectivity

21 AGENDA It is really that big – IoT TAM Models
An IoT ecosystem – Nodes to Analytics The IoT Players & Partnerships How to get started IoT Solution Partner Examples – Sight Machine / Kiana Analytics

22 Building an IoT Partner Practice
Consulting Installation Cloud Services Security/Analytics Choose Verticals based on current customer base Pick your IoT Services Partners Choose your Node to Gateway to Cloud Client Secure a Cloud IoT Contract for your Customers Hire FAEs with Wi-Fi / BT / ZigBee / Gateway Experience Run POCs to verify your platform Convert to Revenue IoT can be a multi-revenue business model

23 AGENDA It is really that big – IoT TAM Models
An IoT ecosystem – Nodes to Analytics The IoT Players & Partnerships How to get started IoT Solution Partner Examples – Sight Machine / Kiana Analytics



26 Stephen DiFranco IoT Advisory Group sdf@iotadvistorygorup
Stephen DiFranco IoT Advisory Group

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