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Complete your green pen and spellings

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1 Complete your green pen and spellings

2 C/L Wednesday 14th February 2018 Writing an article to argue: Q5

3 Paper 2 non-fiction writing
You will be asked to write a piece of non- fiction with a certain PURPOSE Letter Speech Article ARGUE PERSUADE DESCRIBE

4 10 minutes check 16 MARKS ARE FOR ACCURACY!
Usually get a statement to prompt you and then you will be asked to write something linked/arguing with it! Spend 45 minutes 5 minutes planning 30 mins writing 10 minutes check 16 MARKS ARE FOR ACCURACY!

5 WHAT AQA SAID: “Students should choose whether they agree or disagree with the statement based on what they can write more about NOT ON WHAT THEIR OWN OPINION IS OF THE STATEMENT”

6 ARTICLES articles

7 “People who celebrate Valentine’s Day are wasting their money; it’s all just for the shops to make money. “ Has replaced because Plan an article for a broadsheet newspaper to argue for or against this statement.

8 “People who celebrate Valentine’s Day are wasting their money; it’s all just for the shops to make money. “ Has replaced because TAP WHAT YOU HAVE TO DO PLAN AN ARTICLE FOR A BROADSHEET NEWSPAPER TO ARGUE FOR OR AGAINST THIS STATEMENT.

Tabloid Formal language Informal language Witty/intelligent Stupid time wasting stories/celeb goss Ambitious words Usually less ambitious PLAN AN ARTICLE FOR A BROADSHEET NEWSPAPER

10 In pairs create a plan for your article
What it must have: A heading which makes it clear whether you’re arguing for or against Valentine’s Day: A Brainwash on our Bank Accounts 2. Argument 1 3. Argument 2 4. Argument 3 Concluding paragraph where you LINK BACK TO THE START!

11 The main paragraphs: plan them carefully!
Valentine’s day is just for the shops -how Christmas is over it’s the next thing for shops -play on idea of Valentine being furious that he’d want to use his bow to end his own life seeing what we do with love. Don’t need to spend money to show love -should do it everyday -show love with actions not money like just spending 1:1 time together or go do an activity together where it isn’t about present giving. -Don’t panic to book a restaurant just cook. Agree it is a waste We are being manipulated by advertising -M&S 2 for 1 -Moonpig -Tesco, Sainsburys Soon as it’s done nothing is mentioned. Unfair to pressure peoples’ bank accounts- put people in debt Finish with how the love of your life wouldn’t want to see pressure on bank account just for something they’d put in the bin eventually!

12 WHAT YOU WILL BE MOSTLY MARKED ON for 24 whopping marks ^^
Range of sentence types Minor sentences = one word sentence. Stop. Please can we stop this addiction to spending! Complex sentences = Whilst we may love our partner, we don’t need to show this affection through excessive spending on Yankee candles that last longer than the relationship itself. Start some sentences with an ly phrase or ing phrase = Leaping into February with happiness to forget the January blues, there is then a sudden a sense that the colour red is chasing after our bank accounts. Interesting vocabulary. How interesting and engaging you make it: don’t speak like a robot! If you can use a range of methods (alliteration, anecdotes, rhetorical questions, commands, similes, personification, metaphors, even an extended metaphor) WHAT YOU WILL BE MOSTLY MARKED ON for 24 whopping marks ^^

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