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Year 11 Countdown lessons

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1 Year 11 Countdown lessons
This sh*t just got real Year 11 Countdown lessons

2 Three is the magic number (except for question 1!)
Here’s another song to help you remember what to do for Paper 1… We’ll come back to this… a lot! Three is the magic number (except for question 1!)

3 Identifying our mistakes
LO: To identify what went wrong! To annotate our question paper with useful hints and tips. To come up with individual revision plans to address our weaknesses. Identifying our mistakes

4 The one that lists four things
How hard can it be, right? Question 1

5 Annotate

6 Question 1: what went wrong
Q1 Use full sentences: E.g. list four things about the bird: The bird is… The bird was… The bird has… The bird… Not writing about the right lines. Not being specific/precise. Writing too much (inferring is not necessary). Spending too much time here. OR Use a pronoun at the start of EVERY line: It was… Question 1: what went wrong

7 If it helps, rephrase the question: Things I learn about the bird in this extract are…
Draw a box with your highlighter around the lines you are being asked about. Start with a pronoun: it, he, she, they etc. Write down the time you need to move on. Spend no more than 5 minutes on this question. Question 1 tips

8 The one that analyses language
Question 2

9 Annotate

10 This question is about making intelligent comments not identifying fancy techniques.

11 Question 2 what went wrong
Writing about sentence forms is only good if it’s a. relevant and b. accurate. Not enough analysis. (Zooming in on words). Wrong critical terms used. Banned phrases used! Question 2 what went wrong

12 Ignore the word ‘could’ above the bullet points and replace with should.
Use an acronym to help you remember what to look for: DAFORREST or APRES STOMP Think effect: what is the writer making me think/feel/imagine? Three is the magic number: identify 3 words or phrases that make you think/feel/imagine something in relation to the question. Say a lot about a little. Spend no more than 10 minutes on this question. Write the time you need to move on, on your paper. Don’t write about sentence structure, unless you really know what you’re doing! Alliteration, repetition personification, emotive language/exaggeration, simile, sibilance, triplets,ono, metaphor, personal pronoun Question 2 tips

13 Banned phrases Makes the reader want to read on
Puts an image in the reader’s mind (OF WHAT?!!!) Makes it interesting or engaging. Makes it flow. The writer uses paragraphs… All of the above will get you 0 marks!!!!!! Banned phrases

14 The structure question.

15 Annotate

16 Question 3: what went wrong
Thinking the question is harder than it is! Not doing what the question asks. Spending too much time on this question. Question 3: what went wrong

17 Where is the text from. E. g. is it from the beginning of a novel
Where is the text from? E.g. is it from the beginning of a novel? This may be significant. Why? Ignore ‘could’ replace with ‘should’ 3 is the magic number Whose view is the text written from? What time? Where? What does the writer focus your attention on at the beginning? Why? Summarise what each paragraph is about – what do you notice about the focus of each? Where does it shift? What is the effect? Are there any connections or links across the passage? Repetitions? Patterns? Motifs? Change of narrative perspective? Outside to inside perspective? Etc. Spend no more than 10 minutes on this question. Write the time you need to move on at the top of the page. Question 3 tips

18 Question 4 The one that evaluates.
All you need to do is say how far you agree with a statement from: a little somewhat/in part completely Question 4

19 Annotate

20 Question 4: what went wrong
You overcomplicated this question. You didn’t do what the question asked. You wrote about the wrong lines. Didn’t plan your answer. You wasted time writing an introduction. Question 4: what went wrong

21 Put a highlighted box around the lines you are asked to discuss.
You will likely AGREE with the statement (although you may include a point about why you don’t entirely agree) What are your first impressions: is Alex struggling to cope and how do we know that he is? 3 is the magic number: find three parts of the text to respond to the statement and write about them. Plan your response. How do each of the parts of the text show that Alex is struggling to cope? What techniques does the writer use? Do NOT include an introduction – this is a waste of time. Use PEACH to structure each of your paragraphs if you are struggling. Spend no more than 20 minutes on this question (You MUST leave 45 minutes for Q5) If it helps, write the time you need to move on by. Question 4 tips

22 PEACH P – personal opinion: I agree that…
E – Evidence: This is clear when… A- Argue: This suggests…./However… CH – Choice of words: The word ‘ghost’ has connotations of… PEACH

23 The one where you have to write a description based on a picture or a narrative based on a statement. Question 5

24 Question 5: what went wrong
You did not plan your answer. You did not leave enough time. Your vocabulary was boring. You did not vary your sentence structure. Your SPaG was sloppy. You did not structure your writing – in some cases, people didn’t even use paragraphs. Your stories were clichéd and boring. Question 5: what went wrong

25 Show, don’t tell. Instead of: I was feeling really angry’ use ‘Slowly, I felt my blood begin to boil and the red mist descended.’ Don’t include boring detail: so I got up, brushed by teeth, got dressed and went downstairs… Use interesting vocabulary: learn synonyms for boring words. Stories should have a well planned beginning, middle and end. Question 5 tips

26 Read your Q5 answer and ask yourself the following questions:
Is it interesting? Would you want to read it to the class? How do you think it made me feel when I read it? Is it clear? Is it well planned with a clear line of development? Have I used a range of techniques? What SPaG errors did I make? Do it now

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