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Academic Update for members of the Institutional Boards of Governors

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1 Academic Update for members of the Institutional Boards of Governors
Academic Policies Academic Update for members of the Institutional Boards of Governors Dr. Corley Dennison Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs

2 Transfer-A National Issue
One Third of Students transfer prior to receiving a degree 37% are in their second year 25% transfer more than once Swirling: 11.5% for two-year institutions 8.7% for four-year

3 Transfer-A National Issue
Correlation: The more credits accepted for transfer, the better the student’s chances of graduation at the receiving institution Some National Trends: Statewide Common Course Numbering-15 States Statewide Transfer of the Associate Degree-36 states Statewide Transfer-Lower Division Core-16 state At public institutions, 66% of all transfers were from CTCs

4 WV Guiding Documents for Transfer
House Bill 2867-Effective June 12, 2015 Series 17-Transferability of Credits and Grades at the Undergraduate Level-Amended November 2014 HEPC/Council Joint Resolution Regarding Student Credit Transfer, Passed April 25, 2014

5 HB 2867 Codifies 70% course alignment
Requires transfer between all West Virginia institutions (Public and Private) Provided the sending institution is accredited and recognized by US Department of Education under the Higher Education Act of 1965 Must post course content in a manner that allows a student to determine course alignment Must provide clear and specific detail for denial of course credit Student is allowed to appeal

6 Series 17 Effective July 1, 2015-must have denial of transfer credit as part of campus appeals process Appeals process must be published in campus catalog and website Appeals process shall include outside review Courses shall generally be transferable between in-state institutions

7 Other Articulation Policies
Core Coursework Transfer Agreement Course Equivalency Process Reverse Transfer Prior Learning Assessment

8 Co-Requisite Math and English Implementation in WV

9 A WV Snapshot of Developmental Students
Minority Students = 18.7%...yet are 1/3 of DE Population Pell Students are more likely to need remediation (37%) Males slightly more than females Student who has not declared a major more likely to need remediation

10 WV CTC Completion Snapshot
2/3 of entering freshmen need remediation Time to graduation-3.8 years Credit hours at graduation-96

11 The Wrong Question Pass Rates for Dev Ed seemed Okay Math-64.7%
English-67.4% So what’s the problem?

12 The Correct Question What is the percentage of freshmen enrolled in remedial education courses passing subsequent college-level course work within the first two years of enrollment?

13 Series 21-The New Language
College-level, credit bearing course with required academic support 18 or less on the ACT Co-requisite, stretch or ALP

14 CTCs went all in… English 37% 68% Math 14% 62%
2013 pass rate pass rate English % 68% Math 14% 62%

15 Other Strategies… Professional Development for Faculty
Early Declaration of meta-major or major Guided Pathways to Success Structured Schedules

16 Question / Answer Session

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