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Protein Synthesis Model

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1 Protein Synthesis Model

2 Group Project!! Individually, or in groups of no more than three, construct a model of protein synthesis out of candy, house hold items, food, etc… Your model should be: Scientifically accurate Creative

3 Remember to include all aspects!
DNA molecule (with code) mRNA with initiator (AUG) & terminator (UAA, UAG or UGA) codons tRNA anticodons amino acids ribosomes Hydrogen & peptide bonds

4 Evaluation: Scientific Accuracy /30 Originality of Design /30
-Creative use of materials Dramatic Value /20 -Attractiveness -Incorporates multisensory approach -How well does the model explain itself Construction Skills /20 -Workmanship -Attention to details Total: /100

5 Some ideas…




9 Due Date

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