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MIPAS database: New HNO3 line parameters at 7

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1 MIPAS database: New HNO3 line parameters at 7
MIPAS database: New HNO3 line parameters at 7.6 µm derived from laboratory intensity measurements and MIPAS satellite measurements  Agnés Perrin, J.M.Flaud (1) Marco Ridolfi (2) Jean Vander Auwera (3) Massimo Carlotti (2) (1) Laboratoire Interuniversitaire des Systémes Atmosphériques (LISA), CNRS 7583, Université Paris Est & Paris-Diderot, Créteil , France (2) Dipartimento di Fisica e Astronomia - Universita di Bologna, Italy (3) Service de Chimie Quantique et Photophysique, Université Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium

2 HNO3 in HITRAN-2012 MW & n9 {n5,2n9) {n4,n3} n2
Intensities MW & n {n5,2n9) {n4,n3} n2 0-10cm cm , 896cm , 1326cm cm-1 Far-IR µm µm µm µm A.Perrin ISMS June 2015

3 Spectral range covered by
HNO3 in HITRAN-2012 Intensities MIPAS on ENVISAT ACE-FTS on SCISAT IASI on METOP MW & n {n5,2n9) {n4,n3} n2 0-10cm cm , 896cm , 1326cm cm-1 Far-IR µm µm µm µm Spectral range covered by ACE-FTS, IASI & MIPAS A.Perrin ISMS June 2015

4 Up to now HNO3 is (or was) measured (almost only) in the 11 µm region
Intensities MW & n {n5,2n9) {n4,n3} n2 0-10cm cm , 896cm , 1326cm cm-1 Far-IR µm µm µm µm Improved line positions & intensities at 11 µm (n5 and 2n9 bands): References for HITRAN-2012: ¤Perrin, Orphal, Flaud, Klee, Mellau, Mäder, Walbrodt & Winnewisser, J. Mol. Spect 228 (2004) ¤Flaud, Brizzi, Carlotti, Perrin & Ridolfi Atmos. Chem. Phys., 6, 1–12, 2006. ¤Tran, Brizzi Gomez , Perrin, Hase, Ridolfi, Hartmann, JQSRT 110, (2009). $Gomez, Tran, Perrin, Gamache, Laraia, Orphal, Chelin, Fellows, Hartmann JQSRT 110, (2009). A.Perrin: Ohio-State 67th Molecular Symposium, June 2012

5 Up to now HNO3 is (or was) measured (almost only) in the 11 µm region
Intensities MW & n {n5,2n9) {n4,n3} n2 0-10cm cm , 896cm , 1326cm cm-1 Far-IR µm µm µm µm The n2 band of HNO3 is masked by water absorption A.Perrin ISMS June 2015

6 Up to now HNO3 is (or was) measured (almost only) in the 11 µm region
Intensities MW & n {n5,2n9) {n4,n3} n2 0-10cm cm , 896cm , 1326cm cm-1 Far-IR µm µm µm µm Very bad quality of the 7.6 µm parameters A.Perrin ISMS June 2015

7 IASI-New Generation (2020)
MIPAS Intensities Preparation of IASI-New Generation (2020) MW & n {n5,2n9) {n4,n3} n2 0-10cm cm , 896cm , 1326cm cm-1 Far-IR µm µm µm Goal for IASI -NG: to enable simultaneous detection of HNO3 both at 11 µm & 7.6 µm using MIPAS spectra A.Perrin ISMS June 2015

8 The source for the line positions & relative intensities parameters for µm in the HITRAN-2012 database: ¤ Perrin, Lado-Bordowski and Valentin, « The n3 and n4 bands of HNO3 ».Mol. Phys 67 p249 (1989) ¤ Perrin, et al. « Line intensities in the 11µm & 7.6 µm bands of HNO3 » J. Mol; Spectrosc. 160, p524 (1993) The « bad quality » of the HNO3 parameters in HITRAN or GEISA at 6.3 µm … originates from « our imperfect  linelist» A.Perrin ISMS June 2015

9 A.Perrin ISMS molecular symposium 2015
A.Perrin: « New Analysis of the n3 and n4 bands of HNO3 in the 7.6 µm region J. Phys. Chem. A 2013, 117, 13236−13248 FTS spectra recorded at high resolution in the 7.6 µm, 11 µm and 22 µm regions. New theoretical model => the n3 and n4 cold bands, and four dark bands (the 2n6, 3n9, n5+n9, n7+n8 ) First observation of the n3+n9-n9 hot band A.Perrin ISMS molecular symposium 2015

10 Transfert of the torsional splitting via the n4  3n9 interaction
A.Perrin: Ohio-State 67th Molecular Symposium, June 2012 Perrin: J. Phys. Chem. A 2013, 117, 13236−13248

11 A.Perrin: ISMS Molecular Symposium, June 2015
Outline As a starting point, we relied on the results of our 2013 analysis$ to generate a list of line positions and relative line intensities for the 7.6 µm region of the spectrum of nitric acid (H14NO3) This 2013 linelist (prepared in the “HITRAN” format includes for H14NO3: => the n3 and n4 cold bands, the 2n6, 3n9, n5+n9, n7+n8 dark bands, => the n3+n9–n9 hot band A.Perrin: ISMS Molecular Symposium, June 2015 $Perrin: J. Phys. Chem. A 2013, 117, 13236−13248

12 A.Perrin: ISMS Molecular Symposium, June 2015
Strategy for the 11µm and 7.6 µm regions (HNO3) ¤To keep the 11 µm band line parameters as they are in HITRAN or GEISA ¤To intercalibration the new 7.6 µm parameters (line positions and relative intensities) relatively to those at 11 µm. A.Perrin: ISMS Molecular Symposium, June 2015

13 Strategy for the 11µm and 7.6 µm regions (HNO3)
We used and combined three sets of experimental data ¤ A list of laboratory experimental (individual) line intensities measured in the 7.6 µm region using FTS spectra recorded in 2004 at Giessen (a) ¤ The Pacific Northwest Laboratory (PNNL) cross sections ( (b) ¤ MIPAS spectra (orbit from 24 january 2003) Here we present the final 7.6 µm database « MIPAS-4.43 » which is a compromise resulting from these 3 studies) References : (a) Perrin, Orphal, Flaud, Klee, Mellau, Mäder, Walbrodt & Winnewisser, J. Mol. Spect 228 (2004) (b) Sharpe, Johnson, Sams, Chu, Rhoderick, & Johnson, Appl. Opt. 58 (2004) p1452. A.Perrin: ISMS, June 2015

14 A.Perrin: Ohio-State 62th Molecular Symposium, June 2007
(1) ¤ A set of ~ 350 line intensities were measured for well isolated lines in the 7.6 µm region using the program “WSpectra” (ULB Belgium software) (FTS spectra recorded in Giessen) Ratio R=MIPAS-4.43/ Measured line intensities A.Perrin: Ohio-State 62th Molecular Symposium, June 2007

15 A.Perrin: ISMS Molecular Symposium, June 2015
(2) The Pacific Northwest Laboratory cross sections ( HITRAN-2012 HITRAN-2012 A.Perrin: ISMS Molecular Symposium, June 2015

16 (3) Intercalibration of the 7
(3) Intercalibration of the 7.6 µm  11 µm spectral region using MIPAS spectra The Michelson Interferometer for Passive Atmospheric Sounding (MIPAS) was a FTS spectrometer for the detection of limb emission spectra in the middle and upper atmosphere. On ENVISAT (died in 2012) A.Perrin ISMS June 2015

17 A.Perrin: ISMS Molecular Symposium, June 2015
Not updated 7.6 µm updated A.Perrin: ISMS Molecular Symposium, June 2015

18 A.Perrin: ISMS Molecular Symposium, June 2015

19 A.Perrin: ISMS Molecular Symposium, June 2015

20 A.Perrin: ISMS Molecular Symposium, June 2015

21 A.Perrin: ISMS Molecular Symposium, June 2015
HNO3 concentration profiile v.s. altitude With HITRAN-2012 A.Perrin: ISMS Molecular Symposium, June 2015

22 A.Perrin: ISMS Molecular Symposium, June 2015
HNO3 concentration profiile v.s. altitude With the new « MIPAS-4-43 A.Perrin: ISMS Molecular Symposium, June 2015

23 Conclusion Financial supports: ESA-ESRIN through a MIPAS contract
Improved line positions and intensities have been generated for the 7.6 µm spectral region of nitric acid. They were obtained relying on: A recent reinvestigation of the nitric acid band system at 7.6 µm, followed by calibration of the intensities using: Line intensity measurements in laboratory conditions Validation using the PNNL cross sections Comparisons of HNO3 concentration profiles retrieved from “Michelson Interferometer for Passive Atmospheric Sounding” (MIPAS) limb mission radiances in the 11 and 7.6 mm domains. Financial supports: ESA-ESRIN through a MIPAS contract CNRS- INSU (Institut National des Sciences de l’Univers) of the CNRS through the “Les enveloppes fluides et l’Environnement de Chimie Atmosphérique (LEFE-CHAT)” program, the CNES (Centre National de la Recherche Spatiale, France) Part of this work was also supported by the GDRI HiResMIR A.Perrin: ISMS June 2015

24 Laboratory FTS spectrum (Univ. Giessen)
Near cm-1 Spectre FTS de laboratoire (Univ. Giessen) A.Perrin ASA-HITRAN 2012

25 Laboratory FTS spectrum (Univ. Giessen)
Near cm-1 Spectre FTS de laboratoire (Univ. Giessen) July 2012

26 A.Perrin: Ohio-State 67th Molecular Symposium, June 2012

27 A.Perrin: ASA-HITRAN 2012

28 Obs (Giessen, 2003)

29 .n3+n9-n9 Calc .n3 n4 bands 2012 Obs (Giessen, 2003)

30 Hamiltonian matrix A.Perrin: ASA-HITRAN 2012

31 MIPAS Intensities MW & n {n5,2n9) {n4,n3} n2 0-10cm cm , 896cm , 1326cm cm-1 Far-IR µm µm µm µm A.Perrin ISMS June 2015

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