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Minnesota’s Homeless Management Information System (HMIS)

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1 Minnesota’s Homeless Management Information System (HMIS)
HUD-ESG Program Requirements Program Specific 142

2 Overview This training is to provide supplemental data entry and reporting instructions specific to HUD-ESG projects. For complete instructions, you should also review these videos: ClientPoint Module – Entry/Exit (Data Entry 123) If your Emergency Shelter project is using ShelterPoint for data entry, you should instead watch the ShelterPoint Module (Data Entry 123) ServicePoint and Advanced Reporting Tool (ART) Reports (Reports 161) Universal and Common Data Elements (Foundations 115) This training is covering unique processes not covered in other trainings.

3 Materials HUD-ESG Reference Guide ESG CAPER Instructions
HUD-ESG Program Manual (HUD) Data Collection Forms All required data elements All resources (as well as funder contact information) are posted here under ESG: “We won’t be covering the last 2 in this training outside of this slide. HUD-ESG is a federal funding source, and they have their own manual created by HUD in how they should be setup and use Homeless Management Information Systems across the country to standardize data collection.”

4 Important Note This training covers data entry workflow for projects using the ClientPoint Module in ServicePoint. This training does not cover the data entry workflow for projects using the ShelterPoint Module.

5 About the Program Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG) from U.S. Department of Housing & Urban Development provides funding to: Engage homeless individuals and families living on the street; Improve the number and quality of emergency shelters for homeless individuals and families; Help operate these shelters; Provide essential services to shelter residents; Rapidly re-house homeless individuals and families; and Prevent families and individuals from becoming homeless. Funding can be used for 4 project types: Street Outreach, Emergency Shelter, Homelessness Prevention, and Rapid Re- Housing (Transitional Housing is no longer a project type, however some Transitional Housing projects were grandfathered in as projects)

6 Program Specific Data Elements
Unique to HUD-ESG Projects This section applies to ALL HUD-ESG projects.

7 Data Collection – Program Specific Data Elements
Project Entry or Update in the Entry/Exit tab, complete the HUD ESG All-Inclusive Assessment Contact (4.12) Date of Engagement (4.13) Residential Move-in Date (4.17) Project Exit in the Entry/Exit tab, complete the Exit HUD Assessment Housing Assessment Disposition (4.18) Housing Assessment at Exit (4.19) Refer to the Universal and Common Data Elements PPT

8 Contact (4.12) Subject: Head of Household and adults (18+)
Data Collection Point: At project entry, at project exit and each contact between entry and exit Project Types: Street Outreach and Night-by-Night (NBN) Shelter Required for Street Outreach projects and NBN Shelter Provides information on the number of contacts required to engage the client Record the date and location of each contact with a client. (Contact = interaction between a worker and a client ranging from simple verbal conversation about the client’s well-being, case management, or needs or may be a referral to service.) Rationale: To record and count the number of contacts with homeless persons by street outreach and other service projects and to provide information on the number of contacts required to engage the client. Contact – not every client has to have contacts Place not meant for habitation could include a vehicle, abandoned building, bus/train/subway station/airport or anywhere outside that is not a Homeless Connect-type event. • Service setting, non-residential could include a Homeless Connect-type event, drop in center, day services center, soup kitchen, etc. • Service setting, residential could include emergency, transitional or permanent housing; treatment facility, including health, mental health, or substance abuse clinic or hospital; jail, prison, or juvenile detention facility; family or friend’s room, apartment, condo, or house; foster care or group home. SP: Sub-assessment. Date of Contact, Location, Start Date, End Date. (Doesn’t match the Response Categories in HUD Date Standards.)

9 Date of Engagement (4.13) Subject: Head of household and adults (18+)
Data Collection Point: At project update Project Types: Street Outreach and Night-by-Night (NBN) Shelters Required for Street Outreach projects and NBN Shelters. Record the date the client became engaged. Only one date of engagement is allowed between project entry and project exit. (Date of Engagement = the date on which an interactive client relationship results in a deliberate client assessment or beginning of a case plan.) The date of engagement should be entered into HMIS at the point that the client has become engaged. If the client exits without becoming engaged the engagement date should be left blank. If a client returns after project exit and has a new project entry, a new date of engagement is to be established. Rationale: To count the number of homeless persons engaged by street outreach projects and night-by-night shelters Data Collection Point: Project Update refers to after Entry, typically people aren’t “engaged” at “Entry” for SO or NBN. But I suppose they could be. Ignore “for Outreach clients only” text on Assessment

10 Residential Move-in Date (4.17)
Subject: All clients Data Collection Point: At project entry. Edit as necessary to reflect changes during the course of enrollment. Project Types: Rapid Re-Housing Required for Rapid Re-Housing projects only. Indicate the date on which the client achieved placement in permanent housing. Residential move in date is the date of the first night the client stays (sleeps) in a permanent housing unit (fixed, regular, and adequate nighttime residence intended to be permanent). At project entry must have recorded whether the client is residing in housing through the Rapid Re-Housing project by indicating “Yes” or “No.” Rationale: To differentiate between clients who are awaiting placement in housing and those who have moved into permanent housing for Rapid Re-Housing projects. This data is critical to point-in-time and housing inventory counts as it differentiates a client from a homeless status (in shelter) to a permanent housing status (in RRH housing unit). Response Category Descriptions: All RRH clients at project entry must have recorded whether the client is residing in housing through the Rapid Re-Housing project by indicating “Yes” or “No”. If “No” is recorded at project entry for In Permanent Housing a subsequent edit must be made to specify the date the client moves into housing. For all clients who have answered “Yes” for In Permanent Housing, the date the client physically moved into housing must be entered. IN SP: In Permanent Housing (Yes, No) If yes, Date of Move-In

11 Housing Assessment Disposition (4.18)
Subject: Head of households Data Collection Point: At project exit (or update as required) Project Types: All projects that provide Coordinated Entry Indicate the appropriate disposition of the client following a housing crisis assessment once at or before project exit. Where client was referred to Only projects that conduct a Coordinated Entry with HUD- ESG funding will have to answer this data element Rationale: To track client disposition following a brief assessment of critical housing needs. This data element may be used as part of a coordinated assessment system. The disposition response categories represent the different types of continuum projects or other community assistance to which a client may be referred upon presenting to a coordinated assessment project or related point of contact with a request for assistance to address a housing a crisis. Why not same response categories in SP as in HUD Data Standards? ? = data collection is determined by how the CoC has structured the coordinated assessment in their area. Placement of the element would be required for any project that is conducting a coordinated assessment. This may be across multiple projects or sited in a central access point or coordinated intake center.

12 Housing Assessment at Exit (4.19)
Subject: All clients Data Collection Point: At project exit Project Types: Homelessness Prevention Required for Homelessness Prevention projects only. Determine the response value that best describes the client’s housing circumstances from project entry to project exit. “Moved into a transitional or temporary housing facility or program” includes transitional housing for homeless and non-homeless persons, treatment facilities, or institutions. Rationale: To determine whether clients exiting prevention projects have remained stably housed.

13 Update Updates are required annually within 30 days of primary client’s or household’s anniversary date. Select Annual Assessment for Interim Review Type. Complete the HUD CoC and ESG Update Assessment or HUD ESG All-Inclusive Assessment from the Entry/Exit tab. Ages into adulthood…

14 Data Entry Workflow for ClientPoint

15 Data Entry Options for Emergency Shelters
Create an Entry/Exit for each night a client stays in shelter (ClientPoint) Best for shelters where clients leave every morning and it is unknown whether they will return that night. Create an Entry when client comes into shelter and an exit when they leave (ClientPoint) Best for shelters where clients tend to stay for longer periods of time Use ShelterPoint to automatically create Entry/Exits and check clients into a bed (bed management) (ShelterPoint) Night-by-Night (ClientPoint or ShelterPoint) See next slide for NBN workflow Before I go over the required data entry components for HUD-ESG, I want to discuss the unique data entry options for Emergency Shelter projects.

16 Night-by-Night (NBN) Shelters
The Entry/Exit method should be used for all ESG-funded Emergency Shelters unless: The shelter serves a large number of clients on a nightly basis Clients are permitted to spend nights at the shelter on an irregular basis and There is a high degree of client turnover ESG-funded shelters which meet the criteria above may be set up in HMIS to use the Night-by-Night method to track emergency shelter utilization. NBN shelters have different data collection requirements. HMIS-Manual.pdf If you think you could be a night-by-night shelter and want to learn more, please contact

17 Reference Guide Overview of the Data Entry Workflow for HUD-ESG Projects using the “Entry/Exit Workflow” in ClientPoint All HUD-ESG project types use Entry/Exit to record client participation; Entry type = HUD Encourage people to print the Reference Guide. I’ll be using this Reference Guide as I provide a brief overview of the HUD-ESG Workflow. Note: If you are an Emergency Shelter and considered NIGHT-by-NIGHT or are using ShelterPoint, this instruction will not apply to you. I will NOT be covering Service Transactions in this training as that is not a REQUIRED component of HUD-ESG.

18 Live demonstration at
Visit ServicePoint. Be sure to point out the ESG All Inclusive Assessment and the Exit HUD Assessment so that people understand where they will be answering Assessment questions.

19 Reports

20 Reports – Funder Required
Reports required by funder: ESG CAPER, you can use this report for data checking How often are they submitted: Annually, within 90 days of grant year Special report running/submission rules: Uploaded to IDIS by your ESG grantee

21 Reports – Funder Required
Your HUD-ESG grantee will determine report due dates and send you information via . Review the ESG CAPER Instructions for step- by-step on running the CAPER, tips on analyzing your data in the report, and submitting the CAPER to your ESG grantee. ESG CAPER Instruction available at You can use the ESG CAPER to check your data. We do not have an ESG specific report in ART for data checking.

22 ESG CAPER Report Prompts
Provider Type (Required) Select “Provider” to run the report for 1 provider. (You can select a Reporting Group to run the report for multiple providers if you have a Reporting Group setup. Most grantees do not have a Reporting Group because ESG grantees want the report by project for IDIS upload.) Provider (Required) Select your HUD-ESG provider from the dropdown or click “Search” to find your HUD-ESG provider. Program Date Range (Required) Indicate the date range for the report. (Often the date range your HUD-ESG grantee is requesting.) For Emergency Shelters, Use This prompt is only required for Emergency Shelter projects and allows you to select which data entry workflow(s) were used to track client participation/stays. Did you record: Entry/Exits in the Entry/Exit tab (Entry/Exits are required for all HUD-ESG projects), Shelter Services from the Service Transactions tab or via the SkanPoint module, or ShelterPoint Stays via the ShelterPoint module? Funding Source Do not select anything. Leave blank. Entry/Exit Types (Required) When you create an Entry/Exit record on the Entry/Exit tab in ClientPoint, you are given the option to select Entry Type. The correct workflow for HUD-ESG projects is to select HUD (this will allow the display of the correct funder-required assessment at entry). However, if you have been selecting something other than HUD, you’ll need to click on that type as well. If you are selecting a type other than HUD, you will want to change that Entry Type to HUD on the Entry Record. the Helpdesk for instructions.

23 Live demonstration at

24 THANK YOU FOR WATCHING! For Additional Assistance
Refer to online resources available at Contact the Helpdesk (Available: 8:30-4:30 M-F) Form: Website Form Please use client ID number and initials instead of name in correspondence Voic (651) or 1(855) All calls go directly to voic We route your Helpdesk request to the appropriate team member and will respond within 1 business day

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