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Neyber @helloneyber @heidisydallan @Tom__Beaumont.

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Presentation on theme: "Neyber @helloneyber @heidisydallan @Tom__Beaumont."— Presentation transcript:

1 Neyber @helloneyber @heidisydallan @Tom__Beaumont

2 The wellbeing challenge
A comprehensive wellbeing strategy is vital to getting the best out of your staff We believe staff financial health is key, and needs to be recognised as an important part of any wellbeing strategy

3 “One of the greatest unnoticed drains on individuals’ productivity is the distraction that financial stress puts on people.” Dr Stephen R Covey The 7 habits of highly effective people This presentation is commercially sensitive STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL

4 How well do you know your workforce?
Private and confidential

58% of employees have been affected by financial worries in the last year Private and confidential Source: The DNA of Financial Wellbeing 2017, Neyber , Survey of 10,000 employees and 500 employers, May 2017

6 DNA 2017 – What’s on the mind’s of UK employees?
Financial Worries 39% Financial Worries 42% Financial Worries 37% Financial Worries 30% Health 35% Work/Life Balance 43% Career 35% Work/Life Balance 33% Work/Life Balance 31% Health 29% Financial Worries 24% Workload 40% Work/Life Balance 33% Career 29% Health 27% Work/Life Balance 26% Work/Life Balance 24% Career 38% 18–24 year olds 25–34 year olds 35–44 year olds year olds year olds EMPLOYER VIEW Private and confidential Source: The DNA of Financial Wellbeing 2017, Neyber , Survey of 10,000 employees and 500 employers, May 2017

7 52% 62% 81% 57% The problem for Local Gov. Staff
said being under financial pressure affects their ability to perform their job 62% of staff have worried about their finances in the past year 81% feel their employer doesn’t care about their financial wellbeing 57% Borrowing to meet basic financial needs The DNA of Financial Wellbeing Report – May 2016 This presentation is commercially sensiive

8 Government & Local Authority Spotlight
30% have less than one month’s savings increasing to 44% for those aged 25-34 Compared to the UK all industry average of 33% 13% have struggled to focus on work due to financial pressures 24% have lost sleep due to financial worries in the last year 65% of those earning between £30,000 - £40,000 have suffered financial worries in the last year 34% have use credit cards as the most common form of borrowing, rising to 43% for those aged 25-34 This compares to 37% of the UK all industry average 4% use payday lenders to meet basic financial needs, increasing to 13% for those aged 18-24 This compares to the UK all industry average of 5% for under 65s 22% have felt depressed due to financial worries

9 55% 67% 66% 68% The problem for NHS Staff
said being under financial pressure affects their ability to perform their job 67% of staff have worried about their finances in the past year 66% feel their employer doesn’t care about their financial wellbeing 68% borrowing to meet basic financial needs STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL This presentation is commercially sensitive

10 NHS Spotlight 35% have less than one month’s savings increasing to 44% for those aged 35-49 Compared to the UK all industry average of 33% 17% have struggled to focus on work due to financial pressures 27% have lost sleep due to financial worries in the last year 92% of those earning between £30,000 - £40,000 have suffered financial worries in the last year 40% have use credit cards as the most common form of borrowing, rising to 54% for those aged 25-34 This compares to 37% of the UK all industry average 8% use payday lenders to meet basic financial needs, increasing to 15% for those aged 18-24 This compares to the UK all industry average of 5% for under 65s 24% have felt depressed due to financial worries

11 51% 63% 47% 58% The problem for Teachers (Compulsory Education)
said being under financial pressure affects their ability to perform their job 63% of staff have worried about their finances in the past year 47% feel their employer doesn’t care about their financial wellbeing 58% borrowing to meet basic financial needs The DNA of Financial Wellbeing Report – May 2016 This presentation is commercially sensiive

12 Compulsory Education Spotlight
27% have less than one month’s savings increasing to 38% for those aged 35-49 Compared to the UK all industry average of 33% 11% have struggled to focus on work due to financial pressures 29% have lost sleep due to financial worries in the last year 57% of those earning between £40,000 - £50,000 have suffered financial worries in the last year 33% have use credit cards as the most common form of borrowing, rising to 41% for those aged 35-49 This compares to 37% of the UK all industry average 3% use payday lenders to meet basic financial needs, increasing to 8% for those aged 18-24 This compares to the UK all industry average of 5% for under 65s 23% have felt depressed due to financial worries

13 Strictly Private and Confidential
Time To Talk Wellbeing Strictly Private and Confidential

14 Strictly Private and Confidential
The Wellbeing Challenge Are we taking staff wellbeing seriously enough? Tick box exercise or genuine care? What challenges do you face when trying to address wellbeing? Why should Organisations be setting the standards in wellbeing? What are the wider implications on the local community of a collaborative/integrated approach to staff wellbeing by employers?  How can we tackle stigma issues in the workplace? Strictly Private and Confidential

15 Why Wellbeing? 01 02 03 Early intervention & knowledge building to create good habits, confidence and resilience Employer facilitation to create happier communities in the workplace Understand your workforce and the challenges they are facing

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