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Digestion Foldable.

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Presentation on theme: "Digestion Foldable."— Presentation transcript:

1 Digestion Foldable

2 Tab 1 Mouth: Tab 2 Esophagus: List the parts of the mouth
Describe the mechanical and chemical breakdown of food that occurs in the mouth. Be sure to include any enzymes or structures important in these processes and their functions. Define Bolus Define and describe the different salivary glands and their function. Tab 2 Esophagus: Describe the structures of the esophagus and the roll it plays with digestion. How does food move through the esophagus

3 Tab 3 Stomach: Describe the structures of the stomach and how they aid in digestion Include the cardioesophageal sphincter and pyloric sphincter Microvilli, villi, rugae Chief, parietal and enteroendocrine cells Describe the process of digestion within the stomach. Enzymes involved Hormones Where are the enzymes and hormones made and when are they released. Define Chyme What process moves food when leaving the stomach?

4 Tab 4 Small Intestines: Describe the structures of the small intestines Name and describe the 3 parts. Describe the ileocecal valve. Microvilli, villi and brush border Describe the process of food breakdown and absorption within the small intestine Include enzymes and hormones and describe their functions What molecules are absorbed here? How does food move throughout the small intestine?

5 Tab 5 Large intestine, Rectum and Anus:
Describe the structure and function of the large intestine. What is absorbed here? What are the subdivisions of the large intestines Describe the external and internal anal sphincters and how they play a role in defecation. Define defecation

6 Tab 6: Accessory Organs Describe the function of the following organs and their role in digestion: Pancreas Liver Gallbladder

7 Tab 7: Nutrition Define nutrition and metabolism
List the major and minor nutrients What are vitamins and how do they function? On p. 499 briefly describe the breakdown of the major nutrients and what the end products are what the end products are used for. Define: glycogenesis, glycogenolysis, gluconeogenesis Compare and contrast LDLs and HDLs

8 Tab 8: Metabolism How is food intake regulated?
Define and describe the basal metabolic rate and the role thyroxine plays in this. Define total metabolic rate Describe body temperature regulation in regards to metabolism What are heat-promoting mechanisms? What are heat-loss mechanisms?

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