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Welcome to the PTR online backboard Class
Welcome to the PTR online backboard Class. This class can be used to learn more about the PTR enhancement. In this class, we are going to try to cover all of the new information for Faculty, Staff and Students and also talk about some other resources that are available for the PTR.
Personnel Transaction Request (PTR) Enhancement & Work List Training
Welcome Personnel Transaction Request (PTR) Enhancement & Work List Training Those of you who took the original PTR course may remember the spider-man theme of responsibility. That still applies for the new version and perhaps to a greater extent. However, due to the connection with payroll and new complexity, the theme for today’s training is Timing: Dates affect transaction (retro/op) Payroll deadlines affect expectations (when will paycheck reflect change) We want to stress this theme throughout. It would be beneficial to you if the concept of timing is kept in mind throughout the presentation. "Maybe you aren't ready for this but your kids are going to love it!”
Agenda PTR What’s changed PTR Navigation/Orientation Transactions
Workflow/Worklist Next Steps Documentation Resources This is today’s agenda. We will begin with an overview of what has changed with the PTR. Then we will remind you of the navigation and main screens we will deal with. After that, we will get into the new transactions of the PTR—we will demo these, you will try some yourself and we’ll review what we learned. Then we will cover the new features of the worklist. Finally, we will leave you with the next steps after this class. Due to the large amount of material we have to cover paired with the limitation on time, our presentation will be very structured. There will be a time set aside for Q&A as well as breaks given. Please allow us to direct you through the material and we will invite your questions and provide an opportunity to stretch your legs.
Personnel Transaction Request – Current PTR
MSS Ad-Hoc MSS Termination MSS Promotion MSS Retire As you know, the PTR was created to produce hires, promotions, pay rate changes, and terminations for all faculty, staff and student workers at this university. In the past we used to use all these other methods that you see in this picture. These have all been discontinued. The overall goal was to create a “one-stop” shop for departments for job related transactions. We wanted to eliminate manual intervention, reduce the time it takes (for person entering and time it takes to be acted upon), and to store workflow approvals within the transaction (rather than ). eHire/ Student Hire DM Exception Form (Manual Entry by DM)
Personnel Transaction Request – Enhanced PTR
Customized Workflow Payroll Action Request (PAR) Decoupling Position and Job With the enhanced version of the PTR these goals are further realized: Transactions that used to be processed via the Payroll Action Request will now be incorporated in the enhanced version of the PTR. The current customized workflow is replaced with a delivered workflow. The importance of this is that as we continue to modify other HR systems this delivered workflow will be incorporated into those as well. This is not the last time departments will see the new workflow. In addition, the PTR now causes position and job to be decoupled. Changes to an employee’s FTE or job code will not affect the overall position. Changes to position are to be done in position management. This will allow users to change employee job data without having to go into position management and will prove especially useful for individual changes to employees that are on group positions. [We are basically limiting the amount of time users have to use position management—it will mostly be used now for accounting changes, creation of new positions, and modification of existing data (only certain attributes)]
What’s Changed Process position and job data transactions at the same time Submit payroll transactions through PTR Combine job data and payroll data transactions Data conditions recognized and acted on by the system (i.e. retro, VPO, CTP) Here are some highlights of what the enhanced PTR will allow departments to do: You can now process position and job data transactions on one PTR, such as an FTE change and pay increase. You can submit payroll transactions through the PTR, like additional pay or a vacation pay out. [replacement of PAR] The PTR further replaces and streamlines different systems that were available for personnel transactions, for example you can combine a transfer with an additional pay The system will assist you by recognizing data conditions, which allows you to process related transactions at the same time on one PTR. For instance, a backdated FTE adjustment will automatically prompt a vacation pay out if applicable.
What’s Changed (cont’d)
Reduce double entry Process Monitor & more functionality for approvers Worklist enhancement (Cont’d) Furthermore: Elimination of the PAR for most transactions means that payroll no longer enters PARs manually. The PTR writes straight to job data once approved The new Process Monitor provides information about workflow approval. Which approvers are assigned to the transaction, as well as approver comments can be found here. Approvers have more functionality too as they can now approve or return a transaction directly from the transaction’s main page. A number of changes have been made to the worklist to assist users, which will be covered in depth later
Navigation Let’s start off with a review of navigation
Navigation You will be able to access the PTR/ PTR Worklist via MYASU under the Manager Tab Alternate URL: Navigation: ASU customization > ASU HCM Custom > ASU HR > Personnel Transaction Request > Personnel Transaction Request In MyASU, under the Manager tab you will find links to the PTR search page and the PTR Worklist, as seen in this screenshot. You can also navigate to either one via PeopleSoft using the navigation you see here.
Transactions Now we will move into the new transactions
Order Search and Splash Page Retro/Overpayment
Promotion with a Pay Rate Change Additional Pay/Additional Pay Cancel CPO/VPO/CTP Termination with CPO/VPO/CTP Std Hours Change Leave Accrual/Manual Check Work List This is the order we will present today. We will start with the search and splash page, demonstrating new features. Then we will move into our first of four sets of demos that you will have a chance to try. We will use a familiar transaction to show you how retro and overpayments work. In the section after that we will demonstrate an additional pay and additional pay cancel. Then we will demonstrate the CPO/VPO/CTP check option in combination with another familiar transaction. Our last two sets of demos will cover leave accrual adjustments and manual checks and then the worklist.
PTR Orientation PTR has three main screens updated: Search (PTR ID)
Search Results (+ Job Indicator, - Birthdate) Splash (PTR Transaction Selection section, Std Hrs/FT PT/Reg Temp, Payroll Transaction section) Main (PTR Pay Data tab) As a reminder, the three screens you will deal with on the PTR is the Search screen (and search results), the Splash page, and the Main page. There have been some adjustments to each of these, most notably on the Splash page. We will now demonstrate the navigation and discuss the changes to these three screens. Then we will move into our first transaction demonstration. All the transactions we review today will share this structure. We will demonstrate the transaction in real time, give you a chance for questions, then you will try it, then we’ll review with a group clicker quiz. Search page: PTR ID added Multiple transactions can be submitted on the same record at the same time [Use ID with several transactions submitted on same record (i.e. leave accrual, additional pay, etc)] Position on leave will show up in results section because they can be terminated/retired Job indicator added Birthdate removed
PTR Transactions Retro pay and Overpayments (Promotion + Pay Change)
Demo Q&A Try it Test your knowledge Splash page: Now separated into two sections PTR Transaction Selection section, which applies to job data transactions Within this section the transaction used to make changes to job attributes called Std Hrs/FT PT/Reg Temp has been added Payroll Transaction section, which applies to pay data transactions and replaces the PAR In this example, we will demonstrate how the system recognizes data conditions to prompt a retro payment or an overpayment. We will start by selecting a transaction that most of you should be familiar with – a promotion with a pay rate change. Main page: On the main page you will notice the screen is tabbed as PTR Job Data For transactions that affect pay the PTR Pay Data tab will populate, which we’ll see in just a moment Notice that job attributes are available below and we will demonstrate its usage in a later demo All data entry fields that apply to the given transaction will be available, and any fields that are blank and do not allow you to edit do not apply. We will select a reason, then enter the new position number. The decoupling of position and job can be demonstrated here. We will select the same position number, even though this is a promotion [105433]. Below, you will notice the Job Code field. This can be used to change jobs while maintaining the same position number instead [897999]. Notice that the overall position job title is the same, but the individual’s job data will update with the job title and grade of the new job code. All reports will pull this correct information as well. There are two factors that drive retro payments/overpayments, which are date and amount. In this example, we are backdating this promotion [2/18/13]. Next we will enter the salary [90000], and once you tab out of that field you will receive a warning message. Since the amount we entered is an increase in salary we are prompted to review retro payment information. The PTR Pay Data tab populates. After reviewing position funding information and entering PTR Business Notes we will select that tab. The calculation should be correct, but if there are any discrepancies you can edit the amount and hours field by clicking the Override button. You may also request a manual check but this may result in a fee. Again, you should then review the position funding and enter any notes, if needed. To demonstrate an overpayment, let’s go back to the Job Data tab. We will now decrease the salary [75000] and tab out. This message appears instead and the PTR Pay Data tab is updated. Once we click over we will find the Overpayment section. The required fields are earnings code [A12], reason [Pay Rate Correction], start [2/18/13] and end date [2/17/13] (which is the pay period begin and end date of paycheck overpaid), discovered by [Dept], amount [384.60], and explanation. The earnings code is that which was overpaid. Although the exact reason may not be present please select the one that most closely applies. The date range selected should be the period of the paycheck overpaid (begin dates are Monday, end dates are Sunday). It is highly recommended that departments discuss overpayment situations with the employee prior to submitting the transaction or soon after so they are aware. Enter a detailed but concise description of what caused the overpayment in the explanation field. If you run out of room you can continue in the notes field. You can use the “+” sign to add a line if you would like to report another earnings code overpaid or if you would like to report the same earnings code overpaid in another, non-consecutive period. If either the earnings code or period is not different, you will be unable to save the transaction. Note that you should never simply use the date you are creating the transaction as the effective date, but rather the date that the transaction you are entering took effect should be used (department should have backup documentation). However, it is possible that an incorrect date is used or an incorrect amount and it is not discovered until after the transaction has been approved and the employee has been paid. In this case, you can report an overpayment as a separate transaction (as you saw on the splash page). This transaction will likely be used often at first but the goal should be to catch overpayments in conjunction with other transactions. Retro payments can only be done in conjunction with another transaction though. You should also be aware of payroll deadlines because this could cause your transaction to remain in batch longer than expected and the changes to job and the employee’s paycheck will not occur when you expect them. *Also keep in mind that retro and overpayments are possible for any transaction that requires a change in pay if you are backdating it. However, for hourly employees, you will not always receive these messages, because any owed payment or overpaid amount should be addressed through time and labor. Therefore, it is best to be fully aware of the circumstance and not simply rely on the system to catch it. Are there any questions?
Dates Are Important
Key Concepts (Try it) Retro pay and Overpayments
Dates are important (transaction/payroll) Time and labor data needed for Hourly employees Overpays can be reported separately, retro only available within a transaction Only one overpayment line per earnings code/period Now it is your turn to Try the transaction. We will allow 5 minutes for this and you key concepts of what we just covered are displayed for you.
Test your knowledge Now we will “Test your knowledge” by going through some questions and you can enter your answer with the clicker provided.
PTR Transactions Additional Pay and Additional Pay Cancel Demo Q&A
Try it Put on your thinking cap Break We will now cover the Additional Pay and Additional Pay Cancel transactions. Since we are going to demonstrate one after the other, if you have any questions about Additional Pay please write them down or keep them in mind until we reach the section for Q&A.
Key Concepts (Try it) Additional Pay and Additional Pay Cancel
Allowable earn codes limited by Sponsored Accounts Start date/separate check uniform for multiple additional pays Able to cancel any or all additional pays Retro/Overpay possible Due to our time restriction please select only one of the 2 transactions to try. You will have 5 minutes. If you storm through the first then feel free to attempt the second. Key concepts are posted here.
Put on your thinking cap
Additional Pay/Cancel Questions:
PTR Transactions CPO/VPO/CTP Check (Termination) Demo Q&A Try it
We will now discuss and demonstrate how the PTR allows you to submit comp time and vacation payouts. As you can see from the splash page, it is possible to select this transaction by itself, but the button will only be available for selection if the given employee has a comp time balance (you cannot create a vacation payout at any time). As with overpayments, this can also occur in conjunction with another transaction, namely those which terminate a position or place it on short work break. In this example, we will select termination. Notice that this button along with additional pay cancel are both automatically selected.
Key Concepts (Try it) CPO/VPO/CTP Check
Possible with terminate/retire/FTE change/pay group change Can select CPO/CTP on splash for employees with balance Be cognizant when future dating transactions (hours not accrued/ hours not taken) Again you have 5 minutes to try this out with the key concepts posted here.
PTR Transactions Std Hrs/FT PT/Reg Temp (Job attributes change) Demo
Q&A Try it Aren’t you one smart cookie? As previously mentioned, changes to job attributes such as FTE, full-time/part-time status, and regular/temporary status can be made within other transactions. For instance, these fields are available within promotions, transfers and reassignments. In this example, we will create a job attribute change transaction by itself by selecting Std Hrs/FT PT/Reg Temp from the splash page.
Key Concepts (Try it) Std Hrs/FT PT/Reg Temp
If no change to status, do not reselect FTE change will auto adjust salary VPO possible with FTE decrease Retro/Overpay possible (FAC/SAL) Please take 5 minutes to run through this exercise. Key concepts are posted here.
One smart cookie CPO/VPO/CTP/Std Hrs/FT PT/Reg Temp Questions:
PTR Transactions Leave Accrual and Request Manual Check Demo Q&A
Hit the books Break As with the additional pay section, we will demonstrate and discuss both of these transactions and then answer questions for both afterward. Leave accruals can only be created for benefit eligible staff employees and faculty employees on a fiscal year appointment, because the employee needs to be able to accrue vacation or sick time for this transaction to be applicable. We want to make it clear that this transaction should only be selected in order to adjust the employee’s accrual balance. Any reported time that was in error should be corrected through time and labor. There are only a few examples of why such a transaction would be needed. It is possible that an employee’s benefits are set up a period or more after their start date, causing the beginning balance to be incorrect. It is possible that an FTE change affected accruals but was not reflected in a timely manner. It is possible that the employee’s accrual amount is increased due to length of employment but this change does not carry over. These errors can possibly be caused by the system or they could be due to user mistakes or late processing. Take the job attributes change we demonstrated earlier as an example. We changed the employee’s FTE late and this decreased the maximum balance allowed as well as the accrual rate. The employee accrued the wrong amount for all periods in between the effective date and actual date the transaction was applied. What is most important about leave accruals is that you are sure it is needed and you have appropriate documentation.
Key Concepts Leave Accrual and Request Manual Check
Leave accrual only used to adjust balance You should still have supporting docs Manual check break hours out by week Request manual check only after adjustment made and approved in T&L Due to the simplicity of these transactions we will not have you try them but here are the key concepts for your review before we do our group quiz.
Hit the books Leave Accrual/Manual Check Questions:
Your break…
PTR Workflow Approval Steps Transaction Employee Type Staff
Promotion with pay change PTR Approver/ Account Signer VP/Dean EVP Promotion without pay change VP Termination As a reminder, the PTR workflow changes with the type of transaction you are submitting based on the employee type. This will remain the same, but we are adding a few approval steps if the transaction meets certain criteria. [This diagram is an example of how the workflow will adapt based upon the type of transaction you are submitting and the employee type of the person being affected. For a complete matrix of each employee type and action please visit for the most updated matrix.]
Workflow No New security requests are required for department workflow
New Workflow Routing to FS Director when Additional Pay is greater than $25,000 Payroll Workflow Routing for certain additional pays Workflow Matrix currently under revision and will be available before go live You do not need to request new security. Here are some examples of the added workflow. The matrix will be available soon
Work List - New Features
Filtering New Process Monitor Individual Status Page New Status: Work In Progress Checkboxes at the end of the page to indicate combo transactions Archive process is now considering combos
Put you to the test Work list/other Questions:
DMX Revisions, Next Steps, References
DMX Revisions DMX will be revised for Payroll Transactions Will be available on the website prior to go-live Examples of when to use DMX The long term plan though is to eliminate PAR altogether and to expand the DME to include certain PAR transactions that might still need to be taken care of manually.
Next Steps Workflow Approval Matrix to be revised
Communication to go out to approvers on the changes for them Communication to originators closer to go live with specifics about go live Anticipated Go Live beginning of May with potential lockout
Reference Material PTR Documentation Resources Blackboard
It is your responsibility to maintain the evidence of appropriate approval and documentation Resources Blackboard PTR website Dashboard Departments should already be aware of needed documentation from current processes. For the most part, payroll will not require documentation as internal processes should be adequate. You may refer to this class on your blackboard for material used today. You will also be able to access the Business Process Guide, Read It guides (which are essentially quick steps to a given transaction), Watch It videos (which demonstrate the given transaction with commentary), and Try It videos (which are similar to what you used today) for each possible transaction and separated by faculty, staff and student.
Time’s up when the clock strikes!
Take Survey in Blackboard Discussion Board That concludes our presentation. We hope you found it informative and enjoyable, and that you will take advantage of the resources provided in the future. If you have any additional questions you can stay a few minutes late and we will answer those for you.
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