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Sugar Detectives Sugar

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Presentation on theme: "Sugar Detectives Sugar"— Presentation transcript:

1 Sugar Detectives Sugar Today, you will be a sugar detective! You will search to find the amount of sugar contained in candy bars.

2 Who Likes Candy Bars?

3 Candy Bars, Food Labels, and Sugar Content
On food labels, 4 grams of sugar equals 1 teaspoon. This formula is extremely important because most food labels will show sugar listed in grams. For example, a Snickers candy bar lists 28.8 grams of sugar. That’s 29 rounded to the nearest whole number. About how many teaspoons of sugar is contained in the candy bar? Using the bowl of sugar and the teaspoons and measure how many teaspoons you calculate in the candy bar. Place the measured sugar in the beaker to show how much sugar is contained in the candy bar. Now let’s repeat these steps using other food labels.

4 Butterfinger Kit Kat 3 Musketeers Milky Way Crunch Mr. Goodbar Mars Payday

5 So how about these snacks? Do Think they are good choices?
Powdered Sugar Doughnuts Rice Cakes How many sugar cubes for each snack? Raisins Click as students guess amount of sugar in each snack. Order: Rice cakes, Powered sugar doughnuts, raisins, yogurt, and twinkies Yogurt Twinkies

6 We need to choose snacks that are
GOOD for us! Use your detective skills and search for healthier snacks!


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