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Aim: Why Did Nations Arise in Europe?

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Presentation on theme: "Aim: Why Did Nations Arise in Europe?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Aim: Why Did Nations Arise in Europe?

2 What is a nation? Nation – A group of people who share common cultural characteristics that live within the borders of an independent (sovereign) government.

3 Warm Up: What do people in a nation share? Culture Land/Boundaries
Government Language

4 Why do Nations come about?
Commercial Revolution – Rise of capitalism and joint stock companies. Growth of the Middle Class People pay the King to keep law and order Monarchs Gained Power - Raised their own armies - Feudalism Ends Protestant Reformation - Church power decreases

5 What problems may arise?
War on a much larger scale Tyranny and Oppression by powerful governments

6 Constitutional States
England Netherlands Absolute Monarchies Spain France


8 There are shams and shams; there are frauds and frauds, but the transparentest of all is the sceptered one. We see monarchs meet and go through solemn ceremonies, farces, with straight countenances; but it is not possible to imagine them meeting in private and not laughing in each other's faces. - Mark Twain's Notebook


10 Rise of Absolutism in Europe

11 Absolute Monarch – A single leader who holds total and complete power (Autocrat) “Divine Right” – Ruler is chosen by God Features of Absolutism: Total Power, No Democracy, No checks and balances, Singular decision making

12 L e’tat Cei Mois – “I AM THE STATE”
FRANCE Louis XIV – “The Sun King” L e’tat Cei Mois – “I AM THE STATE” Accomplishments Made France the most powerful nation in Europe Increased power of central government and taxes Weakened Nobility 400,000 man army Grand Style VERSAILLES – Massive palace built to reflect power and wealth of France Spent way too much $$$

13 His Downfall Imperialistic – wanted to expand his territory
Expensive Wars Bad Harvests





18 RUSSIA PETER THE GREAT - Czar of Russia The Great Westernizer
Wanted Russia to be more like Europe Modernized Army Introduced Potatoes, Newspapers and Western Fashion – BEARD TAX Absolute Ruler Church under state control Heavy Taxes A New Capital – St. Petersburg Wanted a Warm Water Port “Window to the Sea”

19 The Great Westernizer Absolute Ruler A New Capital
Wanted Russia to be more like Europe Modernized Army Introduced Potatoes, Newspapers and Western Fashion – BEARD TAX Absolute Ruler Church under state control Heavy Taxes A New Capital Wanted a Warm Water Port “Window to the Sea” St. Petersburg

20 RUSSIA Why is Russia Different than the rest of Europe?
Mongol rule isolated Russia Geographic Barriers No Warm Water Ports = No Trade Eastern Orthodox Christianity

21 Peter the Great

22 SPAIN Philip II – Defender of Catholicism Made Spain Very Wealthy
Devoted Catholic Attacked Ottomans (Muslims) for the Pope Powerful Military Army of 50,000 SPANISH ARMADA – Most powerful naval fleet in the world The Escorial – Massive palace of Philip…displayed his devotion to Christianity

23 Philip II


25 Ottoman Empire Sultan – Suleiman the Magnificent
Ruled for 46 Years – 1520 to 1566 Accomplishments Created a legal code based on Islamic Law Powerful Military State (Janissaries) Gunpowder! Controlled Mediterranean Trade Golden Age of Ottoman Culture (Art/Architecture/Literature)

26 Suleiman

27 Mughal Empire – India Akbar – The Great One Accomplishments
Unified land of 100 million people Religious Tolerance “Divine Faith” Genius of Cultural Blending Strong Economy – Graduated Income Tax

28 Akbar

29 ENGLAND Queen Elizabeth – “Limited” Inspirational Military Leader
Defeated Spanish Armada Ruled During a Golden Age Renaissance Period in England Artistic Achievement/Humanism

30 Elizabeth

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