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APES REVIEW #4 Pollution.

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Presentation on theme: "APES REVIEW #4 Pollution."— Presentation transcript:

1 APES REVIEW #4 Pollution

2 Toxicity Based on Dosage LD50 LC50 Threshold Dose Acute Chronic

3 Air Pollution Primary Pollutants Secondary Pollutants Soot
Photochemical Smog Industrial Smog NOx SOx Acid Precipitation Tropospheric Ozone VOC’s PAN’s

4 Air Pollution Primary Pollutants Secondary Pollutants Soot
Photochemical Smog Industrial Smog NOx SOx Acid Precipitation Tropospheric Ozone VOC’s PAN’s

5 The Dirty Half Dozen Criteria Pollutants
- most harmful to human health and welfare

6 The Dirty Half Dozen Criteria Pollutants
- most harmful to human health and welfare CO Pb O3 NO2 SO2 Particulates

7 Cause and Effect 1. CO 2. Pb 3. O3 4. NO2 5. SO2 6. Particulates
Nervous System Probs. Suffocation Forms Smog Tissue Irritation Acid Precipitation Industrial Smog

8 Cause and Effect 1. CO 2. Pb 3. O3 4. NO2 5. SO2 6. Particulates
2. Nervous System Probs. 1. Suffocation 3, 4. Forms Smog 3, 5, 6. Tissue Irritation 4, 5. Acid Precipitation 6. Industrial Smog

9 Smog Industrial – LDC/Developing Country - gray smog Photochemical –
- brown smog - O3 + NOx + VOCs add heat

10 The Deadly CFC Chloroflurocarbons Long lasting
Good refrigerants and coolants Non-reactive in troposphere CFC + UV = Free Radicals

11 Ozone Depletion CH3Cl + hv  •CH3 + •Cl The main reaction with ozone
CFCl3 + hv (<290 nm)  •CFCl2 + Cl• Cl• +O3  ClO • + O2 ClO • + O  Cl • + O2 Net Reaction = O3 + O  O2 + O2

12 Acid Precipitation NOx + H2O  HNO2 or HNO3 SOx + H2O  H2SO4 or H2SO3
Impact: - acid shock – pH of water systems - leach of minerals - S and N in soil - Calcium from conifers - Release of Al3+ from soil - human respiration - chemical erosion

13 Controlling Acid Precipitation
CAA Lime in soil and water Buffers in soil (CaCO3)

14 Indoor Air Pollution VOCs CO Cigarette Smoke – emphysema - cancer
- general nastiness - second hand smoke Radon Asbestos Mold

15 Sick Building Syndrome
Symptoms - irritation of nose, eyes, throat, skin - nausea - headaches - neurological symptoms (concentration, memory, odor and taste perception)

16 Climate Change Global Warming…..blah, blah, blah

17 Thermal Pollution Heated water from electricity production into lakes, rivers and streams Decrease in O2 concentrations Thermal Shock

18 Heat Islands and Thermal Inversions

19 Water Pollution Fertilizer Pesticides Particulates Eutrophication
Exotic Species Toxic Waste

20 Water Pollution Sources
Poop Run-off Illegal Dumping Sediments Hot and Cold Water

21 Measure of Water Quality
pH DO – dissolved oxygen Hardness (minearal content: Ca2+ and Mg2+) Turbidity: sediment

22 Treating Waste Water Primary Treatment: - Physical Treatment - screens
- settling tank Secondary Treatment: - biological treatment – bacteria and protists remove biologically degradable material - generates methane  energy production? Tertiary Treatment: - chemical (chlorine) or UV processing Final Water  rivers or allowed to trickle into aquifers SLUDGE – the leftovers  landfill or processed to fertilizer (may have heavy metals)

23 Solid Waste Garbage: - recycle PAYT program – pay as you throw
- incentive Landfills - issues: leachate, space - NIMBY (not in my backyard) – send it to New Jersey


25 Hazardous Waste Toxic Chemicals Ignitables Reactive Radioactive
Resource Conservation and Recovery Act “cradle to grave” Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act – Superfund – money comes from taxes on chemical and petroleum industries

26 Noise Pollution

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