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Shanghai International Convention Center and Oriental Riverside Hotel

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2 Shanghai International Convention Center and Oriental Riverside Hotel

3 Registration Lesson Learned: Last day of conference, many attendees needed a place to leave their bags and print their airline boarding passes. Site hotel offered both services, but attendees at other hotels were not so lucky. Registration area could be re-purposed on the final morning.

4 Vendor Booths

5 More Vendor Booths

6 More Vendor Booths

7 87 Vendors total, seven rented double booths.

8 Posterboards Poster Sessions held Monday through Thursday in five locations. Student posters were presented Sunday evening in two locations. Posters were mounted on articulated panels during the morning of their assigned day, and were removed at the end of the session. A month or two before IPAC15, LOC should identify one or two local printer shops which are capable and willing to print posters quickly.

9 JACoW Team IT Team (7) Editorial Team (13+7 IT) Author Reception (4)
Sets up server, desktops, software, printers Wednesday before conference start Troubleshoots as needed Needs at least one highly experienced network engineer Editorial Team (13+7 IT) Core Editors edit papers Thursday-Sunday before conference start + Sunday through conference end Editors-in-Training edit papers Sunday through conference end Download and view files (.pdf, .ps, .doc or latex), verify format is correct Edit where feasible, upload as Green, Yellow or Red, Print and sign Download the next set Quality Assurance Author Reception (4) Assist Authors to submit papers, understand editorial feedback (yellow and red dots) Cross-checks Authors/Titles for every abstract & paper Files final copies Presentation Management (4) All oral presentations are uploaded via the Presentations office. Speakers are requested to review their slides before their scheduled talk to verify that the correct talk is loaded, that graphics, symbols and text display properly. Presentations staff remotely loaded talks onto podium computers. A large display showing time remaining was positioned in speaker’s line of site. JACoW recruits team members from two past conferences and two future conferences.

10 Conference Editors Conference Guide IPAC’13 Conference Proceedings
Agenda, maps, general conference information Titles and abstracts of posters, papers, presentations IPAC’13 Conference Proceedings 1500 papers, 100 presentations Preliminary proceedings posted to JACoW website at noon on final day of conference (w/o index or table of content) Average papers/editor

11 Editor’s Worries Months before conference: Weeks before conference:
Advance Abstract deadline Content for Conference Guide Recruiting JACoW team Weeks before conference: Deadline for papers, posters, talks During the conference: Keeping the JACoW team on schedule Monitor progress Start QA at 70% Let no part of the process fall behind (editing, filing, QA) After conference Posting Final Proceedings are the task of the Conference Editor after the rest of the team has gone back to their regular jobs.

12 Editor’s social worries
Caffeine is critical Drinking water should be abundant Snacks / food that can be eaten with one hand Know which local pubs and restaurants are worthy

13 Editorial supplies Color printers, lots and lots of paper and spare toner Green, Yellow and Red ‘dot’ stickers Pens, staplers, staples Notepads (IPAC’13 notepads were a nice touch)

14 Other Post on IPAC15 website -- Methods of transportation from airport, plus estimated cost/distance Nametags Large, easy to read Color coded Delegates, Staff, Attendees, Vendors A huge amount of work, and a great team to work with.

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