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SAMSON The cycle of sin, bondage, repentance, deliverance, blessing, and sin again continued in the history of Israel. Into these times was born the next.

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Presentation on theme: "SAMSON The cycle of sin, bondage, repentance, deliverance, blessing, and sin again continued in the history of Israel. Into these times was born the next."— Presentation transcript:

1 SAMSON The cycle of sin, bondage, repentance, deliverance, blessing, and sin again continued in the history of Israel. Into these times was born the next judge of Israel, Samson. In this sense Samson was truly a man from his times. He was a study in contrasts, a man of great strengths and great weaknesses. In this, he was a picture of Israel's history - of great highs and lows. . Samson is also an important example of unfulfilled potential. Though he did great things for God, it is staggering to consider what he might have done and been for God.

2 Judges 13:1-5 Nazirite: The word denotes generally one who is separated from others and consecrated to God. Although there is no mention of any Nazarite before Samson, yet it is evident that they existed before the time of Moses. The vow of a Nazarite involved these three things, abstinence from wine and strong drink, refraining from cutting the hair off the head during the whole period of the continuance of the vow, the avoidance of contact with the dead. As to the duration of a Nazarite's vow, every one was left at liberty to fix his own time. There is mention made in Scripture of only three who were Nazarites for life: Samson, Samuel, and John the Baptist.

3 Unwise Actions: The Wrong Lover. The Wrong Consumables.
Judges 14 Unwise Actions: The Wrong Lover. The Wrong Consumables. The Wrong Associates. So a grown up Samson finally goes down to Timnah, a Philistine controlled area. And what exactly does he do there…fight and begin the deliverance of Israel maybe? Well, no, not as such. He eyes up a Philistine woman whom He oh so wants! And so begins a sad tale where Samson goes down in more than just location. He goes down in morals, purity and separation unto God as a Nazirite. Lust of the eyes Sleeping with the enemy Indulging in the things you shouldn’t Hanging with the wrong people – untrustworthy

4 Unwise Actions: Cycles of Deceit. Cycles of Retaliation.
Judges 15:1-15 Unwise Actions: Cycles of Deceit. Cycles of Retaliation. Cycles of Death. We have here the bitter story of retaliation - of trying to avenge wrongs done to us. Retaliation is a never-ending story, and one that never wins in the end. Those who trust in God must be able to say, "Retaliation belongs to God. I'll let Him settle the score.“ Hip and thigh is an expression for a cruel, unsparing slaughter. Samson was a one-man army against the Philistines. Dwelt in the cleft of the rock of Etam: Samson has no more family and can trust virtually no one. He lives like a fugitive, alone in a cave. It was a novel weapon It was a most convenient weapon It was a simple weapon It was a ridiculous weapon It was a successful weapon

5 Unwise Actions: Slippery Slope. Road to Ruin. Final Destination.
Judges 16:1-21 Unwise Actions: Slippery Slope. Road to Ruin. Final Destination. Chap 15 v 20… judged for 20 years. Then slip-up with the ho led him to a downward spiral U cant control your urges. Don’t ttry to dabble with them. An alcoholic cant have “just one drink” How many signs have you ignored? Pride. Conceit. Vanity. Loneliness. Lust. The longer you stay, the more danger you’re in. I am a Nazarite, separated unto God. That is the source of my strength. The outward sign of my devotion to God is my long hair. If you cut that, you cut my separation unto God and there goes my strength. Without God I am as weak as any other man.’ He didn’t know the Lord had left him… Nothing good can come of this… Sin has its wages, and this was Samson's payday. His sin left him blind, in bondage, and a slave. Before Samson's blindness, bondage, and slavery were only inward, but they eventually became evident outwardly.  In summary, Samson shows the danger of underestimating our own sinfulness. He probably figured he had things under control with his own fleshly lusts, but his desire for love, romance, and sex led directly to his destruction. Samson was the great conqueror who never allowed God to properly conquer him. iii. Samson had to be deceived to keep going back to tempting and dangerous places. It seemed that just about every time he went to the land of the Philistines, he fell into moral compromise.

6 Wise Actions: Get Help from Others. Call Upon The Lord. Die to “Self”.
Judges 16:23-30 Wise Actions: Get Help from Others. Call Upon The Lord. Die to “Self”. With his hair beginning to grow again, and being in such a place of weakness, Samson asks the Lord for strength just one last time. It is only the second time in the four chapters given to Samson’s life that we read that he prayed to the Lord. (The first being in Judges 15:18 when he again thought he may die.) With all the lords of the Philistines assembled, Samson stretches one hand out to the left pillar, and one stretched out to the right. And through this sign of the cross, like Jesus, Samson would once again be victorious, even through death! If Samson had chosen to die to his own selfish desires and allow God to work through his life earlier, then it wouldn’t have come to this. But at least, at this last hour, Samson came to the end of himself and dies obeying the Lord instead of his own selfish lusts.

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