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Chromosomes, Cell Division & DNA concepts from Chapters 16 & 17 & 18

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Presentation on theme: "Chromosomes, Cell Division & DNA concepts from Chapters 16 & 17 & 18"— Presentation transcript:

1 Chromosomes, Cell Division & DNA concepts from Chapters 16 & 17 & 18

2 Chapter 16 outline* DNA and the Chromosome Somatic Cells
The building blocks Description of a karyotype Somatic Cells Cell cycle Mitosis Reproductive cells Meiosis (* this topic can be found in ch. 17)

3 What is… DNA A Chromosome

4 DNA is composed of millions of nucleotides


6 Diploid Cell 23 pairs or 46 chromosomes
44 autosomes 2 sex chromosomes

7 How do all of our non-reproductive cells divide & keep 46 chromosomes?
Somatic Cell Division

8 The cell cycle

9 Mitosis metaphase prophase anaphase telophase

10 Mitosis animation links
Mitosis (includes cell wall)

11 How many chromosomes do our reproductive cells have and how do they divide?
& Meiosis Animation LINKS Meiosis I and II Mitosis versus meisosis

=46 23 chromosomes

13 Ch. 18 concept: How does DNA affect your phenotype?

14 Central Dogma DNA RNA Protein

15 The next 6 slides will refer to material found in chapter 18.

16 DNA RNA PROTEIN Nucleus Cytoplasm





21 Principles of Heredity
Chapter 17

22 Patterns of Heredity Gregor Mendel Dominant versus Recessive Traits
Punnett Square Dominant versus Recessive Traits Alleles Autosomal versus Sex linked Traits Autosomes versus sex chromsomes

23 Diploid Cell Karotype 44 autosomes 2 sex chromosomes

24 Mendelian Genetics

25 Mendel states Alternative versions of genes= allele
An organism inherits two genes that segregate independently

26 Mendel also states Dominant and recessive alleles

27 Predict genotype and phenotype by
Punnett Square

28 First, let’s see how to use the:
The Punnett Square

29 Cc mates with cc what will the offspring look like?
Punnett Square curly ears= recessive “normal” ears=dominant Cc mates with cc what will the offspring look like?

30 Look at those ears! Look at those ears!

31 Punnett Square: Cc x cc c c Cc cc C c

32 Mono-hybrid cross Tall is dominant Short is recessive A single trait

33 Result of di-hybrid crosses

34 Cystic Fibrosis: Autosomal Recessive Trait

35 Autosomal Dominant: Familial Hypercholesterolemia (gene dosage effect is observed)
Affects 1:500 cholesterol

36 Incomplete Dominance Some traits show “incomplete dominance”

37 Sickle cell trait Incomplete Dominance

38 Blood Transfusions & Inheritance of Blood Types and

39 Inheritance can sometimes show:

40 Brief Summary Autosomal traits Trait are considered either:
Hypercholesteremia Cystic fibrosis Sickle cell trait Blood type Trait are considered either: Dominant Recessive Incomplete dominant Co-dominant

41 Sex-Linked Traits


43 Hemophilia

44 Duchenne’s Muscular Dystrophy
Recessive Sex Linked (X-chromosome) Males Affected

45 Sex-influenced Genes Patterned Baldness Rogaine Propecia
Vasodialor alpha R. inhibitor

46 Polygenic Traits

47 Skin Pigmentation Multiple genes for melanin: 3-6 Each has 2 alleles
Neither allele is dominant Additional pigmentation genes can contribute to skin color

48 Trisomy

49 Extra “X” Sex Chromosomes
Klinefelter Syndrome XXY 1:1000 occurrence Males

50 Turner Syndrome 1:10,000

51 Example of Pedigrees or Family Trees
Autosomal recessive Autosomal dominant

52 Cloning of a whole organism.

53 Cloning is a process of providing identical replicates of DNA.

54 Hello Dolly!!!!!

55 How to process begins using a human cell as an example:
46 23 Somatic Cell Germ Cell For ex. Mammary cell ovum

56 Overview of the process
46 23 46 discarded Somatic Cell Germ Cell For ex. Mammary cell ovum

57 Uncertainty: Does the offspring represent the molecular age of the donor or of a newborn?


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