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Diesel Fuel Parameters other than Sulphur

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1 Diesel Fuel Parameters other than Sulphur
Anders Röj ACEA DG ENV Fuels Directive Review type de visuel: titre de la conférence couleur du texte: blanc titre: optima bold / 60 pts nom du conférencier: optima / 20 pts entreprise: optima / 28 pts interligne: 1:00 lignes nombre de signes max. pour titre: 27 signes composition: minuscules / majus. début des mots alignement: à gauche (voir repères) fond: à importer “fond avec logo”

2 Background and status -Non-sulphur parameters in present Fuels Dir 98/70/EC are essentially based on EPEFE program in Auto-Oil I -EPEFE ( ) covered Euro2 technology; other activities in Auto-Oil I took care of pre-Euro2 (”van Beckhoven report”) -New information on fuel parameter influence on Euro 3/4/5 have been published in the last couple of years -EU-funded project ”CLEAN” (EUCAR, IFP) has been running , goal: co-optimization fuels/engines

3 Heavy Duty Diesel: Some recent fuel studies (all test fuels <10 ppm sulphur)
Emissions level Fuels compared NOx (% diff) PM (% diff) Source Euro4 Euro4 Euro4,Euro5 Euro4 Euro4 Euro3 Euro4 Euro5 Euro5 (ETC) Class1/EN590 BTL/EN590 GTL/EN590 Class1/EU4ref GTL,BTL/EU4ref Class1/EN590 Class1/EN590 Class1/EN590 Class1/EN590 4 -10 (ave) - 9 20… (ave) - 18 28 same 7 MAN/Fortum MAN/Fortum Shell Global Scania Scania Concawe Concawe Concawe Concawe

4 Emission reductions for a Euro 3 Diesel Passenger Car, NEDC cycle Source: CLEAN-project, Ford

5 NOx trade-off of a HD engine by varying EGR (1200 rpm, 25% load)
NOx trade-off of a HD engine by varying EGR (1200 rpm, 25% load). Source: CLEAN-project, Volvo.

6 Smoke (FSN) - NOx trade-off by varying the EGR (full load, 1200 rpm)
Smoke (FSN) - NOx trade-off by varying the EGR (full load, 1200 rpm). Source: CLEAN-project, Volvo.

7 ACEA messages – diesel fuels
- Euro3/4/5 technology shows that parameters besides sulphur can be even more important than for pre Euro3 (”EPEFE generation”) - NOx and PM improvements of up to 30% have been reported compared to EN590/EU4ref.fuel. Even larger potential when fuel/engine is co-optimized (CLEAN) - Ideally, the fuel should be fully paraffinic (consequently high H/C ratio, no aromatics, high cetane) and sulphur-free (CLEAN-project conclusion) -WWFC Category 4 defines the optimal quality for ”practical” fuels short/medium term. WWFC4 fuels are already available in some markets -Directive 98/70/EC should be revised to become in line with WWFC Category 4 -Lubricity should be included in Directive 98/70/EC (not only techncal parameter, also environmental).

8 World Wide Fuel Charter Important diesel fuel parameters

9 World-Wide Fuel Charter

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