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Action on Radon gas in Ireland

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1 Action on Radon gas in Ireland
Achievements and plans Barbara Rafferty

2 Overview What is radon? Radon – a particular problem in Ireland
What has been done about it? What are we doing now, and planning to do? Invite your comments and suggestions

3 α 238U 226 Ra 222Rn Radon emanation Dα
Alpha particles from deposited decay products cause damage leading to cancer Radon accumulates in indoor environment α Decay of 218Po and 214Po Radon emanation Uranium is present in the earth’s crust since the formation of the planet 238U Ra Rn 4.5x109 years years days

4 Radon in Ireland Radon is the second cause of lung cancer (after smoking) and accounts for 250 cases in Ireland per year 7% of houses have a radon problem ⅓ country: high risk (10% of homes predicted >200Bq/m3) For every 100Bq/m3 the cancer risk increases by 16%

5 Pre merger, RPII action on radon
Understanding the problem  National Radon Survey  Research: prevention, remediation, behaviour, health economics, tracking key metrics, etc Advice to public Direct advice to members of the public Public information campaigns Advice + support to professionals Cooperation with other agencies Joint programmes with HSE and HSA Support to Local Authorities, Department of Education, Advice to Government Input to policy and legislation National Radon Control Strategy

6 Advice of the Attorney General,
…that the state should err on the side of making a maximum effort to inform the public on the advisability of testing premises for radon and remedying the buildings with high radon levels. …a “stitch in time” rule applies …a well publicised constant approach is desirable High risk zones should be fixed in the public awareness together with clear ideas to ameliorate the risk MMcD 17/7/00

7 Awareness campaigns 12 High Risk Areas – “Priority Counties” Cork
Wexford Waterford Louth Kerry Kilkenny Sligo Mayo Galway Clare in Nov.2015 Carlow Wicklow in 2016

8 Local Campaign Strategy
Integrated, multi-faceted campaign Public meetings chaired by local officials Direct Mail to households Strong information leaflets Saturation media coverage (local radio and press) Billboards Social Media Leaflets in public places Supermarket/shopping centre/GAA match Public Library and Council Offices GP surgeries Solicitors (Mayo Campaign) Presentations to Councils Briefing TDs and Senators in Leinster House National coverage of high readings at least once per year Prime Time, Eco-eye, Morning Ireland

9 Local and National Publicity

10 Awareness campaigns Original Objective Evolved into an Objective of:
Encouraging householders to test for radon and remediate their homes if necessary Evolved into an Objective of: Building and sustaining momentum towards an integrated national strategy The lower reference level for public supplies reflects the duty of care that a water supplier has towards consumers.

11 Achievements State owned buildings, & workplaces
All schools tested & remediated Good progress on social housing Good progress on state workplaces H&SA collaboration on other workplaces State owned buildings, & workplaces Building regulations measures in place since 1998 New research shows that the regulations have been effective but effectiveness not consistently good. Prevention in new buildings Increased public awareness (market research and focus groups). Increased test requests Strong local and national media coverage - print, TV, radio Good political engagement Awareness Proportion of homes tested  5% Remediation rates disappointing ~ 25% Testing and remediation

12 Learning from experience – market research, focus groups, health psychology research
Can’t expect people to act solely on advice and information Radon is easy to ignore People find more reasons not to act than to act “It will never happen to me” Cost Fear of finding out Lack of trust in testing and remediation companies People are not talking radon No-one else is doing it

13 Further confirmed that integrated national radon strategy is needed
Break down barriers to action Make radon routine Use regulation to drive long term change

14 National Radon Control Strategy
2009: WHO Handbook 2010: Joint position statement with HSE 2011: Minister Phil Hogan announced a Government decision develop a National Radon Control Strategy for Ireland Inter-Agency Group appointed by the Minister 4 Government Departments (Environment, Health, Communications, Jobs) 6 Government Agencies (RPII, HSE, HSA, CCMA, GSI, SEAI)

15 National Radon Control Strategy
2014: NRCS published 4 year Strategy: 6 Thematic Areas: 30 Actions and many more sub-tasks 31 contributors from: DECLG, HSE, H&SA, GSI, CCMA, SEAI, DOH, DJEI, DECNR, NSAI, CFI, RIA, DES

16 NRCS themes and progress
Radon Prevention in New Buildings Improving prevention techniques through: Developing training for construction site staff on radon prevention Course content and video Course management and delivery Amend and strengthen technical guidance on radon prevention in new buildings Research into how to improve the effectiveness of radon preventive measures and radon remediation methods Using property transactions to drive action Agreement from the Law Society to introduce a question on radon during conveyancing checks [Harnessing the influence of other professionals] Developing CPD materials for solicitors, engineers and surveyors as key influencers in the conveyancing process Addressing radon in the 2015 review of the Housing (rental) Regulations

17 NRCS themes and progress
Remediation and Training Improving remediation techniques and building public confidence through: Developing remediation training for building professionals Course content and video Course management and delivery Commissioning Research to refine methods Positioning of sump exhausts Impact of subfloor materials (eg grade and compaction of hard core) Effect of draft proofing measures on domestic radon levels Promoting public confidence in radon services Developing a registration scheme for radon measurement services in Ireland Developing criteria Maintaining register Conflict of interest Developing criteria for listing remediation contractors on Govt. websites.

18 NRCS themes and progress
Raising Awareness and encouraging action Developing a dedicated NRCS website ( Commissioning research into the psycho-social basis for poor responses in terms of testing and remediation Developing provisions for financial support for home remediation Developing a nationwide radon communications strategy [Harnessing the influence of other professionals including medics] [Encouraging further action in Schools and developing strategies for Creches] Addressing radon in workplaces and public buildings [Preparation for implementation, by 2018, of the EU Basic Safety Standards Directive, for the protection of the health of workers and the general public against the dangers arising from ionizing radiation]. [Building on existing partnerships] Health and Safety Authority, Office of Public Works, Health Services Executive, Quit, Dept of Education and Science.

19 Comments and suggestions welcome

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