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Cynllunio Ieithyddol Language Planning

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Presentation on theme: "Cynllunio Ieithyddol Language Planning"— Presentation transcript:

1 Cynllunio Ieithyddol Language Planning
Pwrpas, Prosesau, Problemau a Phosibiliadau Purpose, Processes, Problems and Possibilities David A. Thomas Swyddog Cydraddoldeb a’r Gymraeg Equalities and Welsh Language Officer

2 Pwrpas / Purpose Cynllunio strwythurau ar bob lefel ac ym mhob maes er mwyn datblygu egwyddorion, polisïau, cynlluniau corfforaethol, safonau cenedlaethol, hawliau a system addysg sy’n arwain, yn y pen draw, at sefydliad, ardal neu genedl lle mae dwy iaith, neu fwy yn cael eu defnyddio bob dydd fel y norm o fewn y gymdeithas ehangach. To plan structures at all levels and in all areas to develop principles, policies, corporate plans, national standards, rights and an education system that leads, in the end, to an organisation, area or nation where two or more languages are used every day as the norm within the wider society.

3 Proses / Process Pam cael Cynllun Iaith a Strategaeth Sgiliau Ieithyddol ar yr un pryd? Beth yw’r cyswllt rhwng Strategaeth Sgiliau Ieithyddol eich gweithle, a’r Safonau Cymraeg sy’n cael eu datblygu? Beth felly yw’r prif bethau i gynnwys o fewn Strategaeth Sgiliau Ieithyddol? Why have a Language Scheme and a Linguistic Skills Strategy at the same time? What is the link between your workplace Linguistic Skills Strategy and the Language Standards being developed? What therefore are the main areas to include within a Linguistic Skills Strategy?

4 Cynllun Iaith a Strategaeth Sgiliau Ieithyddol
Cynllun Iaith a Strategaeth Sgiliau Ieithyddol? A Language Scheme and a Linguistic Skills Strategy? The Welsh Language Scheme: - legal - corporate The Linguistic Skills Stragegy - daily - practical Y Cynllun Iaith: - cyfreithiol - corfforaethol Y Strategaeth Sgiliau Ieithyddol: - dyddiol - ymarferol

5 Y Safonau Cymraeg The Welsh Language Standards
Cyflenwi Gwasanaethau Llunio Polisi Gweithredu Hybu Cadw Cofnodion Service Delivery Policy Making Operational Promotion Record Keeping

6 Hyfforddiant / Training Recriwtio Dethol / Recruitment & Selection
Y prif bethau i gynnwys mewn Strategaeth Sgiliau Ieithyddol The main areas to include in a Linguistic Skills Strategy Hyfforddiant / Training Recriwtio Dethol / Recruitment & Selection Ymrwymiad Polisi / Policy Commitment Monitro / Monitoring

7 Hyfforddiant / Training
System yn gweithredu ers gyda Choleg Gwent Tynnwyd i mewn i’r SSI gyntaf yn 2004 Niferoedd cyson bob blwyddyn 1038 o’n staff erbyn 2011/2012 System in operation since with Coleg Gwent Pulled into the first LSS in 2004 Consistent numbers every year 1038 of our staff by 2011/2012

8 Recriwtio Dethol Recruitment & Selection
Welsh essential / desirable posts and/or a commitment to learn 432 posts are Welsh essential Only 197 Welsh speakers? Apprentices Swyddi Cymraeg hanfodol / Cymraeg dymunol / ymrwymiad i ddysgu 432 swydd Cymraeg hanfodol Dim ond 197 o siaradwyr Cymraeg? Prentisiaid

9 Ymrwymiad Polisi Policy Commitment
Asesiadau Effaith Ymgynghori a Gwaith Craffu Caffaeliad Cydraddoldeb Impact Assessment Consultation and Scrutiny Procurement Equalities

10 Monitro / Monitoring Cyflogres / Payroll Cwynion / Complaints
Ymgysylltu / Engagement

11 Felly beth yw’r Strategaeth Sgiliau Ieithyddol
Felly beth yw’r Strategaeth Sgiliau Ieithyddol? So what is the Linguistic Skills Strategy?

12 Posibiliadau? Possibilities?
Cydlyniant Cymunedol / Community Cohesion Mewnrwyd y Cyngor / Council’s Intranet Canllawiau Staff / Staff Guidance

13 Y Dyfodol? / The Future?

14 Questions and Comments?
Diolch yn fawr! Cwestiynau a Sylwadau? Questions and Comments?

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