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EHR System Function and Information Model (EHR-S FIM) Release 2

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1 EHR System Function and Information Model (EHR-S FIM) Release 2
EHR System Function and Information Model (EHR-S FIM) Release HL7 Project ID# Executive Summary for EHR-S FIM Prototype on Orders Management , EHR WG Modeling Facilitator , DoD-MHS Proponent April 18, 2012 – Original Working-Draft July 5, 2012 – Most Recent Working-Draft Work in Progress Call for Participation This work is being done by the HL7 EHR Interoperability Work-group, meeting every Tuesday at 2 PM ET, dial-in: , Passcode: #  The most current artifacts are at: 9/18/2018

2 RED: Recommended deletion, Blue: Recommended Insertion
CP.4 Manage Orders Statement: Provide the ability to manage clinical orders and results including medication, non-medication, diagnostic tests, blood products, other biologics and referrals, using order sets as appropriate. Description: The provision of clinical care includes the need to order from a variety of treatments using order sets as appropriate as well as reviewing the results of treatment. Orders for treatments may include medications, non-medication therapies (e.g. physical therapy, special diet, immunizations, non-allopathic regimens); diagnostic care (e.g., laboratory, radiology); blood products and other biologics (e.g., blood transfusions, human growth hormones). Patients are often referred to other health care providers for more specialized diagnostic workup and/or treatment. An effective EHR-S must include support and management of these processes and associated documentation. Example: (notional scenario based on conformance criteria) During an encounter, patient problems, previous treatments, care plans and results are reviewed; then, orders or order-sets, based-on accepted clinical practices and/or order set templates, may be created by the clinician. If an order or order-set is created, discrete data elements associated with the order(s) are recorded and any appropriate order related or patient-related information is noted. Patient orders and/or order-sets are reported-to or coordinated with appropriate sources, appropriate clinicians and organizations (e.g., PHRs, schools, registries, public health), according to scope of practice, organizational policy and/or jurisdictional law. 9/18/2018 RED: Recommended deletion, Blue: Recommended Insertion

3 CP.4 Manage Orders EHR-S Components Dependent-on Clinician-Activities
NOTE: EHR-S FIM is NOT intended to imply a specific architecture or workflow! 9/18/2018 RED: Recommend deletion, Blue: Recommended Insertion

4 CP.4 Manage Orders Conceptual Information Model (CIM)
ISSUE: data associated with CDS 9/18/2018 DRAFT WORKING DOCUMENT

5 CP.4. Manage Orders Conformance Criteria (CC) Applicable to this CDM
SHALL CCs have bolded borders. 9/18/2018 DRAFT WORKING DOCUMENT

6 EHR-S FIM Action Verb Hierarches
Manage (Data) Capture Maintain Render Exchange Determine Manage- Data- Visibility Auto-Populate Enter Import Receive Store Update Remove Extract Present Transmit Export Analyze Decide De-Identify Hide Mask Re-Identify Unhide Unmask Archive Backup Decrypt Encrypt Recover Restore Save Annotate Attest Edit Harmonize Integrate Link Tag Delete Purge CP.4. Manage Orders Black Bold = Maps to Conformance Criteria (CC) Blue Bold = included in CC; but missing in verb hierarchy Orange – duplicate verbs ISSUE: Some CC include compound verbs (e.g., capture & render” 9/18/2018 NOTE: EHR-S FIM is NOT intended to imply a specific architecture or workflow! DRAFT WORKING DOCUMENT

7 CP.4 Manage Orders Conformance Criteria (CC) Applicable to this CDM
CP.4#01 The system SHALL provide the ability to manage role-based, context-based and/or user-based order entry. (add reference TI role based function or remove here) CP.4#02 The system SHALL provide the ability to manage the order lifecycle creation, renewal, modification and discontinuation, etc. of orders. CP.4#03 The system SHALL provide the ability to render relevant, relevant patient-specific laboratory test results when entering an order. CP.4#04 The system SHALL provide the ability to manage the status of an order (e.g. open, completed, in process). (harmonize with CP.4.2) CP.4#05 The system MAY provide the ability to capture, maintain and render order entry with an appropriate registration process when the identity of the patient is unknown or in an urgent situation. CP.4#06 The system SHOULD provide the ability to manage standing orders or orders that may be submitted by providers other than licensed providers according to scope of practice, organizational policy and/or jurisdictional law. (standing order = pre-established conditional set of order = CPS 4.1, CPS.4.1 CC#4, CC#11) Verbal orders? CP.4#07 The system SHALL provide the ability to capture and render problem/diagnosis as a required element of an order. CP.4#08 The system MAY provide the ability to capture, maintain and render, as discrete data, a diagnosis/problem code and/or description associated with an order of any type (including prescriptions and medications ordered for administration). NOTE: EHR-S FIM is NOT intended to imply a specific architecture or workflow! 9/18/2018 DRAFT WORKING DOCUMENT

8 CP.4 Manage Orders Conformance Criteria (CC) Applicable to this CDM
CP.4#09 The system MAY provide the ability to link an order of any type (including medication order) with a related clinical problem(s) and/or diagnosis code(s) and description. CP.4#10 The system SHALL provide the ability to annotate and render comments and instructions with an order. {same as CC11?) CP.4#11 The system SHOULD provide the ability to annotate and render free text comments and instructions with an order. (same as CC10? ) CP.4#12 The system SHOULD provide the ability to tag frequently used and institutionally-approved order sets as “favorites” or “preferences” to facilitate retrieval and ordering. CP.4#13 The system MAY provide the ability to manage orders submitted to or received from external organizations and/or facilities such as Health Information Exchanges (HIE) or regional Electronic Health Record Systems (EHR-S). CP.4#14 The system SHALL render the patient name, identification number, and age or date of birth on all order screens. CP.4#15 The system SHALL provide the ability to capture, maintain and render an indicator of oral verification ("read-back") of the complete order by the person receiving the telephone or verbal order. CP.4#16 The system SHALL provide the ability to capture and render the urgency status (e.g., As-Soon-As-Possible or STAT) associated with an order. CP.4#17 The system SHOULD provide the ability to render order history for any order, including the ordering clinician, order details, date, and time. CP.4#18 The system SHOULD provide the ability to tag and render a field as required for a complete order by order type. NOTE: EHR-S FIM is NOT intended to imply a specific architecture or workflow! 9/18/2018 DRAFT WORKING DOCUMENT

9 CP.4 Manage Orders Conformance Criteria (CC) Applicable to this CDM
CP.4#19 The system SHOULD provide the ability to tag orders to be activated at a future date and time including admission orders, discharge orders, and post-operative orders. CP.4#20 The system SHOULD provide the ability to render orders for all order types. CP.4#21 The system MAY provide the ability to manage conditional orders that can be activated when certain criteria and conditions are met. CP.4#22 The system SHOULD provide the ability to capture, store and render the identity of all providers who signed an order. CP.4#23 The system SHOULD provide the ability to render a list of active orders for a patient. CP.4#24 The system SHOULD provide the ability to render a list of orders by similar or comparable type (e.g., all radiology or all laboratory orders). CP.4#25 The system SHOULD provide the ability to render a list of outstanding orders for multiple patients (as opposed to outstanding orders for a single patient). CP.4#26 The system SHOULD provide the ability to capture the provider's order-cancellation request. CP.4#27 The system SHOULD provide the ability to transmit an order-cancellation request. CP.4#28 The system SHALL conform to function CPS.8.4 (Support for Communication between Provider and Patient and/or the Patient Representative) to manage information regarding orders. NOTE: EHR-S FIM is NOT intended to imply a specific architecture or workflow! 9/18/2018 DRAFT WORKING DOCUMENT

10 Conformance Criteria (CC) Conclusion
Conformance Criteria will only be mapped to the data attributes they impact; Conformance Criteria will NOT be mapped to operations. In general, we will assume all classes have the “Manage” operation. JUSTIFICATION: EHR-S FM does not use the verb hierarchy consistently . Often compound verbs are used (e.g., capture and render) Often, on CC calls our “manage” AND another CC calls out sub-verbs (e.g., render”) 9/18/2018 DRAFT WORKING DOCUMENT

11 RED: Recommended deletion, Blue: Recommended Insertion
CP.4.1 Use Manage Order Set Statement: Use Order Set templates to facilitate order entry by rendering the appropriate orders based on provider request, provider input or system configuration. Description: Predefined order set templates may include medication and non-medication orders (e.g., diet, activities, nursing care, prescriptions and requests for investigations). They allow a care provider to choose and render common orders for a particular circumstance or disease state according to standards or other criteria such as provider preference, context, patient related data. Recommended order set templates may be presented based on patient data or other contexts. Order Set templates may also allow the provider to modify (add/remove/change) orders during order entry for a particular patient. Example: (notional scenario based on conformance criteria) During an encounter, patient problems, previous treatments, care plans and results are reviewed; then, orders or order-sets, based on accepted clinical practices and/or order set templates, may be created by the clinician. If an order or order-set is created, discrete data elements associated with the order(s) are recorded and any appropriate order related or clinical information is noted. Patient orders and/or order-sets are reported-to or coordinated with appropriate sources, appropriate clinicians and organizations (e.g., PHRs, schools, registries, public health), according to scope of practice, organizational policy and/or jurisdictional law. 9/18/2018 RED: Recommended deletion, Blue: Recommended Insertion

12 CP.4.1 Use Manage Order Set Conformance Criteria (CC) Applicable to this CDM
SHALL CCs have bolded borders. 9/18/2018 DRAFT WORKING DOCUMENT

CP.4.1 Use Manage Order Set Conformance Criteria (CC) Applicable to this CDM CP.4.1#01 The system SHALL provide the ability to capture a set of actions and/or items to be ordered for a patient using a predefined order set template. CP.4.1#02 The system SHALL provide the ability to manage a patient's orders as an order set. CP.4.1#03 The system SHOULD provide the ability to render a patient's orders as an order set. CP.4.1#04 The system SHOULD provide the ability to integrate patient information and order set templates to render orders. CP.4.1#05 The system SHALL conform to function CPS.4.1 (Manage Order Set Templates). CP.4.1#06 The system SHOULD provide the ability to determine and render the appropriate order set template based on various contexts (e.g., by disease, care setting, or medications used). CP.4.1#07 The system MAY render order set templates to providers based on diagnoses, conditions, or symptoms to aid decision support. CP.4.1#08 The system SHALL provide the ability to capture and integrate in an order set, various types of orders for a patient (e.g., medications, laboratory tests, imaging studies, procedures and referrals). CP.4.1#09 The system SHOULD provide the ability to delete individual orders from an instance of an order set for an individual patient according to scope of practice, organizational policy and/or jurisdictional law. NOTE: EHR-S FIM is NOT intended to imply a specific architecture or workflow! 9/18/2018 DRAFT WORKING DOCUMENT

CP.4.1 Use Manage Order Set Conformance Criteria (CC) Applicable to this CDM CP.4.1#10 The system SHOULD provide the ability to tag as deleted an individual order(s) from an instance of an order set for an individual patient according to scope of practice, organizational policy and/or jurisdictional law. CP.4.1#11 The system MAY provide the ability to integrate multiple order set templates, customizing and storing it as a new order set template according to scope of practice, organizational policy and/or jurisdictional law. CP.4.1#12 The system SHOULD provide the ability to link order set(s) with condition(s) on the patient's Problem List. NOTE: EHR-S FIM is NOT intended to imply a specific architecture or workflow! 9/18/2018 DRAFT WORKING DOCUMENT

15 CP.4.2 Manage Medication Orders
Statement: Create prescriptions or other medication orders with detail adequate for correct filling and administration. Provide information regarding compliance of medication orders with formularies. Provide Clinical Decision Support (CDS) drug utilization review functionality including alerts regarding drug interactions and allergies. Description: Medications include prescribed and over the counter (OTC) drugs, allergy shots, oxygen, anesthetics, chemotherapy, and dietary supplements that were ordered, supplied, administered, or continued. Different medication orders, including new, discontinue, refill/continue, and renew require different levels and kinds of detail, as do medication orders placed in different situations. Administration or patient instructions are available for selection by the ordering clinicians, or the ordering clinician is facilitated in creating such instructions. The system may allow for the creation of common content for prescription details. Appropriate time stamps for all medication related activity are generated. This includes series of orders that are part of a therapeutic regimen, e.g. Renal Dialysis, Oncology. When it comes to capturing the medication rationale, it is not mandatory that the provider always provide this information). In addition, the system should present the clinician with clinical decision support functionality (such as the presentation of allergies, drug-drug- interactions) during the medication ordering process. When a clinician places an order for a medication, that order may or may not comply with a formulary specific to the patient’s location or insurance coverage, if applicable. Whether the order complies with the formulary should be communicated to the ordering clinician at an appropriate point to allow the ordering clinician to decide whether to continue with the order. Formulary-compliant alternatives to the medication being ordered may also be presented. 9/18/2018 RED: Recommended deletion, Blue: Recommended Insertion

16 CP.4.2 Manage Medication Orders
Example: (notional scenario based on conformance criteria) During an encounter, patient problems, previous treatments, care plans and results are reviewed; then, one or more medication orders, based on formulary availability and accepted clinical practices, may be initiated by the clinician. During the medication ordering process, the system presents the clinician with clinical decision support functionality (such as allergy and/or drug-drug- interaction alerts and the presentation of formulary alternatives). If a medication order is created, discrete data elements associated with the order(s) are recorded and any appropriate order related or clinical information is noted. Patient medication orders are reported-to or coordinated with appropriate sources, appropriate clinicians and organizations (e.g., PHRs, schools, registries, public health), according to scope of practice, organizational policy and/or jurisdictional law. 9/18/2018 RED: Recommended deletion, Blue: Recommended Insertion

17 RED: Recommended deletion, Blue: Recommended Insertion
CP.4.2 Manage Medication Orders Conformance Criteria (CC) Applicable to this CDM 9/18/2018 RED: Recommended deletion, Blue: Recommended Insertion

18 RED: Recommended deletion, Blue: Recommended Insertion
CP.4.2 Manage Medication Orders Conformance Criteria (CC) Applicable to this CDM CP.4.2#01 The System SHALL conform to CP (Medication Interaction and Allergy Checking). CP.4.2#02 The System SHALL conform to CP (Patient Specific Medication Dosing & Warnings). CP.4.2#03 The System SHALL conform to CP (Medication Order Efficiencies). CP.4.2#04 The system SHALL conform to CP (Medication Alert Overrides). CP.4.2#05 The system SHALL provide the ability to capture medication order details as discrete data (e.g., for correct filling, dispensing and administration of drug, dose, route, duration, SIG). CP.4.2#06 The system SHALL provide the ability to maintain and render as discrete data, medication orders including all the details adequate for correct filling, dispensing and administration. (e.g. Drug, dose, route, SIG) CP.4.2#09 The system SHOULD render fixed text (e.g., "Bio-hazard Warning") as part of a medication order according to organizational policy and/or jurisdictional law. CP.4.2#07 The system SHOULD provide the ability to capture medication order details including dose, route, frequency and comments as free text. CP.4.2#08 The system SHOULD provide the ability to manage free text as part of a medication order or prescription (e.g., "this patient is unable to swallow large pills"). CP.4.2#10 The system SHALL determine and render a notification to the provider that information required to compute a dose is missing or invalid. 9/18/2018 RED: Recommended deletion, Blue: Recommended Insertion

19 RED: Recommended deletion, Blue: Recommended Insertion
CP.4.2 Manage Medication Orders Conformance Criteria (CC) Applicable to this CDM CP.4.2#11 The system SHOULD provide the ability to capture patient's preference for medication usage (e.g., oral vs. injectable, generic vs. brand name) and present it to a provider at the time of medication ordering. CP.4.2#12 The system SHOULD provide the ability to manage prescriptions using fractional units of medications (e.g., 1/2 tsp., 1/2 tablet). CP.4.2#13 The system SHALL provide the ability to capture and maintain documentation regarding patient weight, including such terms as "unknown", before entering medication orders. CP.4.2#14 The system SHOULD provide the ability to capture the administrative or clinical reasons/indications/rationale for the medication(s) selected during order entry. CP.4.2#15 The system SHALL provide the ability to determine and render the status (e.g., for outpatient medication ordering: captured, verified, filled, dispensed to patient; for inpatient: captured, verified, filled, administered) of a medication order. CP.4.2#16 The system MAY provide the ability to determine and render the status of medication dispensing. CP.4.2#17 The system SHALL conform to function CP.1.3 (Manage Medication List) and update the appropriate medication list with the prescribed medications (in case of multiple medication lists). CP.4.2#18 The system SHALL provide the ability to enter and maintain medication information brought in by the patient. 9/18/2018 RED: Recommended deletion, Blue: Recommended Insertion

20 RED: Recommended deletion, Blue: Recommended Insertion
CP.4.2 Manage Medication Orders Conformance Criteria (CC) Applicable to this CDM CP.4.2#19 The system MAY provide the ability to electronically capture medication information brought in by the patient (e.g., scan in a bar code from an Rx label). CP.4.2#20 The system SHOULD conform to function CPS (Support for Medication Recommendations). CP.4.2#21 The system SHOULD provide the ability to enter and maintain prescription information from an external source (e.g., transcribed information from a non-network provider) to fill or renew a prescription. CP.4.2#22 The system MAY provide the ability to receive and maintain prescription information from an external source (e.g., electronically from a non-network provider) to fill or renew a prescription. CP.4.2#23 The system SHOULD provide the ability to manage medication orders for uncoded and non-formulary medications. CP.4.2#24 The system MAY provide the ability to receive the patient's Current Medication List from Pharmacy (directly) or via an intermediary network. CP.4.2#25 The system SHALL provide the ability to order supplies associated with medication orders according to scope of practice, organizational policy and/or jurisdictional law. CP.4.2#26 The system SHOULD render a list of frequently-used patient medication administration instructions and capture the ordering clinician's selection. CP.4.2#27 The system MAY render a list of medication administration instructions common to multiple orders for the patient, and capture the ordering clinician's selection. 9/18/2018 RED: Recommended deletion, Blue: Recommended Insertion

21 RED: Recommended deletion, Blue: Recommended Insertion
CP.4.2 Manage Medication Orders Conformance Criteria (CC) Applicable to this CDM CP.4.2#28 The system SHOULD provide the ability to render patient instructions that are linked to an ordered medication. CP.4.2#29 The system SHOULD conform to function AS.9.2 (Support Financial Eligibility Verification) to capture and render the results of electronic prescription eligibility and health plan/payer formulary checking. CP.4.2#30 The system SHOULD provide the ability to transmit a request for a patient's prescription drug insurance eligibility verification. CP.4.2#31 The system SHALL provide the ability to determine and capture co-signatures for orders based upon roles (i.e., consulting physician) according to scope of practice, organizational policy and/or jurisdictional law. CP.4.2#32 The system SHALL provide the ability to manage orders that contain discrete medication components to create combination drugs or compounds (e.g., Butalbital compound). CP.4.2#33 The system MAY provide the ability to render prescriptions for limited re-printing, subject according to scope of practice, organizational policy and/or jurisdictional law (e.g., limited to three times). CP.4.2#34 The system MAY provide the ability to render prescriptions for re-printing, according to scope of practice, organizational policy and/or jurisdictional law (e.g., limited to three times). 9/18/2018 RED: Recommended deletion, Blue: Recommended Insertion

22 RED: Recommended deletion, Blue: Recommended Insertion
CP.4.2 Manage Medication Orders Conformance Criteria (CC) Applicable to this CDM CP.4.2#35 The system MAY provide the ability to render prescriptions for re-faxing, according to scope of practice, organizational policy and/or jurisdictional law (e.g., limited to three times). CP.4.2#36 The system MAY provide the ability to render the associated problem, diagnosis or condition (indication) on the printed prescription according to scope of practice, organizational policy and/or jurisdictional law. CP.4.2#37 The system SHOULD provide the ability to render a list of transmission options for a prescription/medication order to a specified pharmacy (e.g., printing, faxing, e-prescribing). CP.4.2#38 The system SHOULD provide the ability to capture, maintain, and present the patient's consent to have restricted medications administered (e.g., Risk Evaluation and Mitigation Strategy (REMS) for research protocol and experimental drugs). CP.4.2#39 The system SHOULD provide the ability to present information received through health plan/payer formulary checking (e.g., formulary alternatives, formulary status, co-pay and coverage types, prior authorization requirements, step therapy require CP.4.2#40 The system SHOULD provide the ability to capture and render an indicator of an explicit route for the administration of specific medications during the ordering process. CP.4.2#41 The system SHOULD render available alternate medication administration routes during the medication ordering process when multiple routes exist and none was specified. 9/18/2018 RED: Recommended deletion, Blue: Recommended Insertion

23 CP.4.3 Manage Non-Medication Patient Care Orders
Statement: Enable the origination, documentation, capture, transmission, tracking and maintenance of non-medication patient care orders. Description: Non-medication orders that request actions or items can be captured and tracked including new, renewal and discontinue orders. Examples include orders to transfer a patient between units, to ambulate a patient, for medical supplies, wound care, durable medical equipment, home IV, and diet or therapy orders. Additionally, psychotherapy and other mental health counseling, other surgical and non-surgical procedures, and complementary alternative medicine are included in non-medication treatments. Each item ordered includes the appropriate detail, such as order identification and instructions. Orders should be communicated to the correct service provider for completion. Example: (notional scenario based on conformance criteria) During an encounter, patient problems, previous treatments, care plans and results are reviewed; then, non-medication patient care orders or order-sets, based on accepted clinical practices and/or order set templates, may be created by the clinician. If an order or order-set is created, discrete data elements associated with the order(s) are recorded and any appropriate order related or clinical information is noted. Patient orders and/or order-sets are reported-to or coordinated with appropriate sources, appropriate clinicians and organizations (e.g., PHRs, schools, registries, public health), according to scope of practice, organizational policy and/or jurisdictional law. 9/18/2018 RED: Recommended deletion, Blue: Recommended Insertion

24 RED: Recommended deletion, Blue: Recommended Insertion
CP.4.3 Manage Non-Medication Patient Care Orders Conformance Criteria (CC) Applicable to this CDM 9/18/2018 RED: Recommended deletion, Blue: Recommended Insertion

25 RED: Recommended deletion, Blue: Recommended Insertion
CP.4.3 Manage Non-Medication Patient Care Orders Conformance Criteria (CC) Applicable to this CDM CP.4.3#01 The system SHALL provide the ability to manage non-medication patient care orders for an action or item. CP.4.3#02 The system SHALL provide the ability to capture and render order detail for correct order fulfillment. CP.4.3#03 The system SHALL provide the ability to manage the status (e.g., active, discontinued, requisitioned, completed) of the ordered action or item. CP.4.3#04 The system SHOULD provide the ability to assign a future date for an ordered action or item. CP.4.3#05 The system SHOULD provide the ability to capture a set of patient instructions that will be provided to the patient for correct order fulfillment. 9/18/2018 RED: Recommended deletion, Blue: Recommended Insertion

26 RED: Recommended deletion, Blue: Recommended Insertion
CP.4.3 Manage Non-Medication Patient Care Orders Conformance Criteria (CC) Applicable to this CDM CP.4.3#06 The system SHOULD provide the ability to render a set of patient instructions that will be provided to the patient for correct order fulfillment. CP.4.3#07 The system SHOULD provide the ability to transmit the order to the recipient(s) for order fulfillment. CP.4.3#08 The system SHOULD provide the ability to link non-medication orders to a medication order (e.g., ordering an intravenous pump in coordination with intravenous medication). CP.4.3#10 The system SHALL conform to function CPS.4.3 (Support for Non-Medication Ordering). CP.4.3#09 The system SHOULD provide the ability to store a task to be recurrent at a defined interval for a specified length of time. 9/18/2018 RED: Recommended deletion, Blue: Recommended Insertion

27 CP.4.4 Manage Orders for Diagnostic Tests
Statement: Enable the origination, documentation, transmission, tracking and maintenance of orders for diagnostic tests.. Description: Orders for diagnostic tests (e.g. diagnostic radiology, laboratory) are captured and tracked including new, renewal and discontinue orders. Each order includes appropriate detail, such as order identification, instructions and clinical information necessary to perform the test. Orders and supporting detailed documentation shall be communicated to the service provider for completion of the diagnostic test(s). Some systems may contain instructions, but in some settings, instructions may be provided from external sources (e.g., handouts). Example: (notional scenario based on conformance criteria) During an encounter, patient problems, previous treatments, care plans and results are reviewed; then, diagnostic test orders or order-sets, based on accepted clinical practices and/or order set templates, may be created by the clinician. If an order or order-set is created, discrete data elements, associated with the order(s) are recorded and any appropriate order related or clinical information is noted. Patient orders and/or order-sets are reported-to or coordinated with appropriate sources, appropriate clinicians and organizations (e.g., PHRs, schools, registries, public health), according to scope of practice, organizational policy and/or jurisdictional law. 9/18/2018 RED: Recommended deletion, Blue: Recommended Insertion

28 RED: Recommended deletion, Blue: Recommended Insertion
CP.4.4 Manage Orders for Diagnostic Tests Conformance Criteria (CC) Applicable to this CDM 9/18/2018 RED: Recommended deletion, Blue: Recommended Insertion

29 RED: Recommended deletion, Blue: Recommended Insertion
CP.4.4 Manage Orders for Diagnostic Tests Conformance Criteria (CC) Applicable to this CDM CP.4.4#06 The system SHALL provide the ability to transmit orders to the recipient (s) for order fulfillment of the diagnostic test. CP.4.4#01 The system SHALL provide the ability to manage orders for diagnostic tests. CP.4.4#02 The system SHALL provide the ability to capture and render standard order detail for diagnostic test order fulfillment. CP.4.4#03 The system SHOULD provide the ability to capture and maintain user-created instructions and/or prompts when ordering diagnostic tests or procedures. CP.4.4#04 The system SHALL provide the ability to manage the status (e.g., requisitioned, completed, in process) of diagnostic test(s). CP.4.4#05 The system SHOULD provide the ability to capture and render patient instructions relevant to the diagnostic test ordered. CP.4.4#07 The system SHOULD provide the ability to transmit supporting detailed documentation to the recipient (s) for order fulfillment of the diagnostic test. 9/18/2018 RED: Recommended deletion, Blue: Recommended Insertion

30 RED: Recommended deletion, Blue: Recommended Insertion
CP.4.4 Manage Orders for Diagnostic Tests Conformance Criteria (CC) Applicable to this CDM CP.4.4#08 The system SHALL conform to function CPS.4.3 (Support for Non-Medication Ordering). CP.4.4#09 The system MAY provide the ability to transmit order activity to public health authorities according to scope of practice, organizational policy and/or jurisdictional law. CP.4.4#10 IF subsequent orders are being captured, THEN the system SHOULD provide the ability to render prior diagnostic results for a given patient. CP.4.4#11 The system SHOULD capture and render complete demographic information for diagnostic orders according to scope of practice, organizational policy and/or jurisdictional law. 9/18/2018 RED: Recommended deletion, Blue: Recommended Insertion

31 CP.4.5 Manage Orders for Blood Products and Other Biologics
Statement: Communicate with appropriate sources or registries to manage orders for blood products or other biologics. Description: Interact with a blood bank system or other source to support orders for blood products or other biologics including discontinuance orders. Use of such products in the provision of care is captured. Blood bank or other functionality that may come under jurisdictional law or other regulation (e.g. by the FDA in the United States) is not required; functional communication with such a system is required.. Example: (notional scenario based on conformance criteria) During an encounter, patient problems, previous treatments, care plans and results are reviewed; then, orders or order-sets for Blood Products and Other Biologics, based on accepted clinical practices and/or order set templates, may be created by the clinician. If an order or order-set is created, discrete data elements associated with the order(s) are recorded and any appropriate order related or clinical information is noted. Patient orders and/or order-sets are reported-to or coordinated with appropriate sources, appropriate clinicians and organizations (e.g., PHRs, schools, registries, public health), according to scope of practice, organizational policy and/or jurisdictional law. 9/18/2018 RED: Recommended deletion, Blue: Recommended Insertion

32 RED: Recommended deletion, Blue: Recommended Insertion
CP.4.5 Manage Orders for Blood Products and Other Biologics Conformance Criteria (CC) Applicable to this CDM 9/18/2018 RED: Recommended deletion, Blue: Recommended Insertion

33 RED: Recommended deletion, Blue: Recommended Insertion
CP.4.5 Manage Orders for Blood Products and Other Biologics Conformance Criteria (CC) Applicable to this CDM CP.4.5#01 The system SHALL provide the ability to manage orders for blood products and biological products. CP.4.5#02 The system SHALL provide the ability to manage the status (e.g., requisitioned, completed, in process) of blood product and/or biological product orders. CP.4.5#03 The system SHALL provide the ability to manage storage request orders for blood products and/or biological products. CP.4.5#04 The system SHALL provide the ability to manage the status of storage request orders (e.g., requisitioned, completed, in process) for blood products and/or biological products. CP.4.5#05 The system SHALL conform to function CPS.9.2 (Support for Inter-Provider Communication) to enable exchange of manage information regarding blood products and biological products between to members of the care team. CP.4.5#06 The system SHALL provide the ability to manage the use of blood products and other biologics in the provision of care. CP.4.5#07 The system MAY provide the ability to manage units for orders of blood products appropriate to age specific care (e.g., pediatric care such as ml/kg, “Pedi packs” and other aliquots). CP.4.5#08 The system SHOULD provide the ability to manage information associated with the collection and administration of non-blood biologics (e.g., breast milk products), including donor and recipient and/or patient-identifying data, aliquot-identifying 9/18/2018 RED: Recommended deletion, Blue: Recommended Insertion

34 CP.4.6 Manage Orders for Referral
Statement: Enable the origination, documentation and tracking of referrals between care providers or healthcare organizations, including clinical and administrative details of the referral, and consents and authorizations for disclosures as required. Description: Documentation and tracking of a referral from one care provider to another is supported, whether the referred to or referring providers are internal or external to the healthcare organization. Guidelines for whether a particular referral for a particular patient is appropriate in a clinical context and with regard to administrative factors such as insurance may be provided to the care provider at the time the referral is created. The EHR-S provides the ability to receive and act upon referral responses from providers. The EHR-S may provide the ability to capture completion of the referral appointment. Example: (notional scenario based on conformance criteria) During an encounter, patient problems, previous treatments, care plans and results are reviewed; then, orders or order-sets for referral, based on accepted clinical practices and/or order set templates, may be created by the clinician. If an order or order- set is created, discrete data elements associated with the order(s) are recorded and any appropriate order related or clinical information is noted. Patient orders and/or order-sets are reported-to or coordinated with appropriate sources, appropriate clinicians and organizations (e.g., PHRs, schools, registries, public health), according to scope of practice, organizational policy and/or jurisdictional law. 9/18/2018 RED: Recommended deletion, Blue: Recommended Insertion

35 RED: Recommended deletion, Blue: Recommended Insertion
CP.4.6 Manage Orders for Referral Conformance Criteria (CC) Applicable to this CDM 9/18/2018 RED: Recommended deletion, Blue: Recommended Insertion

36 RED: Recommended deletion, Blue: Recommended Insertion
CP.4.6 Manage Orders for Referral Conformance Criteria (CC) Applicable to this CDM CP.4.6#01 The system SHALL provide the ability to manage outbound referral(s), whether internal or external to the organization. CP.4.6#02 The system SHALL provide the ability to capture clinical details necessary for the referral according to the scope of practice of the referral recipient. CP.4.6#03 The system SHALL provide the ability to link (e.g. link to image stored in PACS) clinical details as necessary for the referral according to the scope of practice of the referral recipient. CP.4.6#05 The system SHOULD provide the ability to capture administrative details (e.g., insurance information, consents and authorizations for disclosure) as necessary for the referral. CP.4.6#06 The system SHOULD provide the ability to link to administrative details (e.g., insurance information, consents and authorizations for disclosure) as necessary for the referral. CP.4.6#07 The system SHOULD provide the ability to render administrative details (e.g., insurance information, consents and authorizations for disclosure) as necessary for the referral. 9/18/2018 RED: Recommended deletion, Blue: Recommended Insertion

37 RED: Recommended deletion, Blue: Recommended Insertion
CP.4.6 Manage Orders for Referral Conformance Criteria (CC) Applicable to this CDM CP.4.6#08 The system SHALL provide the ability to capture, store and render an inbound referral response (e.g., referral accepted, referral denied or more information needed). CP.4.6#09 The system SHALL provide the ability to determine and render recommended actions based on an inbound referral response (e.g., referral accepted, referral denied or more information needed). CP.4.6#10 The system MAY provide the ability to capture a notification that the patient fulfilled a referred appointment. CP.4.6#11 The system SHOULD provide the ability to determine and render diagnosis-based clinical guidelines for making a referral. CP.4.6#12 The system SHOULD provide the ability to determine the contents of a referral order by rendering order sets for review by the provider. 9/18/2018 RED: Recommended deletion, Blue: Recommended Insertion

38 Backup Slides Background Information

39 EHR System Function and Information Model EHR-S FIM Vision
The EHR-S FIM vision is that analysts, engineers or testers can efficiently compose and refine the architecture-and-workflow agnostic EHR-S FIM into interoperability-specifications, which meet their system acquisition, implementation or test needs. NOTE: EHR-S FIM is NOT intended to imply a specific architecture or workflow! 9/18/2018 DRAFT WORKING DOCUMENT

40 EHR-S FM Release 2.0 Contents
Overarching (O) – 2 major subsections Care Provision (CP) - 9 major subsections Care Provision Support (CPS) – 9 major subsections Population Health Support (POP) – 10 major subsections Administrative Support (AS) – 9 major subsections Record Infrastructure (RI) – 3 major subsections Trust Infrastructure (TI) – 9 major subsections EHR-S FM R2 ballot package can be downloaded at: NOTE: EHR-S FIM is NOT intended to imply a specific architecture or workflow! 9/18/2018 DRAFT WORKING DOCUMENT

41 PART 1: Executive Summary
For EHR-S FIM Release 2.1, this prototype has the purpose to Add conceptual information and data models for each EHR-S function make the EHR-S FM easier to use for analysts and engineers verify and validate EHR-S FM Release 2.0 Demonstrate Service Aware Interoperability Framework (SAIF) use Support specific profiles (e.g., DAMs, DIMs, DCMs). The DoD-VA Joint Immunization Capability (JIC), Pharm-Lab-Rad, and than ISO Continuity-of-Care System-of Concepts-and-Glossary harmonization are proposed as a set of demonstration prototypes of increasing complexity. 9/18/2018 NOTE: EHR-S FIM is NOT intended to imply a specific architecture or workflow! DRAFT WORKING DOCUMENT

EHR-FIM Model Legend NOTE: EHR-S FIM is NOT intended to imply a specific architecture or workflow! 9/18/2018 DRAFT WORKING DOCUMENT

43 EHR-S FIM Action Verb Hierarches
Manage (Data) Capture Maintain Render Exchange Determine Manage- Data- Visibility Auto-Populate Enter Import Receive Store Update Remove Extract Present Transmit Export Analyze Decide De-Identify Hide Mask Re-Identify Unhide Unmask Archive Backup Decrypt Encrypt Recover Restore Save Annotate Attest Edit Harmonize Integrate Link Tag Delete Purge 9/18/2018 NOTE: EHR-S FIM is NOT intended to imply a specific architecture or workflow! DRAFT WORKING DOCUMENT

44 CP.4. Manage Orders Conformance Criteria (CC) Applicable to this CDM
SHALL CCs have bolded borders. RECOMMENDATION: Do not show CC mapping to “operations” 9/18/2018 DRAFT WORKING DOCUMENT

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