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Models of ABS implementation

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1 Models of ABS implementation
Long terms relationships and agreements Developing an institutional ABS policy

2 The Value of Long Term Agreements
Access and Benefit-Sharing Agreements (high risk) and Memoranda of Understanding (lower risk) Usually for at least three years Clearly mutually developed outputs and goals Define access needs and responsibilities Include definition of commercialisation Joint research, and capacity building can include defined timescales In our experience long term agreements and relationships build capacity, mutual understanding and trust

3 Simple plant exchange tools
For one off transfers: Donation letter terms include: Checks donor can pass on the material Material is legally collected Donor accepts Kew standard terms Material Supply Agreement Standard terms for use, e.g. transfer to others, non-commercialisation, benefit-sharing Any stricter terms

4 Developing an Institutional Policy
provides a framework for individual gardens to work within provides guidance to design specific tools and methods for implementation shows CBD commitment to partners and legislators builds trust and reassurance that you will work in a transparent way

5 Principles on Access to Genetic Resources and Benefit Sharing
Based on our experienced gained in implementing the CBD, we produce capacity-building tools to promote best practise. The publication of the Darwin Initiative-supported CBD for Botanists was an important event. Like the CITES user guides, this is a user-friendly guide to the CBD, with PowerPoint presentation and resources, available in three languages, and this manual was the first to show, in a simple and practical fashion, how the CBD related to individuals working with botanical collections. It has proved to be very successful and forms the core of our CBD training initiatives. We have seen it widely used by international colleagues for conference presentations, workshops and staff training. (I’ve seen it used by the CBD Executive Secretary!) We also carried out extensive training of Kew staff across all management levels and departments (not only science staff), together with our CITES colleagues, comparing and contrasting the two conventions, and we have integrated CBD/CITES modules into all the Kew diploma courses and other higher education training programmes. Kew Key Measures are very CBD focussed and also our mission statement Principles on Access to Genetic Resources and Benefit Sharing Developed by representatives of 28 botanic gardens over 4 years Framework to cover acquisition (in situ and ex situ), use, supply, written agreements, curation, commercialisation, benefit-sharing Kew’s ABS policy is based on Principles

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