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Dr Helen Morrison Beatson West of Scotland Cancer Centre

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1 Dr Helen Morrison Beatson West of Scotland Cancer Centre
Communicating Dying Dr Helen Morrison Beatson West of Scotland Cancer Centre

2 Objectives Why good communication of dying is necessary
When things go wrong Current guidance on EOLC Recognising Dying Communication around the process of dying Symptom management

3 Consequences of Poor Communication
Patients Confusion & indecision Unrealistic expectations Missed opportunities Poorer quality of life Inadequate symptom relief Relatives Impact on Bereavement Guilt Professionals Depersonalised care Burnout



6 What went wrong? NICE Recognition of dying not always supported by an experienced clinician, and not reliably renewed. Patients unduly sedated as a result of injudiciously prescribed symptom control medication. Perception that hydration and some essential medication was withheld or withdrawn leading to negative effects.


8 More Care Less Pathway 2013 LCP worked well for many – clinicians would prefer such an approach for themselves Reports of poor treatment especially in the acute sector LCP became a “tick box exercise” where care already poor Communication a major issue for relatives – felt “rail-roaded” Need to treat patients with respect Need for a national conversation about dying

9 More Care Less Pathway Diagnosis of Dying Decision Making
Involvement in care plan Hydration & Nutrition Sedation & Pain Management CPR Ethical issues Care with Compassion End of Life Care Plan – documented & individualised Communication


11 Dying Without Dignity 2015 Key themes
Failure to recognise people are dying and respond to their needs Poor symptom control Poor communication Inadequate out of hours services Poor care planning Delays in diagnosis & referral for treatment


13 5 Priorities of Care Possibility a person may die in the next few hours/ days is recognised and communicated, decisions made and action taken in accordance with needs. Sensitive communication with patient about what is important to them. Dying person and those important to them are involved in decision making. Needs of families and important others identified Individual plan of care


15 Communication Establish communication needs
Identify the most appropriate team member to explain prognosis Discuss prognosis, if recognised to be in last days, unless they don’t want to. Provide accurate information on prognosis, explaining uncertainty but avoiding false optimism. Explore understanding and preferences about care. Discuss with the multi-professional team


17 National Statement Scotland December 2013
Informative, timely and sensitive communication as an essential component of each individual’s care. Significant decisions , including diagnosing dying, are made on the basis of a multidisciplinary discussion. Each person’s physical, psychological, social and spiritual needs are recognised and addressed. Consideration given to the wellbeing of relatives/ carers.


19 Barriers to communication at End of Life
Uncertainty about prognosis Late discussions Worry about removing hope/ relationships with patients Death seen as a failure Societal issues Education Undergraduates and junior doctors Nursing AHP

20 National Conversation
Majority don’t have significant conversations 83% public uncomfortable discussing dying 51% unaware of EOLC wishes of a partner 36% have written a will 6% have written preferences for funerals 1 in 4 GPs never initiated conversation about EOLC wishes

21 National Conversation Guardian BMJ More Care Less Pathway King’s Fund Church of England

22 Recognising Dying More than half a million die in the UK each year
Most deaths in hospital Most deaths predictable after a period of chronic illness Need for involvement of senior clinician and multidisciplinary team. Recognise uncertainty so plan to review.


24 Recognising Dying Sleepiness Not eating/ drinking
Little or no swallow reflex Breathing changes Skin colour changes Agitation/ Restlessness Continence

25 EOL Communication Open, honest and consistent communication with relatives and patient if possible Acknowledge uncertainty Where there is uncertainty plan to review situation Address DNACPR Preferred Place of Care Advanced Care Planning Will / Power of Attorney



28 EOL Communication Address physical, psychological, social and spiritual needs. Symptom management Hydration & Nutrition Assess well-being of relatives/ carers Regular discussion and review of decision making Keep relatives updated about changes in patient’s condition or management plan.

29 Communicating Changes
Sleepiness Progression to unconsciousness Eating/ Drinking Loss of appetite Not needing nutrition Balance risks & benefits of giving food/ fluids Assess hydration needs Swallow reflex Fluids/ Medication

30 Communicating Changes 2
Breathing Shallower, pauses, secretions Skin changes Cyanosis / mottling/ clamminess Agitation/ restlessness Calmness & reassurance Acknowledge distress caused Explain use of sedation

31 Communicating Changes 3
Continence Loss of control Reduced urine volumes & dark urine Assess need for catheter End of Life Body relaxes & jaw may open Last breath may sound like a sigh

32 Communication at end of life Hospital/ Hospice
Little things matter Make families/ relatives feel welcome Encourage them to create familiar environment Assume patients can hear everything Consider access, parking and food out of hours Carers/ Relatives don’t have the burden of providing care.

33 Supporting carers/ Relatives Home
Prepare to put life on hold Feel like you are walking in a bubble Talk about how you are feeling Accept help Be prepared for family dynamics Discuss who to contact Emergency situations

34 Symptom Management

35 Pain Opioid Naive – prescribe PRN Morphine 2mg SC
Commence Syringe driver if needing more than 2-3 doses in 24 hours (10mg) If on opioids convert to syringe driver (half the oral dose) Ensure sufficient morphine in house for as required doses

36 Terminal Agitation Can be distressing for relatives and staff
Reassurance and explanation required Generally sedation is required May need to escalate doses rapidly Midazolam 5mg stat doses and can increase to 10mg 10mg via CSCI and titrate Can give 60 – 80mg via CSCI

37 Terminal Agitation Levomepromazine PRN doses 5 – 25mg CSCI 10 – 200mg
Phenobarbitone Specialist advice Stat dose 200mg IM 800 – 1600mg via CSCI Requires 1: 5 dilution so may need second CSCI

38 Secretions 30 – 50 % patients Can be distressing for relatives
Secretions in hypopharynx Reassurance Positional change Suction Medication

39 Secretions - Medication
Hyoscine Butylbromide 20 mg SC PRN CSCI 60 – 120 mg Glycopyrronium 0.2 – 0.4 mg SC PRN CSCI 0.6 – 1.2mg

40 Assisted Hydration Regarded in law as medical treatment
Viewed by public as part of basic nurture Need to listen to views of patients/ carers Potential benefits Potential burdens/ risks If not thought clinically appropriate don’t have to provide it Treatment and care towards the end of life, GMC

41 Questions ?

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