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Analysis of Hong Kong Stock Market (Group 6) Student No. Student Name

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1 Analysis of Hong Kong Stock Market (Group 6) Student No. Student Name
Lam Kai Chiu, Andy Ng Tim Ching, Jessica Chong King, Queenie Chan Hon Wah, Oscar Cheung Ho Yee, Kelly Ko Hoi Ling, Helen

2 Comparison of stock markets between Hong Kong and Shanghai

3 The value of turnover in Shanghai stock market from 1991 to 2002.

4 The value of transactions for stocks in Shanghai stock market

5 SWOT Analysis of Shanghai Stock Exchange (SSE)

6 Potentially a huge market Catching up effect
Strengthen Potentially a huge market Catching up effect

7 The comparison in number of companies listed in the stock markets

8 Potentially a huge market Catching up effect
Strengthen Potentially a huge market Catching up effect Investors are better educated

9 The immature of the legal system
Weaknesses The immature of the legal system The apply of strict foreign exchange rules Lengthy lock up periods for QFII

10 Opportunities -In the past: foreign companies restricted to invest B shares. -In 2002: QFII scheme is developed. Foreign companies is allowed to invest A shares after approved by CSRC. -Now: the restriction of QFII scheme is reduced.

11 Opportunities China has a huge population (1.3 billion)
Large development potential Foreign companies willing to invest to Shanghai rather than Hong Kong.

12 Opportunities -Infrastructure in Shanghai is improving in recent years. -one of the most efficient infrastructures among the stock markets in Asia -More companies are willing to take part in Shanghai Stock Market to gain the profit.

13 Threats -QFII restricted foreign companies invest to Shanghai Stock Market -Restriction of the QFII scheme is benefit to the other Stock Market.

14 Threats Only Shanghai Stock Market is activated.
Other financial market is not well developed. Such as bond market. Foreign can diversify their risks. Foreign companies invest in Hong Kong instead of Shanghai.

15 The Development of Hong Kong Stock Market

16 Ranking of world markets by total equity funds raised (2004)

17 Market Capitalisation of the World's Top Stock Exchanges
(As at end June 2005) 世界各大證券交易所的市值 (截至2005年6月底) Worldwide Ranking 世界排名 Ranking in Asia 亞洲排名 Market Capitalisation (US$ billion) 市值 (以10億美元計) US (NYSE) 美國 (紐約證券交易所) 1 / 12,865 Japan (Tokyo) 日本 (東京) 2 3,394 US (Nasdaq) 美國 (納斯達克) 3 3,388 UK (London) 英國 (倫敦) 4 2,734 Euronext 5 2,286 Canada (Toronto) 加拿大 (多倫多) 6 1,239 Germany (Deutsche Börse) 德國 (證券及衍生工具交易所) 7 1,120 Spain 西班牙 8 920 Hong Kong 香港 9 895 Switzerland 瑞士 10 798 Australia 澳洲 11 721 Northern Europe (OMX Exchanges) 北歐(OMX交易所) 12 709 Italy 意大利 13 708 Korea 韓國 14 497 Taiwan 台灣 15 456 資料來源:全球證券交易所聯會/ World Federation of Exchanges

18 Market Capitalisation of the World's Top Stock Exchanges

19 - IPO by Mainland Co. s’ raised HKD 75.4 bn=79% of the total.
Hong Kong’s reunification with the Mainland  bridge/platform: Mainland World Yr. 2004 - 304 Mainland China Co. listed in HK =28% of the total - Buying and selling Mainland Co. s’ shares: HKD bn, 42% of the total turnover - IPO by Mainland Co. s’ raised HKD 75.4 bn=79% of the total.

20 The influence of China on HK
The speed up of reforms in China e.g. the enter of WTO in 2001 The capital inflows provoked by the RMB revaluation expectations Encourage the overseas expansion  internationalization listing in HK is increasing

21 The influence of China on HK
The strengthening of China’s national and economic power in recent years  accordingly benefit Hong Kong economy as well as stock market ( e.g. "individual visit" scheme in , CEPA in 2004,)

22 The possible trends in the long run
Hong Kong stock market may be dominated by China shares ∵The integration of economy between HK and China Hong Kong stock market may face competition from China as well as the international stock exchange

23 How HK maintain its strengths?
Try to attract foreign capital by promoting to further deepen and broaden the financial market Enhance the quality of corporate governance to boost up the confidence among investors

24 How HK maintain its strengths?
Maintain a transparent regulatory regime of international standard to ensure quality Attract and train the talented people to participate in the finance industry

25 Challenges Hong Kong has only a limited number of companies that can be listed in HKSE maturity of Hong Kong's economy and markets growth potential of HKSE could be restricted worry that China shares will one day dominate Hong Kong's stock market.

26 Little liquidity of GEM
Challenges Little liquidity of GEM the H.K. GEM with an overall turnover of only HK$18.68 billion in the first ten months of 2005 quality of listed companies in the GEM segment 80% of stocks are trading below their IPO price

27 Challenges Marketplace’s reputation Investors criticize the listing authority system at the HKSE and conflict of interests of HKEx profit organization has a strong interest in listing companies regardless of the quality of the listings

28 Challenges Hong Kong might face is the direct competition from both China and the other international stock exchanges main capital raising market for enterprises in China

29 Challenges largely accomplishes the market-based reforms and capital market in China In the long run, Hong Kong's stock market may be dominated by China shares

30 Challenges Uncertain political future
strong demand for political reform in Hong Kong Governments of Hong Kong and Beijing resisted and don’t show any idea about the political reform agenda “one country two systems” unchanged for 50 years unforeseeable future in Hong Kong

31 Conclusion Best places in the world to invest and to carry out business well established legal system, infrastructure, economic policy and favorable geographical location With the access to World Trade Organization and opening to the overseas markets

32 Conclusion Financial development of Hong Kong stock market
short run: it brings great and numerous business opportunities to the Hong Kong’s financial sector => thus the overall financial development of Hong Kong stock market

33 Conclusion Comparative advantages Potential threat of Hong Kong
competition from Shanghai’s as well as the international stock exchanges Comparative advantages liberal economic policy, free flow of information and capital, low taxation, stable currency linked with Us dollar, sound legal system, etc

34 Future of the Hong Kong’s position
Conclusion Future of the Hong Kong’s position continue to improving by further upgrading our market structure and framework maintain the comparative advantage and move ahead.

35 M. C. Questions At the end June 2005, Hong Kong's stock market capitalization ranked number ___ of the world's stock exchanges. 3 6 9 12

36 M. C. Questions Which stock market have we compare with Hong Kong Stock Exchange? Singapore stock market Shanghai stock market Japan stock market None of above

37 M. C. Questions Which challenge(s) we have mention in the presentation? Little liquidity of GEM direct competition from both China and the other international stock exchanges Uncertain political future All of above

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