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~Coria~ By Jesse R. Page.

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1 ~Coria~ By Jesse R. Page

2 Geography & Etymology Corbridge is located about 2.5 miles south of Hadrian's Wall on the easiest and safest ford of the river Tyne in modern-day Scotland. The name Coria actually comes from the Vindolanda Tablets, though other names seem to have been used.

3 Bird's-Eye-View Made to defend bridge. The bridge is possibly the longest bridge in Roman Britain, and in a highly strategic area.

4 Roman Fort History Built in first century
Burned down in 105, but rebuilt soon after still in wood. Rebuilt in stone after Hadrian's Wall in 120. Home to second and sixth legions at times.

5 Roman Town Corbridge is inhabited today, but slightly to the west, leaving the exact site of the ruins mostly untouched.

6 Brief Description of Corbridge
Commander's House, Principia (HQ), Barracks, Defenses and other sections. Diverse People, Roman Culture. Fort for the second and sixth legions. Operational base for moving into modern Scotland.

7 Why is it important? Corbridge is a strategic military base, and a prosperous town later.

8 Corbridge Hoard Like many hoards this holds no precious metals but iron, copper alloy and steel. It also includes One of the first relatively complete sets of Roman lorica segmentata cuirasses. This helped Historians discover how Roman segmented armor was pieced together, though they knew of its existence prior to the hoard.

9 This is what we're talking about.

10 Discussion Questions What role did Hadrian's Wall have on the fort becoming a town? Did the inhabitants feel safer a few miles behind it or would the transition taken place anyways? Why do you suppose later generations did not build directly over the Roman ruins?

11 Bibliography
Stephany Leach, Mary Lewis, Carolyn Chenery, Gundula Muldner, and Hella Eckardt, “Migration and Diversity in Roman Britain: A Multidisciplinary Approach to the Identification of Immigrants in Roman York, England,” American Journal of Physical Anthropology 140 (2009) : Pg. 546–561.

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