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Texas Revolution Test Review SMART SMARTER SMARTEST

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1 Texas Revolution Test Review 10 20 30 40 50 SMART SMARTER SMARTEST
BRILLIANT GENIUS 10 20 30 40 50

2 A person who comes to a country to settle is an _____________.

3 A person who comes to a country to settle is an immigrant.

4 An agent who makes all arrangements to bring settlers to a colony is an ______________.

5 An agent who makes all arrangements to bring settlers to a colony is an empresario

6 He received the first empresario contract to bring Anglo settlers to Texas.

7 He received the first empresario contract to bring Anglo settlers to Texas.
Moses Austin Category

8 He became an empresario after his father’s death.

9 Stephen F. Austin He became an empresario after his father’s death.

10 Spanish authorities wanted settlers from the U. S
Spanish authorities wanted settlers from the U.S. to populate Texas and to protect it from _____________ raids.

11 Spanish authorities wanted settlers from the U. S
Spanish authorities wanted settlers from the U.S. to populate Texas and to protect it from Indian raids.

12 New settlers to Texas from the U. S
New settlers to Texas from the U.S. were expected to adopt this religion.

13 New settlers to Texas from the U. S
New settlers to Texas from the U.S. were expected to adopt this religion. Catholic

14 In the 1820s and early 1830s, many U. S
In the 1820s and early 1830s, many U.S. citizens wished to move to Texas even though it still belonged to Mexico because they wanted to buy _________ __________.

15 In the 1820s and early 1830s, many U. S
In the 1820s and early 1830s, many U.S. citizens wished to move to Texas even though it still belonged to Mexico because they wanted to buy cheap land.

16 The Spanish government sent mainly soldiers and priests to settle Texas, while Anglos sent families to ________ there.

17 The Spanish government sent mainly soldiers and priests to settle Texas, while Anglos sent families to farm there.

18 Anglo colonists came to Texas for e___________ reasons such as being able to buy large amounts of fertile, cheap land for farming.

19 Anglo colonists came to Texas for economic reasons such as being able to buy large amounts of fertile, cheap land for farming.

20 The Fredonian Rebellion, the Mier y Terán Report and the Law of April 6, 1830 were all events leading to the Texas _________________.

21 The Fredonian Rebellion, the Mier y Terán Report and the Law of April 6, 1830 were all events leading to the Texas Revolution.

22 When the Mexican government cancelled Hayden Edward’s land contract, he invaded Nacogdoches and declared its independence as the Republic of ________________.

23 When the Mexican government cancelled Hayden Edward’s land contract, he invaded Nacogdoches and declared its independence as the Republic of Fredonia.

24 The Mier y Teran Report said that Anglos outnumbered Mexicans 10 to 1 in Texas and caused Mexico to pass the Law of __________ 6, 1830.

25 The Mier y Teran Report said that Anglos outnumbered Mexicans 10 to 1 in Texas and caused Mexico to pass the Law of April 6, 1830.

26 He commanded the forces that preferred death over surrender in defending the Alamo.

27 He commanded the forces that preferred death over surrender in defending the Alamo.
William Travis

28 He commanded the forces that defeated General Santa Anna at the Battle of San Jacinto.

29 He commanded the forces that defeated General Santa Anna at the Battle of San Jacinto.
Sam Houston

30 He was the leader of Spanish-speaking Tejano volunteers who helped defend the Alamo against General Santa Anna.

31 He was the leader of Spanish-speaking Tejano volunteers who helped defend the Alamo against General Santa Anna. Juan Seguin

32 He commanded the troops at Goliad that were massacred after surrendering to Mexican forces.

33 He commanded the troops at Goliad that were massacred after surrendering to Mexican forces.
James Fannin

34 He believed the Texans were lawless foreigners who needed to be defeated and punished.

35 He believed the Texans were lawless foreigners who needed to be defeated and punished.
Santa Anna

36 Texans declared their independence from Mexico, because they believed they were being denied their individual and political _________.

37 Texans declared their independence from Mexico, because they believed they were being denied their individual and political rights.

38 Travis’ famous letter from the Alamo ended with these words.

39 Travis’ famous letter from the Alamo ended with these words.

40 After declaring their independence from Mexico, Anglo-American settlers in Texas established civil, political and religious ___________.

41 After declaring their independence from Mexico, Anglo-American settlers in Texas established civil, political and religious freedom.

42 These are grievances listed in the
Mexico promised us a democracy, but gave us a despotism (dictatorship). They have kept government offices far away from us. They conduct all government business in Spanish. We don’t have the right to a trial by jury, and we don’t have religious freedom. When we send people to tell the government how we feel, they put our representatives in jail. These are grievances listed in the Texas ______________ of _______________.

43 These are grievances listed in the Texas Declaration of Independence.
Mexico promised us a democracy, but gave us a despotism (dictatorship). They have kept government offices far away from us. They conduct all government business in Spanish. We don’t have the right to a trial by jury, and we don’t have religious freedom. When we send people to tell the government how we feel, they put our representatives in jail. These are grievances listed in the Texas Declaration of Independence.

44 He was the main author of the Texas Declaration of Independence.

45 He was the main author of the Texas Declaration of Independence.
George Childress

46 Colonel Fannin and his troops were executed at ________.

47 Colonel Fannin and his troops were executed at Goliad.

48 When most powers are given to the state government instead of the federal or national government, it is called _________ __________.

49 When most powers are given to the state government instead of the federal or national government, it is called States Rights.

50 A lengthy military attack on a fortified place is a ________.

51 A lengthy military attack on a fortified place is a siege.


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