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5b. Value of private nonresidential construction, by region, (Current dollar value)

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Presentation on theme: "5b. Value of private nonresidential construction, by region, (Current dollar value)"— Presentation transcript:

1 5a. Value of construction, public and private sector, 1993-2005 (Current dollar value)

2 5b. Value of private nonresidential construction, by region, 1993-2005 (Current dollar value)
Increase 1995 to 2005 South % West % Midwest % Northeast %

3 5c. Share of dollar value of private-sector construction, by type, 2005

4 5d. Share of dollar value of public-sector construction, by type, 2005
Amusement and recreation (3%) Sewage and waste disposal (8%) Highway and street (27%)

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