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Short Answer Responses

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1 Short Answer Responses
Units One and Two Exam

2 Nature-Nurture Issue “The nature-nurture issue is the debate of whether the offspring’s behavior or mental processes are influenced by genetics or the domestic influence of parenting. This has been an ongoing debate as scientists like Darwin believed in the idea of evolution and natural selection while philosopher John Locke believed that everyone was born with a blank slate which experience writes on. An example of the nature-nurture issue is most commonly seen in analyzing why an individual is intelligent and whether the level of their intelligence was due to genetics…

3 Continued …or just the influence of their parents and the conditions which they set for their child.” Issues overall: Lack of complete sentences Nature-nurture’s significance in psychology today

4 Double-Blind “The double-blind procedure is an experimental procedure in which both the research participants and research conductors are ignorant (blind) to whether the participants are receiving the actual treatment or the placebo. It is usually used in drug studies to reduce the placebo effect. This is the documented effect in which a subject believes that they are receiving treatment and convince themselves that it is working so there is an improved condition. (Continued)

5 Continued This shows the power of the mind on the body. The double-blind procedure works to prevent this from interfering as well as confirmation and personal biases. Like stated before, drug treatments usually used this method to conduct trials. It makes both ignorant so that it is solely the interaction of the variables in the experiment.”

6 Continued Issues: Description of when this procedure might be used (use the term ‘experiment’) If you use the term ‘placebo effect’, be prepared to define it and its significance within this item

7 Culture Definition and application:
“Culture is the traditions and behaviors in society that are passed down from generation to generation. For example, in Korean culture it is disrespectful to drink a beverage facing someone who is older than you. You must turn to the side, face away from them, and drink. That is what is considered proper and respectful. In American culture it doesn’t matter at all how you drink. Also, in just about all Asian cultures, people bow as a greeting instead of hugging or giving a handshake or kiss. In America, it’s usually the handshake or hug. Every culture has its unique aspects.”

8 Continued “Culture is the influences of social practices or lifestyles. Cultural differences are often used to show differences amongst groups of people, such as language barriers. However, it can also show similarities, such as a polite nod or smile. One example of differences would be the lack of boundaries surrounding personal space a European has in contrast to an American. Due to the cultural influences and environment these people have grown up in, they practice and learn different boundaries.”

9 Continued Issues: Note that practices, behaviors, etc. are passed down through generations in your definition Point out how culture is significant to the study of psychology (nature v. nurture, observations, social influences, etc.) In your application, emphasize your point by comparing/contrasting cultural differences (not just one cultural example) Similarities are as important to note as differences

10 Biopsychosocial Approach
“Psychology is a study that builds on a lot of theories rather than facts. By looking at other branches of study, it helps fulfill those theories. Embracing different views on a topic can appeal to more people, be easier to understand, and become more widely accepted. In the biopsychosocial approach, biological, psychological, and socio-cultural perspectives are applied…

11 Continued “For example, David becomes depressed. His father, a doctor, might explain this from a biological standpoint as he used to suffer from depression as well (David may have inherited it). David’s mother, a clinical psychologist, might claim that he has been feeling this way due to behavioral abnormalities, aka a psychological view. Lastly, David’s brother Alex, who is a high school student, brings up that peer pressure and pressure from society could be the cause of his depression (socio-cultural view).”

12 Issues Note that it’s an integrated approach to diagnosis and treatment Clearly identify/define what the roots of the word mean/how they can apply to diagnosis and treatment Helpful to include a scenario/example as part of your application to show you understand the differences How might this approach be better than other, singular options to diagnosis and treatment?

13 Correlation “A correlation is essentially a relationship between two sets of data that could point to potential cause and effect as well as be used to make predictions around that set of data. Correlations are usually seen by plotting points on a scatterplot where positive correlations (where both sets of data increase or decrease in relation to each other) or negative correlation (where as one data set increases and the other decreases) can be seen. These are useful in that they can easily point to whether a relationship exists and can point to further study…

14 Continued “For example, if I find in a survey that those who drink coffee show higher rates of productivity (a positive correlation) that could lead me to doing an experiment to see if coffee causes increases in productivity. It must be noted though that correlation doesn’t mean causation in any way. For example, if there is positive correlation between height and weight but neither factor causes the other…

15 Continued “In addition with cause and effect, sometimes data sets are correlated because they show a common cause but don’t cause each other. One example would be a positive correlation of levels of health and academic achievement that are both caused by a common factor of the amount of sleep you get.”

16 Issues If you use terms within your response, be prepared to define them or apply them in a way that shows you know exactly what they are (scatterplot, positive and negative correlation, experimental vs. control groups, etc.) Use the terms ‘variables’ or ‘data’ instead of ‘things’ to show that you are using this in the context of an experiment, survey, research study, trial, etc.

17 Continued Note the significance of correlation to research: how/why is it something used in psychology or research in general? Be careful and mindful of your use of absolutes in your responses to avoid confusion on the causation issue; I wrote a lot of ‘can’ in between words

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