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Effective Implementation: Installation

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Presentation on theme: "Effective Implementation: Installation"— Presentation transcript:

1 Effective Implementation: Installation

2 NC Implementation Structures
Leadership and Policy State Implementation Team: C&V, PD, TAC, RE Implementation Design Team Implementation Design Team Implementation Design Team Implementation Design Team

3 NC Implementation Structures
Leadership and Policy State Implementation Team Implementation Design Team Implementation Design Team Implementation Design Team Implementation Design Team K-3 Formative Assessment MTSS LEASA

4 “Students cannot benefit from interventions they do not experience.”
Rationale RESEARCH IMPLEMENTATION PRACTICE GAP Why do we have to pay attention to implementation practice? “Students cannot benefit from interventions they do not experience.”

5 Implementation Quick Start
What does this work mean?

6 Formula for Success Implementation Math WHAT: Effective Interventions
HOW: Effective Implementation WHERE: Supportive Contexts WHY: Positive Outcomes for Students We know that for implementation to be successful, we must have all three (effective interventions, effective implementation, and supportive contexts) in place to get positive outcomes for students. Just like with multiplication, if any of these three factors are “0” then the outcome will also be “0”

7 Active Implementation Frameworks
Stages Drivers Usable Interventions Cycles There are five frameworks in the Implementation Science model – let’s review them quickly Teams

8 Linked Team Structures
“We tend to focus on snapshots of isolated parts of the system and wonder why our deepest problems never seem to get solved.” —Senge, 1990 School-based Implementation Team District-based Regionally-based State-based Decision-makers: Data, Curriculum, Funding, Personnel To ensure appropriate support, we need to not work just in teams, but in linked teams. A good communication flow between levels of teams leads to effective and efficient implementation by providing a structure for barriers or challenges identified along the way to be pushed up to the team that can problem-solve to remove the barrier

9 Performance Assessment
Usable Interventions Performance Assessment Operational Definitions Essential Functions To be truly usable, interventions must be well-defined in ways that implementers can understand what is expected of them. Being able to describe what the intervention should look like in action is critical to high fidelity implementation. Clear Description

10 Implementation Drivers
Performance Assessment (Fidelity) Coaching Systems Intervention Training Organization Drivers Facilitative Administration Competency Drivers Each of the drivers plays a role in ensuring success of implementation. Competency drivers are about making sure implementers have the knowledge and skills to implement as intended, but without organizations that are good host environments, and leadership capable of solving both technical and adaptive challenges, implementation won’t be successful Selection Decision Support Data System Leadership Adaptive Technical © Fixsen & Blase, 2008 11

11 Improvement Cycles: Usability Testing
Plan Study Act Do Anytime we are trying new things, we can expect unanticipated challenges to arise. If we enter implementation with the mindset that we are engaging in a continuous improvement process, we can be prepared for making changes along to way as the data informs our process. 12

12 Implementation Stages Initial Implementation
Exploration Installation Initial Implementation Full Implementation Assess needs Examine intervention components Consider Implementation Drivers Assess Fit Acquire Resources Prepare Organization Prepare Implementation Drivers Prepare Staff Adjust Implementation Drivers Manage Change Deploy Data Systems Initiate Improvement Cycles Monitor & Manage Implementation Drivers Achieve Fidelity & Outcome Benchmarks Further Improve Fidelity & Outcomes Finally, Implementation doesn’t occur all at once. By paying close attention to the stages of implementation, we can focus our work, anticipate challenges, and prepare for what’s coming next. 2-4 Years

13 Installation “Work to do it right.”
Begins when there is a decision to move ahead with the innovation. Plans for the changes and develops systems to accommodate and fully support implementation Establishes a team charged with the implementation process After making a decision to begin implementing a new practice or innovation, there are tasks that need to be accomplished before the change in practice actually begins.  During the Installation phase, we “work to do it right.” Activities during the Installation Stage create the infrastructure and make the instrumental changes necessary for success.   Teams put necessary organizational supports into place (e.g., funding, human resource strategies, new policies and procedures, materials).  They create referral mechanisms, reporting frameworks and outcome expectations.  And importantly, they create and install the supports needed to improve the confidence and confidence of teachers and staff (e.g. training, coaching, data systems).  Questions to Consider: How do we do it? Do we have the materials, training, time, and support to do it right? How can we master the new skills and fit it all in?

14 Installation “Work to do it right.”
To build capacity, you must: Identify organizational and structural supports needed Select the first practitioners Develop selection protocols Evaluate readiness of data systems Establish communication links and protocols Build your training and coaching capacity Identify organizational and structural supports needed- Installing a new initiative will include selecting and/or repurposing of staff, scheduling team meetings, aligning policies and procedures, purchasing equipment, finding space and developing the competence of those bringing the changes to staff members.  Any of this work that can be done before the Initial Implementation Stage will reduce the number of potential problems later.  Select the first practitioners- includes identifying specific behavioral characteristics needed to carry out the work, then developing methods for recruiting and selecting teachers and staff (i.e. practitioners) with those characteristics and with the necessary pre-requisite knowledge and/or skills.  Careful consideration and mutual selection at this point will reduce potential “push-back” as the harder work begins.   Just remember, the person who is first to volunteer may not be the optimal choice! Develop selection protocols- Selection of the early practitioners for your initiatives will be crucial to successful use of the innovation.  To expedite this selection process, the development of selection and/or interviewing protocols to use as screening devices will be helpful.  Prior to actually selecting staff, the process will develop consensus in the group regarding the skills and characteristics that are necessary.   Evaluate readiness of data systems- To evaluate success of an innovation, we must examine both how it affects student outcomes and determine the fidelity of the use of the innovation by the adults.  If there is only marginal (or no) student improvement, does this mean the innovation itself is the problem?  Or is the problem that the implementation of the innovation was not effective?  A system designed to quickly and effectively capture both fidelity and outcome data can provide an answer that question.  Once established, the decision support data system provides data that are reliable, valid, accessible for decision-making, and support frequent use of data during the implementation process.  Establish communication links and protocols-Frequent communication between and among the practice level (e.g., classroom/ school) and the policy level (e.g., District/State) creates an opportunity to continuously examine and improve the process of implementation.  Through these communication links, teams can quickly troubleshoot issues as they arise remove roadblocks that slow or derail use of new strategies.  Build your training and coaching capacity- Skill-based training must occur before we can expect teachers, staff, and other practitioners to begin using the new programs or practices. Creating a training plan is a critical first step for installation. Once you have identified the practice you will be installing, it is important to have enough details that you can train staff and administrators to implement it with fidelity, that you can replicate it across you schools and districts and that there is an assessment that allows you to measure the use of the intervention. In other words, the intervention needs to be teachable, learnable, doable and readily assessed in practice. We have learned how important coaching is to promote actual use of innovations in the classroom by adults so that students can actually benefit from these strategies. One tool that the AI hub has available for doing this is the Practice Profile (see next slide)

15 Installation Example

16 Tools & Resources

17 Tools & Resources The Active Implementation Hub Quick Start Video Stages of Implementation Analysis for Education by NIRN/SISEP

18 If you haven’t yet: Practice Profiles
Lesson 3: Practice Profiles Provide clear definitions and descriptions of developmental variations of an implementation Examples

19 Practice Profiles Lesson
A Practice Profile will support the training and coaching process.  Using this tool helps to identify the essential functions or core components of a program and describe key activities associated with each component.  Creating Practice Profiles enables a program to be teachable, learnable, and doable in typical educational settings.  The Practice Profile also includes examples of three levels of fluency for guidance: expected (fluent), developmental (heading in the right direction) and unacceptable (off track).  

20 DCA

21 Activity: Selection Criteria
Selection Criteria Example Selection Criteria Planning Worksheet

22 General Supervision SPP/APR Data Collection Dispute Resolution System
Policies, Practices and Procedures Monitoring Activities Improvement, Correction, Incentives, & Sanctions Targeted Technical Assistance Fiscal Management NCDPI has the responsibility to ensure that all children with disabilities receive FAPE. The comprehensive general supervision system: 1. Supports practices that improve educational results and functional outcomes for children and youth with disabilities; Uses multiple methods to identify and correct noncompliance; and Utilizes mechanisms to encourage and support improvement and enforce compliance. (make connections to this PD)

23 Continuum of Transitions
SSIP: Focus for Improvement Academics Continuum of Transitions Behavior Engagement So while General Supervision defines the responsibilities of the EC Division and of LEA EC services, the State Systemic Improvement Plan, or SSIP, focuses specifically on improvement in graduation rates for students with disabilities. To accomplish that goal, the EC Division has identified broad root causes to inform our focus statewide on Academics, Behavior, and the Continuum of Transitions. For each of these, it will be necessary to consider how we are addressing engagement of students, staff, families, and communities. This framework allows you to inform, explain and make connections between Academics, Behavior, Continuum of Transitions and Engagement to increase the success of every student. Engagement efforts should encourage students and families to be involved in the process from PreK through adulthood.

24 Continuum of Transitions
This Professional Learning Supports Improved Graduation Rate for Students with Disabilities by: Academics Active implementation of evidence-based instruction, preK through secondary Local capacity building Technical and adaptive leadership Comprehensive and efficient assessment system Student, Family, Staff, and Community Engagement Behavior Active implementation of evidence-based behavioral programming, preK through secondary Local capacity building Culturally responsive instruction Positive school/class climate Comprehensive and efficient assessment system Student, Family, Staff, and Community Engagement Engagement This slide lists some specific considerations for improving academics, behavior, and the transition continuum. This professional learning supports: (highlight areas) by (direct connections) Continuum of Transitions Active implementation of evidence-based transition practices, preK to post-secondary Local capacity building Systemic and coordinated supports (including wraparound), preK to post-secondary Consistent attendance Extracurricular and/or employment opportunities Student, Family, Staff, and Community Engagement

25 Contact: Cynthia Dewey Race to the Top – Early Learning Challenge, NCDPI State Implementation Team Heather Reynolds State Implementation Specialist & Data Analyst, NCDPI or

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