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Matrix Completion from a few entries

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1 Matrix Completion from a few entries
Reading Group Matrix Completion from a few entries Raghunandan H. Kesavan, Andrea Montanari, and Sewoong Oh Presenter: Raghu Ranganathan ECE / CMR Tennessee Technological University March 4th, 2011

2 Paper overview Let be a matrix of rank , and we observe a uniformly random subset of its entries An efficient algorithm called OPTSPACE is described that reconstructs from observed entries with RMSE With probability larger than Further, if , and is sufficiently unstructured, then OPTSPACE reconstructs it exactly with entries with probability larger than Complexity of OPTSPACE is

3 11/5/10

4 11/5/10

5 11/5/10

6 Matrix Completion problem

7 Assumptions: Incoherence property (M unstructured)

8 Algorithm: Naive approach

9 Naive approach fails For , this approach performs poorly, because contains rows and columns with non-zero revealed entries (number of non zero entries in a column have Binomial distribution) These overrepresented rows and columns alter the spectrum of : average number of entries per row = : average number of entries per column =

10 Trimming


12 Main results

13 Rank-1 case

14 Relation to other work Candes and Recht [9] introduced the incoherent model for M Within this model, it was proved that if E is random, convex relaxation correctly reconstructs M as long as From information theoretic point of view, it is clear that should reconstruct M with arbitrary precision. This point was raised in [9], and proved in [20]. Theorem 1.1 confirms this and shows that simple trimming plus SVD can achieve this objective The bound on for exact recovery provided by Theorem 1.2 improves upon the corresponding bound in [9] for [9] E. J. Candès and B. Recht, Exact Matrix Completion via Convex Optimization [20] R. H. Keshavan, A. Montanari, and S. Oh, “Learning low rank matrices from entries,” presented at the Allerton Conf. on Commun., Control and Computing, Sep

15 Simulations: Reconstruction Rate
The matrix is considered reconstructed if the relative error The reconstruction rate is the fraction of instances for which the matrix was reconstructed 11/5/10

16 [31] A. Singer and M. Cucuringu, Uniqueness of Low-Rank Matrix Completion by Rigidity Theory, 2009 [Online]. Available: arXiv:

17 Conclusions

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