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Themes and their evidence

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Presentation on theme: "Themes and their evidence"— Presentation transcript:

1 Themes and their evidence
The Tell Tale Heart Themes and their evidence

2 How Do We Get to the Themes?
At the end of the story, is there one word or concept that helps you explain the story? Guilt? Responsibility?

3 Themes: Is it this??
Maaaybe not quite.

4 But how do you KNOW that is the theme?
How do you SUPPORT it?

5 Supporting Details These are the little things in the story that clarify, explain, describe, and expand the main idea or theme. They are SPECIFIC. They are found directly in the text. They are often found in characters' conversations and actions.

6 Now build your support:
What about the picture and/or story supports the theme of preparation?

7 Now build your support:
What about the picture and/or story supports the theme of character?

8 Now build your support:
What about the picture and/or story supports the theme of sportsmanship?

9 Group Educreations At your table, have each person write the one or two word theme they have identified in The Tell Tale Heart Be sure that I check everyone’s themes! As a group, choose ONE of the themes. Assign each person to ONE piece of evidence for that theme

10 Group Educreation Once each person has a piece of evidence, choose one person’s iPad to open educreations. Create a video paragraph with EACH person speaking their piece of evidence and HOW it supports the theme.

11 Group Educreation The video paragraph MUST include the following:
- A well-defined theme in the topic sentence - Four SPECIFIC pieces of evidence from the text. - Four explanation sentences connected to each piece of evidence to describe HOW they support the theme.

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