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Managing Stress: Coping With Life’s Challenges

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Presentation on theme: "Managing Stress: Coping With Life’s Challenges"— Presentation transcript:

1 Managing Stress: Coping With Life’s Challenges
3 Managing Stress: Coping With Life’s Challenges

2 What is Stress? Stress Mental and physical response of our bodies to life’s challenges A stressor causes the body to adjust Adjustment is the attempt to cope Strain is the wear and tear on the body Stress can be positive (eustress) or negative (distress)

3 What is Stress? Stress (continued) Real or imagined events
Adrenal glands release hormones Can you give some examples of positive and negative stressors?

4 The General Adaptation Syndrome
Figure 3.1

5 The Body’s Response to Stress
The General Adaptation Syndrome 1) Alarm 2) Resistance 3) Exhaustion

6 The General Adaptation Syndrome: Alarm Phase
Figure 3.2

7 Stress and Your Health CVD Risk Increases
Notice the hormones that are released during stressful events “The disease of prolonged arousal” Increased plaque buildup Hardening of the arteries Increased blood pressure

8 Stress and Your Health Stress and Impaired Immunity
Psychoneuroimmunology (PNI) Stress and the Mind Stress contributes to mental and emotional dysfunction Can you think of ways stress has impaired your immune system?

9 Sources of Stress Psychosocial sources of stress Change Overload
Hassles Pressure Environmental stress Noise What examples of these sources have you experienced lately?

10 Table 3.1

11 Sources of Stress Self-Imposed Stress How do you cope?

12 Stress and the College Student
Men and Women Indicate that Their Stressors Differ Women Dieting, overload of school work, etc. Men Being underweight, commuting problems, not having someone to date, etc. What are some stressors you have experienced?

13 Stress Management Building Skills to Reduce Stress
Assess your stressors Change your response with cognitive coping strategies Learn to cope using stress inoculation Downshift Manage Emotional Responses Examine your self-talk

14 Stress Management Taking Mental Action Self esteem
Mental skills to manage stress Taking Physical Action Exercise Relaxation Eating right

15 Stress Management Managing Time Take on only one thing at a time
Clean off your desk Find a clean, comfortable place to work Never handle papers more than once Prioritize your tasks Don’t be afraid to say no Avoid interruptions

16 Stress Management Managing Time (continued) Reward yourself
Become aware of your own time patterns Break overwhelming tasks into small pieces, and allocate a certain amount of time to each Remember that time is precious What have you done to manage your time wisely?

17 Alternative Stress Management Techniques
Popular Stress Fighters Hypnosis Massage therapy Meditation Biofeedback Making the Most of Support Groups Friends Family Co-workers

18 Developing Your Spiritual Side: Mindfulness
Physical Dimension Interact with nature Emotional Dimension Deal with negative feelings Social Dimension Interact, listen, and communicate Intellectual Dimension Objective reasoning

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