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Supporting Student Learning Through Effective Curricular Administration Welcome to the presentation “Supporting Student Learning Through Effective Curricular.

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1 Supporting Student Learning Through Effective Curricular Administration
Welcome to the presentation “Supporting Student Learning Through Effective Curricular Administration.” After you review a slide, click anywhere to advance the presentation. To exit the presentation at any time, press the Escape Key. To go back to a previous slide, press the Backspace Key. Click to begin the presentation. This presentation was given live on March 31, 2016 by Elaine Klein and Kimbrin Cornelius, and was modified into a self-paced presentation. It is part of a series coordinated by L&S Administration, intended to connect L&S faculty and staff with topics and information that may be helpful in their positions. More presentations and information about this series of trainings can be found at

2 After today’s presentation, you’ll know. . .
What curriculum is, and why it’s important Potential reasons for updating and creating curriculum The process for changing curriculum (and who’s involved) Campus systems that support curricular change

3 What is curriculum? “The planned interaction of pupils with instructional content, materials, resources, and processes for evaluating the attainment of educational objectives.” Wikipedia The term curriculum can be used to describe instruction at various levels (at the course level, up to the University degree requirements level). Regardless of level, curriculum is a program of study that takes students through an instructional experience in a planned, sensible way.

4 Why Is Curriculum Important?
It guides students through a coherent learning experience. It maintains integrity of UW-Madison’s world class education. It meets regional accreditation and federal regulations required for operation and funding.

5 Identify what students should learn (Learning Outcomes)
Learning outcomes describe what students are able to demonstrate in terms of knowledge, skills, values upon completion of a course, a span of several courses, a program, or a degree. Provide a core skeleton for curriculum To understand how curriculum affects student learning (assessment!), we must first define what they should be learning.

6 Learning Outcomes - levels
Degree-level: Wisconsin Experience and Essential Learning Outcomes Graduate Degree: Recently articulated by the Graduate School Program-level: Articulated by each department Course level Can even be the assignment level! The Office of the Provost Student Learning Assessment website is an excellent resource for creating and writing earning outcomes at the program and course level.

7 Levels of curriculum University requirements (general education)
Degree requirements (college-level or graduate level requirements) Program requirements (majors, options, certificates, etc.) Course

8 General Education University-wide requirements
Managed by University General Education Committee For more information, see Undergraduates at UW-Madison must engage in a minimum number of learning experiences in communications, quantitative reasoning, ethnic studies, humanities, sciences (biological and physical), and social sciences - the General Education Requirements. The goal of this curriculum is to “produce a student that has attributes appropriate for a university-educated person, such as competence in communication, critical thinking, analytical skills, and the ability to investigate issues raised by living in a culturally diverse society, that has been cultivated by breadth of study across the humanities and arts, social studies, biological and physical sciences.” A faculty committee oversees the General Education Requirement, including reviewing/approving requests to add a course to the list that may be used to meet General Education requirements. Criteria for General Education courses can be found at

9 L&S undergraduate degree requirements
Another level of curriculum is college level. For example, L&S requires undergraduate students to engage in breadth of learning, in addition to depth or learning that students will receive through taking their major coursework. For this breadth requirement, students explore the liberal arts by taking courses in social studies, arts and humanities, literature, biological and physical sciences and foreign language. L&S requirements Managed by L&S Curriculum Committee For information, see Example program requirements Major/program requirements Managed by department program faculty For example, see

10 Graduate Curriculum Program requirements managed by faculty
Graduate curriculum is managed by program faculty, and because the degree is conferred by the Graduate School, it also sets policy regarding graduate degree requirements. Graduate Curriculum Program requirements managed by faculty Graduate School is responsible for conferring graduate degrees. Graduate School also sets policy regarding graduate degree requirements. L&S partners with the Graduate School to implement that policy.

11 Why change or create new curriculum?
What are some reasons existing requirements might change? What are some reasons for creating new curriculum?

12 Some reasons for changing curriculum. . .
Help students better progress through courses and their major in a meaningful way. Align with current and emerging areas in a field. Create opportunities to bring a new students to UW-Madison. Respond to assessment results that identify issues. Address resource constraints. Increase curricular flexibility.

13 Curricular Flexibility
Topics courses Directed Study Options and Tracks Online/distance Education Educational Innovations

14 Who should most benefit from curricular change?

15 Changing and creating curriculum Who might be involved, and what is their role?
Faculty must be involved in changes, as they are vested by the state statutes with responsibility for the curriculum. However, faculty should also engage with staff and students to gain the full picture of curriculum and how students are experiencing it. University: Faculty (primary responsibility) Staff Students All of whom may serve on department, college and university committees Outside the University: UW System/ Board of Regents Higher Learning Commission Specialized accrediting agencies As an example, when UW Madison creates new program, it must be first be approved by the Board of Regents. The HLC, which is the accrediting organization for UW-Madison, has federal policies that must be followed to qualify for many important benefits, such as federal funding. Changes in their policy may require changes here as well. For example, the recent HLC policy that graduate students must earn at least 30 credits for their degree will require a few L&S graduate programs to change or clarify their requirements.

16 The department has identified a need for change. Now what?
Next is an overview of what’s involved to make the following changes: Changing or creating courses Changing program requirements (undergraduate major, option, track, graduate program, or certificate) Creating a new program

17 Process: Creating and Changing Courses
Most courses follow the orange flow chart. After proposed and approved by the department, the course will be reviewed by the L&S and Interdivisional Committee, and the Registrar’s Office will make the changes in SIS. If the course is cross-listed, or the changes affect other departments, the proposal will be forwarded to those departments for review as well. Step 1: Department identifies need for change Step 2: Submit proposal in the online system Step 3: Proposal is reviewed Step 4: Changes are implemented The L&S Curriculum Committee also reviews course proposals outside of L&S that request the Liberal Arts and Studies designation (so the course can count towards L&S undergraduate student’s requirement of 108 Liberal Arts and Science credits), L&S level, and L&S breadth. The General Education Committee will review any proposals requesting a general education designation.

18 Process: Changing existing programs (majors, certificates, options, tracks, or graduate programs)
Step 1: Department identifies a need for change (often coming from assessment of student learning). Step 2: Department submits a change proposal. It should include evidence that the change is needed, and will benefit students. Step 3: L&S Curriculum Committee reviews the proposal. Step 4: If approved, changes are implemented for a future term.

19 Process: Creating new programs
PHASE 1: Step 1: Identify need for new program Step 2: Submit Notice of Intent proposal Step 3: Review and approval PHASE 2 Step 1: Create implementation plan Step 2: Review and approval Step 3: Implementation This takes a lot of time!

20 Implementation: Who’s involved?
Department staff and faculty L&S Administration L&S Student Academic Affairs Coding Implementation in DARS Coordination of Undergraduate Catalog Graduate School Registrar’s Office

21 Processes that intersect with curricular changes
Assessment and Program Reviews DARS (Degree Audit Reporting System) and analysis of DARS data and course-taking patterns Online course proposal system access:

22 Assessment of Student Learning
Helps us know that students are learning what we hope they’re learning…and if not, what needs adjustment. Change based on evidence, not anecdote. Evidence: Quantitative and/or Qualitative, Direct and Indirect Learn more about assessment at the Office of the Provost Student Learning Assessment website

23 What if I forget all this?
Start with the L&S Administrative Gateway (L&S policies and procedures): APIR course website: Need more help? L&S Administration will usually be your first point of contact: Academic Associate Deans (new programs, program restructuring, Educational Innovations) Elaine Klein, Associate Dean for Academic Planning, L&S (new programs, Educational Innovations, sticky curricular questions) Kimbrin Cornelius, Curriculum Administration Specialist, L&S (program changes, course changes, all things course proposals) Questions?

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