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OSU Enrollment Planning Task Force December 2016

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Presentation on theme: "OSU Enrollment Planning Task Force December 2016"— Presentation transcript:

1 OSU Enrollment Planning Task Force December 2016

2 Enrollment Planning Task Force Goal: 2012-2017 Enrollment Plan Summary
Executive Summary Vision & Purpose Slow growth, catch up to rapid growth by hiring instructors, academic advisors, student service personnel -- Mission centric -- Student focused Add classrooms and student housing,; emphasize ADA compliance with planned capital construction. Capacity in Corvallis of 28,000 -- Intentional growth -- Create educated citizenry Ensure high quality learning Meet optimum mix of undergraduate, graduate students to support research one and ensure quality of education -- Create original knowledge and advance innovation Targeted investments, cost containment, increase revenue -- Contribute to the economic, civic and cultural life of Oregon Presented by Kate September 18, 2018

3 Enrollment Planning Task Force Goal: Undergraduate
Targets Fall 2016 Strategies, Tactics Retain OSU’s enrollment market share among Oregon residents 64.2% overall 74.2% degree-seeking Corvallis students -- 4-year university in Bend -- Merit and need-based financial aid, scholarships -- Pre-College Programs to fill K-12 pipeline -- Degree Partnership Program Recruit & retain Oregon’s “best and brightest” students 47% Oregon freshmen with high school GPA of 3.75 or better -- High Achieving Student (HAS) campus-wide initiative -- HAS recruitment events -- Targeted marketing -- Presidential Scholarships -- Beaver Nation presentations -- Packaged scholarships -- Prestigious scholarship coordinator Presented by Kate September 18, 2018

4 Enrollment Planning Task Force Goal: Undergraduate
Targets Fall 2016 Strategies, Tactics Provide access & affordability 31% domestic UG Pell- eligible -- Bridget to Success -- College-targeted scholarships -- Assistance fund -- Emergency scholarships -- High Promise scholarships -- UHDS retention aid, -- Stop Out micro grants Increase Domestic Minorities 23.7%* *Although the target is for overall enrollment, these strategies are undergraduate focus Race neutral recruitment Student support services UIA and Student Success Collaborative – data gathering, personalized support Presented by Kate September 18, 2018

5 Enrollment Planning Task Force Goal: Graduate & Professional
Targets Fall 2016 Strategies, Tactics Graduate enrollment: 15% Professional: 5% by 2017 Graduate grew 1.8% Graduate at 14.7% Professional at 1.8% -- Increase student funding -- Add programs, certificates -- Enhanced coordination: Graduate School and colleges -- Add all online degrees -- Add online courses -- Continue market, demand analysis -- Add OSU-Cascades programs -- Adjust slots based on graduate placement rates Presented by Kate September 18, 2018

6 Enrollment Planning Task Force Goal: Overall enrollment targets
Fall 2016 Strategies, Tactics Increase diversity Veterans: First Generation: OR Counties: Countries: All states * *Plus several US territories -- Provide Veterans services -- Increase child care availability -- Welcoming communities -- Gather information on sexual orientation, gender to offer services -- Recruit in rural schools -- Increase support to first generation, foster youth International 10% by 2017 11.8% -- International Programs: services, graduate programs, -- INTO recruitment, services -- Student Affairs: UHDS, CAPS Presented by Kate September 18, 2018

7 Enrollment Planning Task Force Goal: Overall Enrollment
Targets Fall 2016 Strategies, Tactics INTO OSU General English: Academic English: Undergrad Pathway: Grad Pathway: -- Streamline admissions processes -- Provide incentives for direct admits Top international countries enrollment China: Saudi Arabia: Indonesia: India: South Korea: Taiwan: -- Diversify international population, representation from countries -- Utilize recruiters, alumni in targeted countries, regions -- Scholarships Presented by Kate September 18, 2018

8 Enrollment Planning Task Force Goal: Overall Enrollment
Targets Fall 2016 Strategies, Tactics Corvallis campus capacity of 28,000. Slow growth to average of 1-3% per year 24,672* Grew by <1% *excludes AE, GE -- Track high school graduations -- Shift focus to non-resident -- Monitor capacity issues -- Monitor demand at all levels OSU Cascades – expand to four-year campus, manage sharp growth Grew 10.4% to 1,122 headcount -- Add courses, majors -- Add faculty and staff -- Residence hall to open -- Coordinated recruitment, fundraising, scholarships Student Services Ecampus – rapid growth Grew 11.2%, +573 Part-time enrollment up Online only: 5,682 -- Add courses, degrees -- Targeted marketing -- Provide student services MHSC in Newport – early planning stage in Market analysis Presented by Steve Clark September 18, 2018

9 2018-2023 Enrollment Planning Taskforce
Provost charges executive leadership team to facilitate plan Mike Green – Capacity, Resources Steve Clark - Marketing, Demand Susana Rivera-Mills – Student Success, Completion, Quality of Experience Kate Peterson – Chair Each leadership team member to form workgroups to review and update the plan Timeline: Workgroups to be named December 2016 Workgroup meetings commence January 2017 Completed report and recommendations to President and Provost by June 1, 2017 Provost charge to the Executive Leadership Team & Information on Leadership team forming workgroups – presented by Ron Adams Mike Green – quick description of his area and areas represented on workgroup(s) Steve Clark – quick description of his area and who is represented on workgroup(s) Susana Rivera-Mills – quick description of her area and representation on workgroup ALL – field questions RON – Request that Deans share their college enrollment plans with the Executive Leadership Team – a memo to them will follow. September 18, 2018

10 OSU Enrollment Planning Task Force
QUESTIONS? September 18, 2018

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