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ENGINEERING YOUR FUTURE 1 *This module is compulsory*

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1 ENGINEERING YOUR FUTURE 1 *This module is compulsory*
PP1: Introduction slide Note: Your approximate visit time in the class room is 40 minutes. Please prepare a 30 minute presentation and allow 10 minutes for questions and answers. The presentation is flexible - you can choose which slides to include and how much time to spend on each slide. Remember you are a role model so take the time to customise this presentation to showcase your career journey and your story. As you work through the slides, try to make your presentation as interactive as possible – ask the class questions, generate discussion and encourage them to share ideas on what they are seeing. Feel free to think of your own ways to encourage discussion, based on your own experience and interests. Useful: Refer to handout – Tips for communicating with school children Refer to handout – Quick guide to presentations

2 Your name here Type of Engineer Company name PP2: Welcome Note:
This slide should be edited to contain your personal details. Include a photo of yourself from your school days or one of you taking part in a fun social activity so that students will relate more to you rather than view you as an authority figure. One the day of the visit, dress casually if you can. Introductions: Welcome the group The presentation should be a conversation between you and the students Introduce yourself briefly and mention a fun social activity you enjoy outside work or college.

3 What is engineering? PP3: What is engineering?
Ask: the class if anyone knows what engineering is or what an engineer does. Or pair exercise: Ask students to turn to the person beside them and have a brief discussion about what engineering is or what an engineer does. FLIPCHART RESPONSES Get a volunteer from the class to write the feedback from the class on the white board or flip chart if there is one available. This is a good opportunity to generate some discussion first and find out what the class already knows about engineering. Useful: Refer to handout – Tips for communicating with school children Optional Activity Can you bring any props from work with you? Pass the prop around the class and ask students what they think it is.

4 Video PP4: Video - optional
Explain: Thank class for their responses and let them know that you are going to show them a video which shows different types of engineers. Video: Play the Engineers Ireland TV advert. Click on the screen to start the embedded YouTube video. You will find a link to the advert here Note: Check with the school in advance to make sure there is an internet connection in the classroom and that it will be working when you are there. Check that the sound will be audible.

5 PP5: Engineering is … Explain: Engineering is solving problems. Engineers use basic concepts in maths and science to solve problems practically. Engineering offers a chance to make a difference to peoples lives e.g. They design incubators, implants and heart stents. Engineers are constantly looking to improve things from the way we get around, to new medicines to the fun we have on holidays. Engineering is everywhere. There is no limit to what engineering can achieve. Look around you. Ask: How many of you have been on a rollercoaster recently? The rollercoaster is an example of all the different engineers coming together working on one project. Ask: How many of you have had a cup of tea today? Have you ever thought about how it came to be? The cup, water, milk and kettle all involve engineering. A kettle in your kitchen was developed by electronic engineers. Chemical engineering through filtering and heating removes impurities and bacteria from milk before it reaches supermarkets. Ask: How many of you brushed your teeth this morning? Toothpaste is made by chemical engineers to keep our teeth white and the clean water in your bathroom is kept clean by chemical engineers. Group work: What other everyday examples of engineering can the students think of? There are many more e.g. Ball point pen, self service checkouts and low energy light bulbs.

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