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Work Smarter, Not Harder Success with Structures

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Presentation on theme: "Work Smarter, Not Harder Success with Structures"— Presentation transcript:

1 Work Smarter, Not Harder Success with Structures
Tessa Ansari and Elise Landrum Elise—Intro Kellie--Intro Tessa—Intro Share short experience

2 Objectives Content: Participants will engage in several cooperative learning structures while learning about building effective teams. Language: Participants will discuss factors influencing student seat assignments during a brainstorming structure. Allow Participants to read

3 “Verbalization leads to internalization” by Spencer Kagan
Teamwork vs. Groupwork Video Clip “Verbalization leads to internalization” by Spencer Kagan

4 Cooperative Learning Structures
StandUp, HandUp, PairUp Share the following with your partner: Your name Where you will be teaching. What you teach How long have you been teaching. Linda

5 Forming Teams AllWrite RoundRobin Question???
What are some things that you consider when assigning seats in your classroom? Linda

6 Our List Academic ability Accommodations (SPED, 504, ELL) Gender
Ethnicity Personality Sports and extracurricular activities Where students prefer to sit (ask on student survey) Tessa—Show cards

7 More About Teams Keep the same teams for 5—7 weeks. Teams of 4—ideal
Arranging desks TEssa

8 Forming Teams Setup: Class Rosters Student Grades Accommodations Tessa
SET-UP: Class Lists 1 card per student Color code—1 color per class

9 Forming Teams Step 1: Make Cards Name Scores UIL 504, SPED, etc…
Ethnicity Seating Preference Tessa Make cards

10 Forming Teams Step 2: Form Teams Medium High High Low Medium Low 4 1 3
Tessa Step 2: Sort Cards Low Medium Low

11 Forming Teams Do the math: Remainders: 1= one team of five
2=two teams of three Mediums and Highs or All Mediums 3=one team of three All mediums or medium highs M Tessa M M

12 More Cooperative Structures
RallyRobin Think!! RallyRobin anything that you can remember about forming teams Linda

13 Cooperative Structures
Find Someone Who… Quiz, Quiz, Trade Tessa – Quiz Quiz Quiz Trade Linda – Find Someone Who

14 One more structure Think-Write-RoundRobin Question???
What are two things that you will take away from this session to use in your classroom? Linda

15 Teamwork Video Pivot Video Linda

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