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Fiscal Year 2011 CDC/ATSDR President’s Budget Request

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Presentation on theme: "Fiscal Year 2011 CDC/ATSDR President’s Budget Request"— Presentation transcript:

1 Fiscal Year 2011 CDC/ATSDR President’s Budget Request
Original file name: FY 2011 Budget Launch Presentation - Revised _FINAL1.30PM.ppt February 2, 2010

2 CDC’s Appropriation $10.5 $10.6 $10.4 $9.1 $9.2 $8.6 $8.0 $7.3 2

3 (comparison to FY 2010 Omnibus)
FY 2011 Budget Overview (comparison to FY 2010 Omnibus) Total funding = $10.6b (+$100m) $6.3b in direct budget authority (-$132.4m) $76.3m for ATSDR (-$0.5m) $345.7m for PHS Eval Transfer (-$6.7m) $3.7b for Vaccines for Children (+$15.0m) $224.9m from the Emergency Supplemental Act (budget authority offset) 3

4 Priority Areas Improving our ability to collect and analyze data
Effective action to prevent leading causes of illness and death Better protection from the spread of infectious diseases Advancing global health security Building our public health infrastructure 4

5 Improving our Ability to Collect and Analyze Data
Health Statistics (+$23.2m) National Healthcare Safety Network (+$12.3m) National Violent Death Reporting System (+$1.5m) 5

6 Effective Action to Prevent Leading Causes of Illness and Death
Big Cities Initiative (+$20m) – New program National Occupational Research Agenda for Nanotechnology (+$7.0m) Built Environment and Health Initiative (+$4m) – New program Autism (+$1.8m) 6

7 Better Protection from the Spread of Infectious Diseases
Emerging Infectious Diseases (+$19.6m) Domestic HIV/AIDS (+$32.1m) Section 317 Immunization (+$17.2m) Food Safety (+$8.3m) STD Prevention (+$6.7m) Viral Hepatitis (+$1.8m) 7

8 Advancing Global Health Security
Global Safe Water (+$10m) – New program Field Epidemiology and Laboratory Training and Sustainable Management Development (+$6.8m) Global Maternal, Newborn, and Child Health (+$2m) – New program 8

9 Building our Public Health Infrastructure
Business Services and Support (+$12.3m) Health Prevention Corps (+$10m) – New program 9

10 Other Increases World Trade Center (+$79.4m)
Safe Motherhood, including Unintended Teen Pregnancy (+$10.9m) School Health (+$3.9m) 10

11 Proposed Decreases Travel and Contract Reduction (-$100m)
Buildings and Facilities (-$69.2m) Vector-borne Surveillance (-$26.7m) Congressional Projects (-$20.6m) Section 317 State Infrastructure (-$13.4m) Preparedness and Response Capabilities, including the elimination of Anthrax activities (-$9.2m) 11

12 Proposed Decreases Preparedness, Detection and Control of Infectious Diseases for a reduction in Antimicrobial Resistance (-$8.6m) Johanna’s Law (-$6.8m) PHS Evaluation Transfer (-$6.7m) Geraldine Ferraro Cancer (-$4.7m) Environmental Health Activities (-$3m) Mind Body Institute (-$1.5m) 12

13 Changes to the Budget Request
Reduction in specific detailed funding levels for programs/national centers New appropriations language to provide the states with flexibility to redirect funds New strategy for birth defects Public Health Approach to Blood Disorders Transfer of HHS global activities Afghan Health Initiative and Health Diplomacy Programs 13

14 Other Funding Opportunities
American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 $1b Prevention and Wellness Fund $300m for 317 immunization $50m for health-care associated infections $650m for chronic disease prevention IT Security ($24.1m) Collaborating with HHS on Comparative Effective Research ($30m) and Health Information Technology ($30m) 14

15 Other Opportunities (cont.)
H1N1 Activities: CDC Grants to States On-going four phase approach $260m in July 2009 $248m in August 2009 $846m in September 2009 15

16 Budget Information 16

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