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Advertising of Goods and Services.

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1 Advertising of Goods and Services.
Art Direction. Advertising of Goods and Services.

2 Chapter Outline: 1. Breathing life into Advertising
2. Elements of Design 3. Principles of design 4. Designing Print Advertising: six types of ad possibilities 5. Categories of print ads 6. Basic categories of television ads

3 Breathing life into Advertising
Art directors are responsible for: Stopping power-ability to make people notice and pay attention to the ad. Visuals appearing in ads. Graphical treatment of the copy Composition of the ad Execution of the ad

4 Graphic designers - professional artists who focus on com-l artwork (in brochures; posters). Illustrators-create non photographic visuals (technical drawings for use in ads and materials)

5 Elements of Design : Line (vertical; horizontal; diagonal; curved)
Color (the most powerful visual effect) Texture (physical; visual) Physical texture in a print ad can include the smooth feel of glossy paper; the soft but rough feel of handmade writing paper. Visual texture is defined by patterns; the visual texture of a city street differs from that of a forest. Shape: realistic (outline of a bottle of Perrier); abstract (free-form curve that doesn’t represent any objects); symbolic (US flag) Size (small; large) Sound (spoken voice; instrumental music; singing) Space (white space-uninterrupted expanse of a single color, including white and black)

6 Principles of Design include:
Balance proportion Sequence Unity Emphasis Tension and surprise

7 Principles of design Balance: state of eqbm in which the parts on the other side are similarly from top to bottom. Formal balance-each item is repeated on both sides of an ad. Informal balance-don’t have to mirror the pieces in size/shape from size to size. Proportion: relationship between the size of objects. (1/3 ; 1/4 for logos; copy) Unity: when all the pieces work together .In designing a two-page ad (spread), we should tie them visually. Emphasis: highlighting one element in the ad., according to the chosen message.

8 Principles of design: Sequence: order in which the reader takes in the various elements in an ad. Broadcast audience have to take in the elements in ad whatever order you put them because sequence is ruled by time. In print ads, sequence is ruled by space. Tension and Surprise: engage audience , to get them involved in the ad. Surprise: upside-down ads

9 Example of tension and surprise: Volvo ad showed a turtle and the headline “ If this is what you think about Volvos, you’ve got another think coming”. Two subheads read “The new Volvo 850 GLT” and “Coming October24”.

10 Designing Print Advertising six types of ad possibilities:
The one-liner (won’t work if you need to say more) The news (can be used with hard or soft selling; humor) The spiral (makes selling point over and over again, enhancing and expanding it a little each time). The story (customers tell stories about using product). The outline format (communicates the key components of the selling message, using brief statements in a form of outlines).

11 Categories of print ads:
Mondrian: uses visible lines and bars to divide the page into 2 or more rectangular blocks. Picture window: usually a picture of a product, a single headline, and a small amount of copy Copy heavy: an ad with a lot of copy and little artwork. Used when the message is too long. Rebus: pictures represent words and we are supposed to find out what the puzzle says. Frame; Circus Multipanel: divide the page into numerous rectangular areas (not with visible lines). Print ads that look like Comic strips a good example of this design. Big type: here headlines set in large type dominate the ad, and the big type serves the same attention-getting function.

12 Typeface category: Roman Sans serif or Gothic type Square serif
Script (cursive or calligraphic) Ornamental

13 Basic categories of television ads:
Lectures: Problem-solution: here potential customer has a problem, and we present a solution, for which then customer pays for. Demonstration: showing something in action Spokesperson-testimonial: using a presenter making a sales pitch directly to the audience. Product presentation: “product hero” format, because the product is the star of the commercial. Dramas: Slice of life: this format gives the audience a look at supposedly realistic situation in the lives of people who represent the target audience. Minidrama: a continuing characters format creates one or more fictional characters and bases a series of ads around them. Musical/stage show: involves commercials based on songs or or “stage shows”.

14 Audio Elements: Voice-over: copy that’s read by someone off-screen during the commercial. Jingles: are short songs that carry adv-g messages. Specially developed songs for ads are more effective in comparison with already existed songs.

15 Visual Elements: Live action: encompasses anything shot with a television or video camera. Animation: includes essentially everything you might see in a television commercial except live action (cartoons, a series of photos). Copy: another form of animation. Displayed copy is called a superimpose, when it appears on top of a visual image (phone numbers, logos, and brand names). Visual effects: range from simple camera moves to advanced computer-generated illusions.

16 Examples of different types of art designs:


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