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Superstudy Day Unit 3 - Making Geographical Decisions

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Presentation on theme: "Superstudy Day Unit 3 - Making Geographical Decisions"— Presentation transcript:

1 Superstudy Day Unit 3 - Making Geographical Decisions
Revision and study skills

2 Format of the exam

3 Subject Knowledge 1 - Synopticity
Content: 6 Key ideas are now provided which form the content of this Unit. These should be taught in preparation for the Unit 3 Decision Making Exercise. Students are required to make links between different parts of Unit 1 and 2, and the 6 Unit 3 themes. The exam will test one core topic from unit 1 and 2 and one of the themes each year.

4 Subject knowledge 2 - Sustainability

5 Subject Knowledge 3 - assessing sustainability

6 You may be asked to ASSESS sustainability of a project or several options e.g.

7 Activity 1 - Questions

8 Making Links - Synopticity for the 6 key ideas
Unit 3 Key Idea Unit 1 Unit 2 1. Sustainable development is an important concept. Battle for the Biosphere Water World Population Dynamics Development Dilemmas 2. Since the 1990s ‘environmental sustainability’ has become increasingly important. Globalisation 3. Demand for resources is rising globally but resource supply is often finite which may lead to conflict. Consuming Resources Development Dilemmas. 4. Balancing the needs of economic development and conservation is a difficult challenge. 5. Achieving sustainable development requires funding, management and leadership. Changing Climate 6. Physical processes and environmental changes increasingly put people at risk. Dynamic Planet

9 Phew need a rest! Let’s have a few mins...

10 The exam paper 6 pages of information - 30 minutes to study them
Expect maps, tables, graphs and a limited amount of text The resources are organised by topic / theme The ‘decision’ information is actually in the question paper, not the resource booklet, as part of the last question - this is for section 3 ‘The Problem’ This is stated at the start of the booklet Sections 1-5 Pages 1- 2 provide the context for the exercise - give you background information Two types of question here: 1) Points marked short answers based around specific resource e.g. “Study fig 1…” 2) Longer levels marked extended writing questions which need you to make links and use evidence from several resources to explain or examine issues

11 Skills 1 - Resource analysis
Spend 30 mins analysing the resource booklet Annotate sources to explain what they show and the evidence and terms you wish to use Highlighter! Keep referring back to “the problem/background” to remind yourself what to look for Ask the 4 Ws of each: What - is it? type of resource/data Who - wrote it/does it mention - groups, individual/organisations? How - does it link to the problem Where - does it mention? Places

12 Key Areas of potential weakness - watch out for…
Keep a record of your top 5 issues to watch!

13 Location N, S, E, W - maps Where it is Look for scale and N arrow
Quote labels

14 Distribution Patterns and spread
language of distribution - even, regular, clustered, linear, random

15 Density How thickly spread Language of density Dense v. Sparse
Usually per km2

16 Complex resources - 4Ws remember!

17 Analysis of trends Trend = pattern Best fit line? Anomaly
Avoid description of every detail Quote data

18 Photo analysis - 4 way split technique
Divide into 4 to look for key evidence Refer to top left, bottom right etc.

19 Cummulative graphs - watch out!

20 Increasingly complex - look at it!
Use the key Highlight Scale Patterns? Always 4Ws

21 Vocab of amounts Maximum Minimum Majority Minority Peak Dominates

22 Compare X and Y, Contrast X and Y
“The contribution of____to ___” “The growth of…” “The changes to…” “The period between…”

23 AAAAaaaaaaaaaah! That’s enough for now thanks...

24 Revision Activity In small groups, use the resources booklet to generate a thoughtcloud or synoptic web of all the topics and key terms that spring to mind when using the Iceland resources. Consider Year 10 and Year 11 topics, key terms and case studies. You may also include theories.

25 The exam paper... The ‘decision’
This is outlined in the stem to the last question Will be a choice of two options only On the F paper the question is focussed on the advantages and disadvantages of one chosen option On the H paper the question is focussed on choosing an option and justifying the choice i.e. why the chosen option is good and the other option is less good In both cases evidence needs to be drawn from elsewhere in Units 1 and 2 to support the answer, and the resources - in specific detail Answer needs to be approx 1 side long- 1 ½ sides long

26 “The options question - exam style”
The Q is in your resources booklet, you have the sources too. Plan your answer using the markscheme. As a small group or pairs - write it up in timed conditions - on A3 paper using a felt pen Lets mark it - on the visualiser! Exam tip = always return to the PROBLEM before answering

27 The decision question - answers
Useful phrases – connectives - remember your English exam This is the best choice… Although… Whereas… - on the other hand etc. Final Message The DME is about a problem and solutions It is data led and evidence based There is not 1 topic or 1 right answer It is about justification

28 To take away…. Try this at home as exam prep...

29 DEcision making at home…
Get hold of lots of resources… Ask the 4Ws

30 Do exam practice...

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