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Networks Intro to Digital Technology

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Presentation on theme: "Networks Intro to Digital Technology"— Presentation transcript:

1 Networks Intro to Digital Technology
Follow along and fill in your Guided Notes Handout.

2 What is a Computer Network?
A collection of computers and devices connected together

3 Why would a Business use a Network?
Facilitate communications Share hardware Share data & information Share software Transfer funds

4 Advantages of Networking
Facilitating Communications- , IM, chat rooms, blogs, etc. Sharing hardware-save money Sharing data & information-access to database for customers Sharing software-save money Transferring funds-payroll, make purchases on the Internet

5 Types of Networks – 4 Types
Local area network (LAN) Wireless local area network (WLAN) Metropolitan area network (MAN) Wide area network (WAN) Difference: the area of coverage

6 LAN Limited geographical area Home School computer lab Office building

7 WLAN LAN with no physical wires Usually communicates with a wired LAN

8 MAN High- speed network that connects LANs in a metropolitan area such as a city or town and handles the bulk of communications activity across that region. Regulated by local or state government Provided by telephone companies, cable television operators, and other organizations

9 WAN Covers a large geographic area ( such as a city, country, or the world) Combines many types of media such as telephone lines, cables, and radio waves What is the world’s largest WAN?

10 Network Architectures
Design of computers, devices, and media in a network Two Categories Client/server Peer-to-peer Do you know any examples?

11 Client/Server Server-host computer Clients
Controls access to hardware, software, and other resources Provides central storage area Clients Other computers and devices on the network that rely on the server for resources EX. Server stores database of customers, Client access database

12 Client/Server EX. Server stores database of customers, Client access database 10 or more computers

13 Peer-to-Peer Network Simple, inexpensive Less than 10 computers
Equal responsibilities and capabilities

14 Internet Peer-to-Peer (P2P
Users access each others hard disks and exchange files directly over the Internet Examples: Limewire BitTorrent Gnutella Kazaa

15 Network Topologies Layout of the computers and devices in a communications network. Three most common: Bus Ring Star Mesh

16 Types of Topologies

17 Bus Network Single central cable, to which all computers and other devices connect

18 Ring Network A cable forms a closed loop (ring) with all computers and devices arranged along the ring

19 Star Network All of the computers and devices ( nodes) on the network connect to a central device, thus forming a star

20 Mesh Network Each component is connected to every other component.

21 Intranet What about an example here in the school?
Internal network that uses Internet technologies Make company information accessible to employees Examples: telephone directories, event calendars, procedure manuals, employee benefits information, and job postings What about an example here in the school?

22 Learn About Networks PBS Interactive Lesson

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