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Scaled Leadership Professional Development Senior High Administrators

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Presentation on theme: "Scaled Leadership Professional Development Senior High Administrators"— Presentation transcript:

1 Scaled Leadership Professional Development Senior High Administrators
Department of English Language Arts-Secondary

2 AGENDA Examining Mid-Year ELA Data
Overview of ELA Standards, Assessment, and Instruction Alignment Review of FSA Components Overview of ELA Resources

3 OBJECTIVES Understand instructional implications based on the Mid-Year Assessment data. Understand the FSA ELA Writing and Reading Components.

4 Discuss MYA data looking at District scores
Discuss MYA data looking at District scores. Ask participants to think of their own school data for this task (maybe have them pull it up on their devices if time permits. Mention that it is important to look at the item assigned to this standard

5 Discuss importance of further analyzing the MYA data by looking at the Test Item Blueprint

6 Every teacher should have their own grade level copy in their lesson plan binder! Use this document to understand how the standards will be assessed.

7 LAFS.910.RI.2.4 Have participants closely examine this standard by looking at the task demands and response mechanisms, Hi-light and discuss the key points.

TEACH THE STANDARDS! Discuss instructional implications and ask participants to share ideas from their own schools. Stress that it is difficult to try to isolate the standards into “benchmarks” like we did with FCAT.

Further analyze MYA data to examine the full range of the tested standard. Use the Item Specifications to determine the specific task demands of the standards. Instruct students using the ELA Exemplar Lessons. Discuss instructional implications and ask participants to share ideas from their own schools. Stress that it is difficult to try to isolate the standards into “benchmarks” like we did with FCAT.

10 Sessions and Times

11 Date Entered US Schools (DEUSS)
ALL ELLs must participate in ALL State and District assessments. Starting with the school year, ELLs with a Date Entered US Schools (DEUSS) less than two years will NOT count toward school grade. Office of Civil Rights (OCR) recommends that schools clearly articulate to parents why this date is collected and how the information will be used (education purposes only: e.g., accountability and/or cumulative enrollment for immigrant). (DEUSS Briefing # 15131) Remember, that although DEUSS is collected for Accountability purposes only in Survey 3 for LYs and LPs, we recommended over a year ago to collect it for every student and keep it locally. This is now used for all things ELL, immigrant, extension of services program wise, Good Cause, etc. The calculation for immigrant counts that will be used for determining eligibility for receiving the Immigrant Grant will use the Date Entered US School as the starting point. The term immigrant children and youth means individuals who: - (A) are ages 3 through 21;and - (B) were not born in any State, the District of Columbia or Puerto Rico; and (C) have not been attending one or more schools in any one or more States for more than 3 full academic years. Note: The children of U.S. military personnel born overseas are to be included in any count of immigrant children or youth.

12 Technology Enhanced Items (TEI)
Analyze pages from the updated test design summary. Handout

13 Technology-Enhanced Item Types
Editing Task Choice Editing Task Hot Text Selectable Hot Text Drag-and-Drop Hot Text Open Response Multiselect Evidence-Based Selected Response (EBSR) Graphic Response Item Display (GRID) Multimedia

14 Training Tests (CBT) The Training tests on the FSA Portal (linked) have been updated. The sample items are the same but the tests now have the same “look and feel” that the operational computer-based tests will have in the spring. For example, the navigation buttons are in a slightly different place; the formula button shows which formulas are available on a given test (if applicable); students can now skip items and are warned that there are unanswered items if they try to submit. Training tests with the text-to-speech accommodation are still being finalized and will be released in sufficient time for students to practice prior to the spring assessments.

15 Florida English Language Arts Formative Assessment System (ELFAS)
The K-8 ELA Formative Assessments are now available to all Florida teachers through Single Sign On (SSO) and can be accessed through under Resources & Assessments. The ELFAS is a database of K-8 formative assessment tasks and professional development information.

16 General FSA Tips Share the updated test blueprints with staff with an emphasis on pages 11 and 12 Provide teachers with samples of each item type in order to teach students the item types explicitly Schedule simulation sessions for teachers and students in the computer lab where students take the FSA training test online to do the following: Familiarize themselves with the navigation buttons Questions Item types The ELFAS can be used to find standards based activities with graphic organizers and open response questions for additional remediation and/or enrichment Schedule an FSA Parent Informational Night

17 FSA Writing Component Tips
Writing mini lessons Writing conferencing Peer Editing with checklist Spend more time on revision and editing Provide specific corrective feedback to students during the “draft” process Build stamina for Writing-Give students minutes to write to the prompt independently




21 Contact Us: Department of English Language Arts-Secondary 305-995-3122
Division of Bilingual and World Languages

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