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Challenges for ONS Modernisation

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1 Challenges for ONS Modernisation
Dayantha Joshua

2 IM Vision (2001-2006) Diversity Scalability High Low Low High
Poor Vision Uncertainty Solutions for specific requirements Too many options - difficult to fulfil new needs Applications NT Servers NT Servers Storage Enterprise Servers Enterprise Servers Transition High Applications Diversity Network Infrastructure Infrastructure Desktop Low Voice Constraint Growth Inability to meet new demands Coherent Strategy Low Scalability High

3 ONS – what do we do ? ONS is actually 2 businesses
Responsible for a large amount of statistical outputs in England & Wales Responsible for managing the registration of births, deaths, marriages, adoptions & civil partnerships The modernisation programme Started in 2004 Examining the business process on both businesses With a view to achieving efficiencies Increasing the quality of outputs Increasing the number of outputs

4 G2C eBusiness – General Registrars Office

5 Drivers for Statistical Modernisation
Creation of ONS in 1996 Diverse range of statistical tools and computer systems 2,000 pieces of software live application systems 150 application development languages and software packages Different methods, processes and practices Initial lack of integration and subsequent lack of investment Led to: increasing costs through duplication, licence costs etc inefficiencies in production processes increased risk to quality of statistics

6 Aims of ONS Modernisation Programme
Improve quality and timeliness of, and access to, key ONS statistical systems, Creation of a more robust and comprehensive body of statistical evidence Increase efficiency of producing statistics SMP, a key element of ONS Modernisation: Create a metadata driven, corporate database (CORD) Transfer of all ONS statistical sources into CORD Introduce standardisation of systems, processes and technology using a set of standard statistical tools Re-engineer key statistical systems with shared use of metadata, methods and processes Provide direct access to all official UK statistics via the NS web site

7 ONS of the Future Single repository holding all data
Systematised and reproducible processes – same results every time World class website built on modernised data store Modern technical environment Easier/cheaper to maintain systems Lower costs for new developments Reduced staff training costs/greater staff flexibility

8 “C O R D” Metadata ADI Life Events National Accounts Business Surveys
Social Surveys Labour Market Prices/CSPI Population Estimates CPI Business Surveys Framework Social Surveys Framework IDBR Admin Data Portal Collection & Validation Results Processing Collection & Validation Results Processing Dissemination X12 GES Canceis Banff Index No Constr Analytical Tools SAS Superstar Tau-Argus GRI ACTR Metadata “C O R D” Unit Level Data Aggregate Level Data Time Series Data Longitudinal Data

9 Benefits To ONS: Reduced risks Reduced processing costs
Improved quality Increased value of outputs Reduced development time and cost To Users: Datasets more robust and reliable Reduced errors and inconsistencies More timely outputs Access to greater range of coherent statistics More responsive ONS

10 What’s been achieved so far?
Oracle and Java as basis of new infrastructure Selected and integrated set of standard statistical tools Proved that Oracle, JAVA and the tools can work together as planned Cardiff Bay new operational environment Tools in place for web infrastructure (Tridion, Fast) Totally refreshed LAN and WAN New methodologies and business processes for key statistical systems such as NA and LFS CORD being delivered incrementally, along with working functionality for NA, LFS, Life Events, etc

11 Initial approach Generic data repository Configurable systems
Several statistical tools operational Extensive metadata expectations Fully systematised processing Broad span of ONS’s business 3 year delivery plan Business transformation

12 New plans based on lessons learned
More incremental approach to delivery of vision Extended delivery period Focusing on delivering production quality systems that deliver specific business benefits, At the same time contribute towards building infrastructure Build on the work done to date on key systems (Labour Force Survey and National Accounts) Business transformation

13 Current Challenges These include:
Business critical legacy hardware support and licence issues (particularly Ingres/ NUMA environment) Security and resilience issues for Website Urgent business continuity issues e.g. frail TDE system, secure file transfer Some application systems high risk and need urgent attention e.g. population

14 The way forward Labour Force Survey processing National Accounts
weighting and micro data outputs National Accounts central systems local systems Vital Events (births, deaths, etc.) data portal Survey Case Management work allocation telephony management information

15 Survey Case Management System (SCMS)
Automated allocation About 65,000 cases taken from 10 survey types to be allocated every 6 weeks. Approximately 800 Field Interviewers available. SCMS combines business rules and spatial analysis to select the most suitable interviewer. Field Managers use SCMS mapping interface to adjust automated allocation (if necessary). Field Managers confirm allocations and the cases are distributed to the appropriate Interviewer.

16 SCMS - Automated Allocation Process
Mandatory Allocation Rules (sequential evaluation to reduce number of possible interviewers for each case) Spatial Analysis (calculate distance between case and Interviewer along road network) Conditional Allocation Rules (parallel evaluation to calculate overall “severity weighting” for each remaining candidate) Allocated to Interviewer (Selection of most suitable candidate)

17 HQ Review The results of the automated allocation process are reviewed by HQ Staff. If satisfactory, the allocation is released to Field Managers. If unsatisfactory, the allocation parameters can be changed and the automated allocation process re-run. Results from original allocation and re-run allocation can be compared This can be repeated until satisfactory results are achieved

18 Release to Field Managers
Results compared and most suitable automated allocation released to Field Managers Automated processes with capability for manual override where needed.

19 Mapping Interface Map Tools Interviewer Locations Case Locations
Spatial analysis tools used to display the location of cases selected for interview and the available interviewers. Case Locations

20 Mapping Interface - Zoomed view
Interviewer details can be queried Cases can be selected and assigned to an interviewer Map tools allow for cases to be displayed by allocation status i.e. whether an interviewer has been assigned, or by survey type so that the manager of the survey can monitor progress on their cases. Cases or interviewers displayed on the map can be selected individually and more detailed information displayed. Cases can be classified by allocation status or survey type

21 MIS reports to manage performance

22 Labour Force Survey Microdata collection
Weighting – reduce current extended elapse times and standardise through Generalized Estimation System (GES) weighting tool Production of Microdata outputs

23 Metadata – variable definition

24 LFS Reweighting

25 National Accounts Processing aggregated time series data to produce the core measures of the UK economy (e.g. GDP). Structured classification of data (i.e. metadata) Processing of data (import, calculation, copy, export). Support for data analysis.

26 Metadata - classifications

27 Processing

28 Analysis

29 The pressures on the IT Organisation

30 IM Provision in ONS – A Pictorial View
Strategic Direction: Driving technology leadership centralised to ensure coherence across the organisation Business Development: Delivering change Business Infrastructure: Supporting infrastructure

31 Evolving picture for IM – dealing with reducing resources
Embedded in Business Outsourced Registration Statistical Modernisation ONS IM Managed services Corporate Systems Modernisation Data Center Shared Services

32 Resource reductions so far…

33 High level view – Skills Transfer
In-house capability is increasing Categories Trained Skilled Fully Capable/Expert Reliance on contract staff is reducing ONS is becoming self-sufficient (but more to do) Has attended training - is consolidating Operating at an acceptable level Operating at a very high standard

34 In-house skills Q1/05 – Q1/06 Q1 2005 Q1 2006
Skilled ONS staff were mainly in construction No in-house designers Q1 2006 Analysis and Construction staff reassigned/left ONS (circa 25) Construction still predominant specialism Slight growth in the other specialisms Still no in-house designers

35 In-house v Contractor Skill Pool @ Q3/06
Construction Majority in-house staff Design No in-house staff IT Workpackage Managers Testers Majority contract staff Transformation Platform Support Function Heads In-house staff Architects

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