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Unit 2: Classic Civilizations 600 BCE CE

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1 Unit 2: Classic Civilizations 600 BCE - 600 CE
Ted Walker, Spencer Buted, Leanne Sigman

2 Qin China 221 - 206 BCE (only 15 years!) Founder = Qin Shi Huangdi
Legalism Centralized Unified China Started Great Wall

3 Han Dynasty 206 BCE - 220 BCE Golden Age!!!!! Emperor Wu
Centralize and Expand Silk Roads Coins, paper, clocks, seismographs Capital = Chang’an (size of Rome) Educated Bureaucracy

4 Japan Isolated - yet influence from China on writing, bureaucracy, artistic expression, Buddhism, and Confucianism Buddhism blends with Shinto

5 Mediterranean 740 - 146 BCE Phoenician Maritime Trading Culture
Alphabet City States Greek/Hellenistic Foundation of the West Architecture, Politics, Democracy, Philosophy, Drama, Math Greco-Persian Wars Peloponnesian Wars - weaken city states Conquered by Alexander the Great

6 Persia 550 - 331 BCE Achaemenid dynasty founded by Cyrus
Conquered Lydians Provincial gov’t: divided empire into 20 regions and authority given to officials called satraps Darius the Great ( BCE) expanded empire from Turkey and Libya to India - largest empire at this point Patriarchal Collapsed to Hellenistic conquerer Alexander the Great Then Sassinid Empire (rival of Rome and Byzantine)

7 Rome 509 BCE CE Monarchy - Romulus = founder and 1 out of 7 kings Republic - senate overthrew monarchy Empire - established by Augustus 27 BCE Paterfamilias - male control in household Upper class women had more power than in Greece Slave labor Plebian and Patrician classes Eastern Roman empire became Byzantine (in 330) b/c of external threats, lack of unity, Western collapse in 476

8 Mauryan Empire Chandragupta = founder
Emperor Ashoka seen as greatest and converted to Buddhism (Buddhist empire too) Bureaucracy w/ tax on agricultural production based on military conquest encouraged trade with China attacks from outside enemies

9 Gupta Empire Hindu smaller, less centralized; focused on diplomacy to maintain authority created decimal system more patriarchal status of women declined attacked by White Huns

10 Ghana Senegal River gold and salt trade and other great resources
berbers, camels - spread of Islam well trained army King collects taxes, owned all gold Civil War = decline

11 Mali Defeated Ghana Atlantic coast to Timbuktu - learning center, large city wealth from salt and gold trade each village had own ruler (still paid taxes to king) Mansa Musa - centralized gov’t, kingdom w/ provinces

12 Songhai Niger River Valley Islamic Benefitted from Muslim trade routes
Timbuktu and Djenne professional army, yet overthrown by north African armies

13 Technology Coins - Persia “Arabic” numerals - South Asia
Phoenician alphabet Compass, paper, porcelain, canals, horse collar, stirrup - China Astrolabe, lateen sail, concrete - China/Southwest Asia

14 Downfalls Attacks from Huns Deterioration of political institutes
Protection of borders = bad Diseases following trade routes

15 Common Features Patriarchal family structure - male authority in family and other areas Agricultural based economy - even with complex job specialization Complex governments - new ways to keep large lands together politically Expanding trade base - The Silk Roads, Indian Ocean, Trans-Sahara, Sub-Saharan

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