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Introduction to Plant Life

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1 Introduction to Plant Life
With this slide show you will:

2 Learn what the parts of the plant look like and what their function is
Learn what the parts of the plant look like and what their function is. That means you’ll learn how each part helps the plant survive.


4 Let’s start with how a plant begins.
A plant starts out being a seed. Inside a tiny seed is everything a plant needs to become a baby plant, or a seedling. Do you see the seeds in this watermelon?

5 When a seed is planted in good soil, has enough water and sunlight a seed can grow into a seedling.

6 Is a seedling a new plant?
Yes? No?

7 Is a seedling is a new plant?
Yes? Correct! No? Sorry, incorrect answer

8 Plant Parts Flower Let’s take a look at the parts of a plant that are above the ground. Leaf Stem

9 The Stem Holds up the leaves and flowers
Brings water up to the leaves and flower Provides structure

10 Leaves Provides a place on the plant to collect sunlight
Changes the sunlight to a special chemical called chlorophyll (chlo·ro·phyll) that turns into food for the plant.

11 Flower Brightly colored to attract insects for pollination.
The place on the plant where the seeds are formed. Brightly colored to attract insects for pollination.

12 What are the four plant parts we’ve looked at so far
What are the four plant parts we’ve looked at so far? ? Try to say them to yourself then click the mouse to see if you remembered all four.

13 Flower Stem leaf seed

14 More plant parts: What part of the plant do these come from?

15 Did you say roots? Roots! Roots are the branch like extensions of the plant that grow into the ground.

16 What do roots do? Like a straw, they draw in water and nutrients the plant needs to survive. Roots help the plant stay in the ground.

17 Let’s play true and false!
Click on the arrow in front of true or false for each statement. If you get an answer incorrectly the slide show will take you back to a slide that covered the information. True False

18 The stem of a plant helps hold up the flowers and leaves to give the plant structure.
True False

19 The stem of a plant helps hold up the flowers and leaves to give the plant structure.
False True

20 Leaves collect sunlight and create a special chemical that makes food for the plant.
True False

21 Leaves collect sunlight and create a special chemical that makes food for the plant.
True False

22 Seeds are made in the roots of a plant.
True False

23 Seeds are made in the roots of a plant.
True False

24 A seedling is the new, baby like, plant that comes from the seed.
True False

25 A seedling is the new, baby like, plant that comes from the seed.
True False

26 Congratulations! You’ve just finished our slide show on plants. Now, advance one more slide to play a matching game.

27 Click the link below to play a plant match up game.



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