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English Monarch House of Tudor House of Stuart.

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1 English Monarch House of Tudor House of Stuart

2 Section 3 Notes The Seven Years’ War is also called the French and Indian war by the North Americans


4 House of Tudor Tudor family ruled England in the late 1400s
Henry VIII created the Anglican Church Wanted a divorce



7 Mary I Daughter of Henry VIII, but a devote Catholic

8 Mary I First Queen to rule England (1553-1558)
Married Philip II of Spain Philip had led the Counter-Reformation against Protestants Mary had over 300 protestants burned at the stake Called “Bloody Mary”


10 Elizabeth I Another daughter of Henry VIII Held throne from 1558-1603
Returned monarchy to Protestantism Puts time and money into restoring the arts

11 Mary Queen of Scots Cousin of Elizabeth I
Wanted to claim English throne and return England to Catholicism Plotted with Philip II to overthrow Elizabeth

12 Elizabeth discovers plot, Mary is beheaded

13 Spanish Armada Philip sent 130 ships to attack England
Half his ships were destroyed in a storm Spain never again seriously threatened England


15 Puritans in England Felt Anglican Church was too similar to the Catholic Church Wanted a bigger split, and practices were different from Anglican Elizabeth wanted a united population to be Anglican Puritans were persecuted and fined for not attending Anglican Church Some leave England

16 James I Son of Mary Queen of Scots and King of Scotland
Elizabeth had no heir & dies James becomes king of England & Scotland

17 James I Continued persecution of Puritans
But tried to make peace by having a new translation of the Bible done King James version of the Bible is used by many protestants today

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