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Oral English Training 2013-9.

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Presentation on theme: "Oral English Training 2013-9."— Presentation transcript:

1 Oral English Training 2013-9

2 My own holiday Create your own holiday.
Write a description of the holiday. Answer the questions below. What is the name of the holiday? When is it? How do you celebrate it?

3 My own holiday Vote on the best holiday.
Read your description to your group. Group members ask for more information about the holiday. (eg. Do people eat anything special on that day?) Vote on the best holiday.

4 What are some important events in a person’s life?
Rites of Passage What are some important events in a person’s life?

5 Rites of Passage – some important life events
First birthday First haircut/losing your first tooth First day of school Sweet 16 First job High school graduation 20th/21st birthday Marriage Becoming a parent

6 I was really immature. What were they like as kids?
What life event changed them? Carol irresponsible Going to college Alan immature Got a job

7 Grammar Focus – Time clauses
Before I had my first job, I was really immature. After I got my first job, I became more mature. Once I had a job, I became totally independent. The moment I moved away from home, I felt like a different person. Until I graduated, I’d never had any important responsibilities.

8 Dialogue Making Make a new dialogue based on this one.
Discuss what you were like as kids and how you have changed.

9 Milestones How old are people when these things happen?
Go to school for the first time Get a driver’s license Move out of the parents’ home Get married Become a parent Retire

10 Milestones What do you think life is like before and after each event?
Think of two reasons why each event is important. Before I went to school, I was quiet and shy. Once I started going to school, I realized how exciting it was to be around so many other children.

11 Milestones Debate – which is more important
Work in groups. Each group picks a slip. Have a debate over which event is more important in a person’s life and why.

12 Milestones Debate – which is more important
A: Choosing a college major is more important than graduating from college. B: I don’t agree. Until I graduated from college, I hadn’t felt what it was like to be independent. A: But your major is more important because……

13 Do you have any similar regrets?

14 If things were different…
Choose eight people from the list. Write sentences describing things that they have or haven’t done that you wish you could change.

15 If things were different…
Our teacher should have warned us before she gave us that quiz. My father/mother My neighbor My brother/ sister My co-worker My spouse (配偶) My teacher My boyfriend/ girlfriend My boss My best friend My country’s leader

16 Share your sentences with a partner.
Take turns asking and answering questions about how things would have been different. A: Our teacher should have warned us before she gave us that quiz. B: Why? What would you have done if you had known it? A: If I’d known about it, I probably would have studied, and …

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