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Metastatic HER2+ Breast Cancer: Resistance

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Presentation on theme: "Metastatic HER2+ Breast Cancer: Resistance"— Presentation transcript:

1 Overcoming Resistance to HER2-Targeted Therapy in Patients With Advanced Breast Cancer

2 Metastatic HER2+ Breast Cancer: Resistance

3 Overall Program Goals


5 Trastuzumab and Chemotherapy: Combination Index Scores for In Vitro Activity Against HER2+ BC Cell Lines

6 Trastuzumab: Activity in Combination With Multiple Chemotherapeutic Agents


8 BCIRG 007: Docetaxel + Trastuzumab vs Docetaxel + Carboplatin + Trastuzumab

9 BCIRG 007: Efficacy

10 HER2-Targeted Therapy Plus Endocrine Therapy

11 Trastuzumab Monotherapy Trials: Summary of Efficacy

12 Initial Treatment of HER2+ mBC

13 Initial Treatment of HER2+ mBC (cont)

14 Initial Treatment of HER2+ mBC

15 Is HER2 Still a Relevant Target After Progression With Trastuzumab?

16 Oncogene Addiction: Trastuzumab Beyond Progression in HER2+ mBC

17 Capecitabine vs Capecitabine + Trastuzumab: Time to Progression*

18 Capecitabine vs Capecitabine + Lapatinib

19 Combination of HER2-Directed Agents (Dual Blockade)

20 Total Blockade of HER2 May Provide Greater Antitumor Activity and Overcome Resistance

21 Lapatinib +/− Trastuzumab After Progression With Trastuzumab: PFS

22 Trastuzumab + Lapatinib in HER2+ mBC

23 NeoALTTO: Benefit of Combining HER2 Agents

24 First-Line Treatment of HER2+ mBC (Prior Trastuzumab Exposure)

25 Capecitabine vs Capecitabine + Lapatinib

26 Capecitabine vs Capecitabine + Lapatinib (cont)

27 Is Lapatinib Active After Progression?

28 HER2 Remains a Valid Target After Progression With Trastuzumab

29 Defining Trastuzumab Resistance

30 HER2 Signaling Pathway—Mechanisms of Trastuzumab Resistance

31 Mechanisms of Trastuzumab Resistance

32 HER2 Status After Preoperative Trastuzumab-Based Therapy

33 p95: A Truncated Form of the HER2 Protein

34 p95 Expression: Associated With Decreased Response Rates to Trastuzumab-Based Therapy

35 GeparQuattro Study Schema


37 Mechanisms of Trastuzumab Resistance (cont)


39 HER2:HER3 Dimers: A Trastuzumab Escape Mechanism?

40 Mechanisms of Trastuzumab Resistance (cont)

41 HER2+ Breast Cancer: Frequent Alterations in PI3K Pathway Signaling Components



44 Interaction Between PTEN Protein Status and Treatment Arm: Disease-Free Survival

45 HER2 Resistance: Critical Questions

46 First…the Bad News

47 Mechanisms of Trastuzumab Resistance (cont)

48 High Risk of Brain Metastases in Patients With HER2+ mBC

49 Median Survival (mo) After CNS Diagnosis by Subtype



52 LANDSCAPE: Phase 2 Lapatinb + Capecitabine as Upfront Therapy

53 Brain Metastases in HER2+ mBC

54 Summary





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