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Newbery Awards Projects February 2011

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1 Newbery Awards Projects February 2011

2 What is a Newbery Award? Every year since 1922 judges have gathered to vote on outstanding books by American authors. The author who is named the first place winner is awarded the Newbery Medal. Authors whose books are close with the votes or are runners-up are considered Newbery Honor Books.

3 "For the most distinguished contribution to American literature for children”

4 Big Question to Ponder What can this book teach me that will help me become a better Reader? Writer? Thinker?

5 Questions to Ponder as a Reader
Pre-reading: *Will this book meet my expectations based on what I know about the Newbery Medal and Honored books? During reading: *Does this book hold my interest? Why or why not? *What is the theme (repeated ideas) of this book? *What’s the author’s purpose for writing this book? *What happens to the character throughout the book? How does the character change? Post-reading: *Who would I recommend this book to? Why?

6 Question to Ponder as a Writer
What craft moves does the author use to describe Setting? Characters? Plot? Mood?

7 Questions to Ponder as a Thinker
What does this book make you think about? How does this book make you feel? Can you make connections with any of the characters?- to your own life? to another book you’ve read before? What does this book make you see? How have you changed because you have read this book?

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