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Creating our Psychological Reality

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1 Creating our Psychological Reality
If a tree fell in the forest, and no one was around, would it make a sound?

2 Sensation & Perception
Video 5:31 – 8:26

3 Sensation Sensation: data coming from the senses
Transduction info from senses changed to neural impulses Sensory reduction Filter – not all information is sent to brain Sensory adaptation: sending less of a signal from the senses that is continuous Example: clothes on skin

4 Vision

5 The Eye Cornea: protective cover, focuses light
Iris: muscle dilate/constrict to control amount of light Pupil: opening inside of iris Lens: adjusts to focus on objects at a distance, focuses light

6 The Eye Retina: inner surface w/sight receptors
rods (receptors for dark) & cones (receptors for light and color) dark adaptation (cones -> rods) light adaptation (rods -> cones) Optic nerve: neural signals to brain Blind spot: no vision receptors

7 Perception Video 14:57-17:42 Selection / selective attention: we can’t pay attention to everything – we will notice things that are new, changing Perceptual set: we notice things that we expect to see and interpret things in ways we expect it to happen

8 Perception Habituation: less attention in response to same stimulus (e.g., teacher talking in monotone voice) Video 1:24-3:09 Sensory adaptation vs. Habituation Change in sensing vs. change in responding Not consciously controllable vs. controllable Change in strength won’t vs. will recover response

9 Form Perception Figure-Ground Similarity Continuity Closure Proximity

10 Constancies Size Brightness Shape Demo

11 Perceptual Experiences
Synesthesia: info from one sense is interpreted by a different sense Ex. Hearing music but seeing colors Illusions: misinterpreting what you are seeing Video 20:22-25:56

12 Discussion Thinking about all of the topics from this semester, where/how will expectations influence our psychological reality?

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