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Name Supervisor Cost Centre Number Date

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Presentation on theme: "Name Supervisor Cost Centre Number Date"— Presentation transcript:

1 Name Supervisor Cost Centre Number Email Date
undergrad student Masters student PhD student Post-doc Name Supervisor Cost Centre Number Date Sample Type (circle) gel band / protein in soln / DNA / small molecule / polymer / other Analysis aim Fill in as applicable Stain (e.g. Coomassie) (include gel image, if possible) Species of Origin Over expression system Any Tags Modifications etc. Buffer components (e.g. glycerol, NaCl, detergent) - if in solution Purity of protein (e.g. pulldown/lysate) Store at (circle) RT / 4°C / -20°C / -80°C Sample info (codes (as on tube), MWt, conc/amount) Total number of samples submitted To be filled in by mass spec operative Machine Run (date/ job) Data returned Cost 5600 4800 LCT LCQ-Fleet Orbi Job Code Cost Code CHB 171027

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